5 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. LA weather is great..Why is it that the left and/or the third world always seem to own the places that have the best climates.
    When it comes to climate conservatives are the big losers and that has always driven me a litte crazy because I like mild climates. They suit humans well.

  2. Gus, have to agree with you regarding cold. Since the temperature has dropped to about -15 C, I’ve seen a perplexing paucity of panhandling paupers on the city streets. The only down side to this is that many of the terminally idle homeless know they can get free food and a warm place to stay if they manage to overdose to just the right degree to be admitted to hospital for a few days. Getting frostbitten fingers and toes gets them a longer stay, but, there’s only a finite number of digits they can lose. Fortunately, the cold in the BC interior also kills bedbugs and that’s one of the hazards of dealing with this patient population that doesn’t exist here.
    What LA needs is a good hard winter with a blizzard or two. Let the terminally clueless moonbats feel what the next little ice age will be like. A snowstorm there would likely bring the whole city to a halt. Of course, expect the terminally stupid in the area to blame this all on human produced CO2.
    BC, unfortunately a nice climate means that the dregs of society can survive outside. When I worked in Vancouver had many patients told me that the high rents were having a serious impact on their drinking and thus they slept in Stanley Park which allowed them to achieve blood alcohol levels much more to their liking. In the interior of the country, the cold acts as a disinfectant and sends the homeless in search of warmer climates on the coast. Calgary had a very successful Grayhound treatment program for schizophrenics found on the street in the winter; a one way ticket to Victoria. Very cost effective treatment and the schizophrenic fit in very nicely with the Victoria moonbats. Just need to make sure they’re medicated enough so they don’t feast on a fellow passengers head during the trip.

  3. I was in California years ago. I was in the pool where I stayed with a cold beer. people thought I was nuts the temp was 67F
