More Pavilions At Folkfest

This could never happen here: Sexist dress codes and other behaviours are being spread and pushed in British universities by retrograde Islamic societies and individuals, most of them men – though there are always willing maidens who say “yes, yes, yes” to such diktats. UUK upholds this apartheid and offers up nauseating justifications. It’s done in the name of free speech. Yes, really.

17 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Another step forward and another shuffle backwards for the UK. Now muslims want British universities seating to be separate by gender. The Saudis have poured a lot of money into UK universities and their reward is the steady Islamicization of them. Remember the entire 57 countries of the Islamic world does not have a university in the top 500 rated universities around the world. Its good to hear this muslim woman arguing against the man but pointless in the long term. It is tragic that the greatest universities in our history, Oxford, Cambridge will sell their souls to islam.

  2. It’s not so much selling one’s soul, as trying to have one’s head remain attached to their neck.
    In battles of ideology, the guy who is willing to cut the other guy’s head off, wins. Every time. By definition.

  3. Creeping Sharia, first they came for our police uniforms, and we said nothing, then they came for our Universities, and we said nothing, and then they came for……….

  4. This is a pretty wimpy protest against Sharia Law being imposed by a small aggressive minority at the university.
    The British majority needs to man up and assert itself.
    Or buy prayer rugs and bow down and point their butts in the air to be kicked.
    Now, after me:
    “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves.
    Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.”

  5. England has surrendered its civilization in the name of community Harmony. In other words the people now taking over her get preference , including their law is now applied to everyone else.

  6. The separation of the sexes in universities is a good idea. It was also the custom, or the law,
    in Canada until WW I. When my granddad attended the U of T , roughly 1905-1915 (he took
    medicine) separation was strictly enforced. When I attended in the 1960s the male and female
    entrances to the old Physics building were still marked, though open for both sexes.
    Maybe it is time that universities ceased being behavorial sinks. There are some things which
    I do like about Islam.

  7. The Muslims in Britain are doing the limeys a favour. If they can straighten out limey immorality
    that would be good. Who knows? Limeys that aren’t louche might even begin to develop
    some skepticism about issues such as climate. Noone more gullible than the atheist, you know.
    And perhaps give them a little spine? The Muslims have stood up for their beliefs. It might, just
    might even rub off.

  8. This is very easy to deal with. Simply have a group of western, white men wholeheartedly agree with the segregation policies, and they will be eliminated post haste.

  9. BFD. As long as no one’s being coerced, they have every right to form their little student societies. Deal with it.
