28 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Another lefty genius.
    No wonder the news business is now run by socialist baboons who cant write.
    Have no opinion, but what Marx or the Union thinks. Would even make Gobbels weep with disappointment at their childish propaganda . If not the fact they have nothing but slogans backed by infantile writing skills.

  2. A guy uses Twitter to announce that he thinks The Daily Currant is a real news site – I can see his confusion.
    Less stupid-sounding names might help.

  3. New media journalism, apparently, has the same relationship to real journalism as the “new math” has to real math.

  4. I’m normally pretty open minded, but I truly hate the Currant. It generates so much stupidity online, and people take the bait each and every time as truth – it challenges what little faith you have in humanity.

  5. I’m surprised Painter left out the part about Palin congratulting and shaking Mandella’s hand….. 🙂

  6. The man was crazed with grief over the passing of Nelson M. His judgement was compromised. His glasses were fogged with tears. Cut the guy some slack. Just like you cut slack for the ‘youth’ who clobbers your head in the knock out game. You know, white guilt makes it OK

  7. The leftist jackasses won’t leave Sarah Palin alone, which means they’re still worried about her. They should be worried,she’s smarter than anything up for grabs for the Presidency the Democrats have to put up including Billary.

  8. I suspect some of these reputed authorities know full well The Daily Currant is a parody site, but pass the stories on, to be be repeated ad infinitum by their Low Information Voter followers as gospel.
    Any time I have pointed out a parody to a LIV acquaintances on my social feeds the usual response is that they thought it was “truthy” and in any case “could” have happened.
    The damage is done, the story is spread, and it is difficult to reel a false story back in.

  9. Hey I’m surprised he didn’t tweet Sarah Palin was going to North Korea to honor Stalin’s birthday…Full Sail University boarded on the fo’c’sle by uncouth Barbary pirates, led by the professor holding the “Jolly Roger Chair” in ‘distributive economics’.
    And when exactly, pray tell, did your last Christian slave die?
    Full Sail University specializing in multimedia presentations reminiscent of “Muppet Treasure Island”.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. “Is Full Sail a for real university? Or a blog that hands out fancy paper?”
    Yep – real. It is a private, for profit, school with 16,800 students located in Orlando, Florida. It is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, better know for accrediting matchbook colleges but totally legit. There might be some resistance to transfers to Universities with the standard American accreditation from one of the 6 Regional Accreditors.

  11. Every time one of my Progressive friends falls for something like that, the progression is like this:
    “Sarah Palin did X! What a total idiot!”
    “Uh, she didn’t actually do X, that’s a satire site.”
    “Well, I only thought it was real because she’s such an idiot!”

    They never seem to realize that all their evidence that she’s a total idiot is about that robust.
    It’s purely an exercise in a self-run Two-Minutes’-Hate of the Total Other.
    (And I say this as someone who is thoroughly “meh” about Mrs. Palin.)

  12. It’s a blog that hands out pieces of paper. Which makes the irony all the more
    delicious, as Sarah Palin did attend a real university, though not an Ivy League
    school. Here is Wikipedia on Full Sail:
    “Full Sail University is a for-profit university in Winter Park. The school was founded in 1979 in Dayton, Ohio as Full Sail Recording Workshop. Full Sail relocated to Florida in 1980, adding video production and film production courses and, with the move in 1989 to its current campus, expanded its curriculum to include other entertainment and media-related areas of study. Full Sail began offering online degrees in 2007. The school is partly owned by TA Associates, a private equity firm run by C. Kevin Landry.”

  13. Painter would probably consider a faculty position at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (most famous graduate student the porn star Sharon Mitdhell) to
    be a step up.

  14. Can you say “diploma mill”? I knew you could.
    As to why the leftards, and low-information voters constantly fall for parodies from The Onion, the Daily Currant, and Saturday Night Live, I blame the leftard-run schools. When your grammar schooling fails to beat into you the difference between “current” and “currant”, or “onion” and “union”, you are ill-equipped to even get a clue that what’s being presented is satire.

  15. They hate her but can’t really say why. So they make up nonsense to justify their hate. And other lefties fall for it because they want it to be true to justify their hatred.

  16. I still, and I guess never will, understand this twittering.,
    Sarah Palin will be the next US President.

  17. The target demographic for Sarah Palin attacks watch Jon Stewart for their ‘news’, that’s it, they spend the rest of their time amusing themselves with lighter fare. Many are bright, but when it comes to politics, politicians or policy they’ve been filled with so much bull they’re too confused to think straight. At least I hope it’s only that.

  18. Some lefties want journalists to be licensed, as with many other professions. Is Painter one of them? Because if he did need a license, he’d have to turn it in after this foul-up.

  19. I have $10,000 that says that Sarah Palin’s IQ is higher than Barack Obama’s. Furthermore, I am as certain as I can possibly be that she wouldn’t have been taking pictures of herself at Nelson Mandela’s funeral, and that any speech that she would have made about Nelson Mandela would not have included more mentions of Sarah Palin than of Nelson Mandela.

  20. teaches in the new media journalism
    So now you can get a degree in twitter?
    I wonder what they call the alumni society.

  21. The shallowness of tweeting is proving a perfect way to communicate the shallowness of hard-core partisan thinking.
    People who invest themselves in an ideology will always filter what info to believe based on it’s ability to support said ideology.
    Right or left, it’s the human condition.
