30 Replies to “Bin Laden is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead”

  1. From the DoJ link –
    “He planned to pull the trigger on the explosives himself and die in the explosion.”
    And who’s MO is that I wonder?

  2. I’ve noticed that whenever the BBC and the Guardian print stories with bald-faced lies and/or deliberate disinformation they never provide for comments on those stories. I guess they don’t want to be shown for the partisan hacks that they are.

  3. I wonder if a lot of men are quiet misogynists and are looking forward to the institution of
    sharia law.
    Every time I hear the shrill of a feminist …

  4. Didn’t take long for the tools on that twitter feed are quick to label him a tea partier…of course.

  5. Kate…just a technicality…I checked those links, but I cannot find that ‘text’ that describes what he wrote. Where is that?

  6. I’m actually gonna’ use that logic while having ‘tolerance’ discussions with my mother and sis, in-laws!!!!!

  7. Yeah, I could have never imagined what religious affiliation he had if he hadn’t TOLD THE WHOLE FREAKIN’ WOLRD!
    The BBC sounds much like our home grown version.

  8. “Loewen” OMG, Islam has infiltrated the Mennonite community, that has to be a sign of the end times….
    So jihad can occur at any time, without Reimer or Friesen….

  9. While I am glad that the FBI and HSA seem to be doing their job, I have to wonder. Was this a legitimate plot or some lonely kook they picked off the internet and led down the garden path? Then they move in as he is driving his fake bombs (they supplied) onto the tarmac and bask in the glory.
    In other cases such as the Boston bombings, Ford Hood and the underwear bomber, the same authorities missed obvious clues to the perpetrator’s intentions and the terrorist event went forward.
    I just wish they acted on actual intelligence and took out real bad guys before they acted before creating their own.
    For all the time that they spend sniffing through our digital trails, they really seem only able to entrap people rather than act on real threats.

  10. I think this guy is about as much a jihadist as I am.
    Sounds more like a bitter nutcase, mental affliction to be determined. Paranoid schizo or good old fashioned bi-polar? I’m sure the psychiatrists hired by his Court-appointed attorneys will let us know in glorious detail in about six months time.
    Just like back in the 1960’s every frustrated loonie wanted to be a Nazi, with only a vague Hollywood idea about what that meant.

  11. Well that’s a relief. I was worried Loewen was one of those crazy Christian terrorists who are always blowing up airplanes.

  12. Is it just me, or does it seem that the only jihadis being caught by the three-letter agencies are the ones provided with inert explosives by the agencies? They didn’t stop the shoe bomber or the Boston bombers.

  13. Now that I found out he’s 58 I call *WBS. It’s a well known syndrome among certain folks who haven’t been made High Exalted Ruler of the Universe by popular acclaim.
    *Wacky Boomer Syndrome.

  14. If the information in the article is correct, law enforcement became involved after the suspect posted on line, his wishes to become a jihadi and kill people. If law enforcement encouraged him along the way, so what. He could have backed out at any time. How stupid could he be to trust people he had never seen before to help him fulfill his wishes. Should the law enforcement not follow up on things like this?
    mid island mike

  15. Didn’t you know?
    Every middle class white male, especially Christian ones are Jihadists to the Obamba regime.

  16. If he posted his intentions online he was not only stupid, but stupid looking for some serious attention. This guy is one nut case that has some serious mental problems. Surprised he didn’t email the FBI with his plans for the future, just begging to be picked up. He did succeed in the instant fame he probably hungered for and the NSA/FBI/TSA and police in general will turn it into justification to continue beating up on the general public. This nut will be forgotten in a week but his legacy insures that the battle to prove all citizens are potential terrorists will continue with renewed zeal. This guy was truly a useful idiot as far as government was concerned. Just what they needed.

  17. Revealing isn’t it? They didn’t catch that work-place-violent type at Fort Hood either. I suspect they are not actually very good at their jobs. But the bureaucratic beast needs feeding so it’s almost as if ….

  18. People say they’ve been influenced by bin Laden ALL the time. How can one really know what his motives were?
    Now let’s have no more discussion about this bizarre cover-up.

  19. I wonder even how real this is. Is it just a setup from start to finish, with some guy going along with it. Will it come to trial? Will the guy stay in jail for any meaningful amount of time? How much was he cooperating with the FBI/TLA organization from the start? How much was he encouraged by the FPB?
    Given these organizations cannot stop even the obvious targets they were actually warned about, it is curious how they catch people who they manufactured. There is perhaps another dynamic at play here: inter-agency rivalry, black-ops aimed at the US citizenry and plain staging.
    OK I have the same skepticism as Al, also from Ottawa, about these set-ups. I see a pattern developing here. Missed obvious targets while unobvious targets are encouraged, by the FBI/CIA whatever TLA, to do the deed.

  20. .. much safer to spend 6 months controlling a random nutter’s environment than staking out the mosques.

  21. Don’t criticize the BBC because they’re not wrong. According to the left wing, head in the sand mindset of the wackies who run that outfit Muslims are a ‘religion of peace’ because they told the BBC they were. Therefore the likes of Bin Laden, al-Awlake etc are just aberrations and not really Muslims.
