28 Replies to “The Libranos”

  1. What did that take? 10 years? Can anyone guess at an obvious defence? Try – taking 10 years to charge him?

  2. Why does it take so long to charge government cronies?
    Were the kleptocrats hoping this witness would expire of old age?
    Just Us all the way.

  3. They can investigate, and release ITOs, CPC members very quickly. Liberals deserve greater consideration I guess… I would love to see the ITOs on this guy!

  4. It takes us 12 years to bring charges to the liberals but 12 seconds to break doors down in High River. Got to be proud of this police force.

  5. At this rate, the current police investigation into the Senate BrooHaHa should have charges ready by 2038.

  6. Did the CPC just go nuclear? Surely they don’t have the type of influence to direct the Mounties as to when and where to charge someone? Do they?

  7. This is a Grit Gift just in time for Christmas. If the Trudeau Liberals throw Chretien under the bus, whom they need desperately in the next election, with disavowal to support their good government for the middle class meme, they’re going to get hurt.
    While the Tories are dancing around their desks right now, Mulcair and the NDP should benefit even more by separating themselves from the Liberals in key Quebec, Toronto and Maritime ridings, arguing both parties are constantly embroiled in scandal and can’t be trusted.
    The Tories will likely use this to try and wipe the Senate scandal off the political map, arguing they have dealt with corruption, unlike the Grits who were involved at very high levels in (yet unproven in this case) criminal behaviour, while refusing to pay their penance.
    Mulcair, if he has any political instincts should rebut, painting both parties as corrupt, so Canadians have no choice but to vote NDP. If he misses this opportunity he is truly a political oaf.

  8. Damn, had they taken that long to look into Rob Ford’s use of Crack he’d have been long retired and forgotten.
    BTW who are the Liberino’s?

  9. “Surely they don’t have the type of influence to direct the Mounties as to when and where to charge someone? Do they?”
    No, only Alberta Priemier Alison Reford and other UN puppet politicians have the full backing of the RCMP.

  10. PhilM: “Did the CPC just go nuclear? Surely they don’t have the type of influence to direct the Mounties as to when and where to charge someone? Do they?”
    We’re not sure, they’re not saying (sarc off).

  11. Yet another corrupt politician. What I would like to see is some RCMP charged with break and
    enter, and theft, for the High River caper. All of the rest is just a distraction.

  12. I’m waiting for that hippo.. Wendy Cuckier from the Coalition for Gun Control to get nailed too.. She and that bunch laundered hundreds of thousands to the libs..

  13. GEEZE that was FAST!!
    I just emailed a reply to a CPC fund raiser about this very thing just YESTERDAY.
    Must want money badly. It’s on its way…..

  14. robins111 >
    2 billion dollars for a useless gun registry, which they initially sold to the public as only 2 million to implement.
    And WHERE did the estimated unaccounted and missing 1/2 billion dollars go?

  15. PET Cemetery Report.
    Al-Justine: No comment.
    “Justin Trudeau’s federal Liberals refused to comment on the charges against Corriveau.
    A communications manager for the Liberals told CBC News on Friday, “We won’t be commenting on that topic.””

  16. It took them eleven years to lay charges! I know “the wheels of justice” sometime turn slowly, but I’ve seen glaciers melt faster.
    The Crown can’t send an 80 year old man to prison for a white collar crime, even if he IS guilty of being White.
    So let’s plea bargain this to six months probation in return for a guilty plea,and we’ll throw in the Order of Canada for his cooperation.
    The “biggies”,such as Chretien and his close circle got away with another one, only ones I remember going to jail were Brault and Guite,or were there more household names I’ve forgotten?

  17. The noose is tightening ’round the necks of Chretien/MartinJr.
    Will these two Liberal scumbags be called as Crown witnesses at Corriveau’s trial? Will they plead dementia/memory loss while under oath?
    Is Corriveau being held in jail?
    Will the Media Party/Our CBC find and question Justine?
    Will the Liberal Party’s books/accounts be opened to public scrutiny for a forensic audit?
    “The Mounties also allege that some of the money taken in by Corriveau ended up in the coffers of the Liberal Party of Canada”.

  18. The RCMP moved in on the case at the speed of um… ??? government? treacle? Liberals investigating each other?

  19. “The Crown can’t send an 80 year old man to prison for a white collar crime”
    Whoa, why not?
    They’ll never be able to get him to name names if the threat of going to the slam isn’t there.

  20. As always, your selection of links cuts right to the chase, and I congratulate you on your incisiveness.
    “We won’t be commenting on that topic.” The imperious and defensive attitude is remarkable, isn’t it?
    How about something like, “We can’t really comment on the specifics of this item, but we believe that accountability for the use of public funds is of paramount importance.”? Or even, “We’re still learning about this development, and may or may not have something to say at a later time.” A little bit of grease would have been more convincing, really.
    But this form of words is transparently a virtual instruction, accompanied by a whiff of implied threat, to their adherents in the media not to ask about it (which, I’m sure, will be good enough for the less discerning among that lot).
    On the basis of this, I am thinking that their communications outfit ain’t that good: Paul Martin certainly used up his considerable store of goodwill as finance minister by hurling “hidden agenda” and “health care” in Stephen Harper’s face, but at least that bought Mr. Martin some time. This attitude absolutely will not work.

  21. $40-million vs a series of repaid senate expense accounts. I’m willing to bet that the MSM will hardly bother to mention this. This morning on the CBC’s news program, Evan Solomon finally got around to mentioning this at 3 minutes before the hour. He’s just spent the better part of 20 minutes beating the drum to create a story about dissention inside the Conservative Party. I think the time has come to cut another $200-million from the CBC’s budget. Time these drones had to start to worry about their futures.

  22. But but, Nigel Wright paid “personal money”, back to the treasury of Canada,,, taxpayers money that some fat bastard stole,,and and Rob Ford called some little millie a bad name, thats a way worse scandal than this. Stealing 40 plus millions is not worth worrying about when you have name calling and scandals like PAYING THE TAXPAYERS OF CANADA BACK STOLEN FUNDS. Wake up everyone and become an enlightened liberal/media slut, learn what is right and wrong, bad and good in this world. Calling names/bad, paying back stolen money with personal money/wrong, stealing 41 million that we know of/good, never reimbursing the Canadian taxpayers/right. That is the world of the parasite known as a liberal, well we all know parasites eventually kill the host. Slimey Jean should have to share a cell with all the other slimes in this major heist, and have their lunch delivered in brown bags for their entire sentence.

  23. CBC has this story buried in its news site in the Montreal section where even a story about a broken water main garnered more attention?!?
    I bow to the journalistic integrity and acumen of the CBC…..for it is they who know what Montrealers are concerned about.
