We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Whitehaven News (UK);

A BLADE that flew off a wind turbine into a field earmarked for development could have killed someone, says a Copeland councillor.
The high winds were so strong last Thursday that an arm of the turbine at Seascale School flew off and landed 200 yards away in a field.
Concerned councillor David Moore said it was “potentially harmful” particularly as outline permission was granted six weeks ago by Copeland Council for 14 houses to be built on the site where the blade landed.

Related: Collapsed wind turbine at Loughderry windfarm.

18 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. I also maintain that the increased numbers of wind farms are affecting wind patterns around the globe causing all this crazy weather we are seeing. Too bad there are no smily winky icons I can post with this.
    mid island mike

  2. With 55 million dead babies on their resumes, liberals are unlikely to be swayed by the odd family being decapitated by errant windmill blades.

  3. With 55 million dead babies …. being decapitated by errant windmill blades.Posted by: Dystopian Optimist
    Oh really???? Is it a conspiracy? The Illuminati?

  4. N60 asked: “Oh really???? Is it a conspiracy? The Illuminati?”
    Yes, really.
    55 million aborted babies since Roe-Wade.
    Not so much a conspiracy as irresponsibility.
    Not the Illuminati.
    Generally, liberal wimmins. The UN-illuminated.

  5. what does that have to do with wind turbines?
    Extremists at ends of the political spectra always try to bend every news story to fit their pet agenda.

  6. D60, still confused, asked:
    “what does that have to do with wind turbines?”
    The scroll wheel on your mouse is your friend:
    “With 55 million dead babies on their resumes, liberals are unlikely to be swayed by the odd family being decapitated by errant windmill blades.”

  7. I’ll up you on your idea mid island mike.
    Wind Turbines are causing global warming and since they are built by man they’re obviously creating man made global warming. How, you ask? The moving blades cause friction in the air and friction creates heat so they are now creating warm moving air. The more windmills the more friction /warm moving air. So tell me, is my logic any sillier then the AGW crowd in view of their claims and the reality of what the weather/climate has been doing the last few years. LOL

  8. What I’d like to know is; how much will it cost to rebuild the thing? And who will pay for the repair?
    Taxpayers all the way?

  9. The placement of this tower was to distract the Greens from the clear cuts in the background. I suppose the rubble will have to serve the same function.

  10. The idol to false gods is felled by the god of wind.
    May the strongest god win.
    This animistic, primitive superstition stuff, once you catch on to the lingo, isn’t so hard to figure out.

  11. Once upon a time man traveled between worlds on wind powered sail ships. The perils were great as his source of propulsion could either rip his vessel’s sails right off or simply be non existent for days on end. Many memorable tragedies have been recorded as many perished through the centuries due to these mostly unpredictable and uncontrollable extremes.
    Then a miracle invention: The piston and screw principle. By using and controlling combustible materials, man no longer was at the mercy of mother nature’s whim. Dependable, totally controllable propulsion was mastered. Rapid evolution of a modern world was launched therein.
    Then the 1980’s came and a band called DEVO which is short for devolution appeared. It all went downhill from there…

  12. Sadly, you are correct. The liberals are more than willing to sacrifice ANY thing or person to their causes. Eagles, people- it’s all one to their shaky political stances in which their egos are intricately entwined.

  13. If a butterfly’s wings in China, effect the whole world. What does millions of bird cutters do? What portends the Windmill effect?
    They should make a movie.
