Reader Tips

It’s not quite time for our main course of Christmas music, but tonight we’ll give you a seasonal appetizer in the form of SDA reader, commenter, and occasional blogger Sean McCormick’s delightfully festive entry in Consort, Alberta’s scheduled 2013 Light Parade.
The event had to be cancelled due to extreme cold, unfortunately, but what a beauty!
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

59 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “JOHANNESBURG — The sign language interpreter who gestured meaninglessly at the Nelson Mandela memorial in South Africa on Tuesday has faced charges of murder, rape, theft, breaking and entering, malicious damage to property and kidnapping, according to (South African news site) eNCA…”
    Geez, a few wrong turns in life and suddenly you’re standing beside the POTUS:
    “Jantjie has said he suffers from schizophrenia and was hearing voices when he was on stage. He said that he saw angels, according to the Associated Press, and that he could be violent. A government official said the Xhosa-speaking Jantjie also did not speak English well enough to interpret effectively and that the firm that hired him had ‘vanished into thin air.’”

  2. WELL! I don’t make requests on here but I came across an amazing video that is breathtaking for those of us in aviation , the amount of skill required to achieve what this pilot in this video is doing words cannot describe. It is quite amazing display of skill and surely he/she is the only one in there because the size of there balls clearly taking of the rest of the space in the cabin. Enjoy!!
    Helicopter pilot is too good for inertia.

  3. Good news from Bangladesh.
    Abdul Kader Mullah, a senior Islamist leader of the banned Jamaat-e-Islami Party, was hanged for murder yesterday in Dhaka. Mullah collaborated with Karachi in the 1971 independence war and led a band of murderers that massacred Hindus and nationalist Bengalis.
    FYI, Bangladesh has a female Prime Minister.

  4. Only after dalton mc dinky came first!!
    I hate to admit it but on this las I share your sentiment.
    The cons have pushed this and it is preposterous and silly.
    Shame on them, I have about a pallet of 40 60 &100w bulbs in my basement ,I will be getting more before the end of the year and I will protest this to my mp . This kinda stuff really annoys me!

  5. Captcha:
    Mostly it works fine. But on occasion — such as a moment ago — I type the correct letters and they are rejected.
    I think this happens when the “Captcha” being displayed isn’t the one the system wants. In every case it’s the same set of characters as one I’ve already seen that is rejected. So I think the page is for some reason displaying an incorrect, already-used set of characters. But it’s fairly easy to work around, and I’ve always been able to.

  6. Just as in Ottawa under the Liberals, in Saskatchewan under the NDP, in Alberta under the Stelmach and Redford PCs and in DC under the Obama Dems, the line between State and Party is blurred in South Africa.
    (Link from the Beeb, sorry.)

  7. “YOU get to be a Patriarch. And YOU get to be a Patriarch. And YOU get to be a Patriarch (even though you’re a woman).
    Everyone. Gets. To. Be. A. Patriarch!” Heh.

  8. OKay, Okay , I screwed up, Dan Fogelberg died in December 16, but I suspect. like Harry Chapin, who “leared about life in the backseat of a DODGE car, Fogelberg learned about life in HIGH SCHOOL.
    But the nostalgia of “First love”, whether on a beach blanket, the fold own seats of a 1950’s NASH car or the cramped seat of a FORD pick-up truck, at this time of year is indelible in humans.

  9. Justin Trudeau walks into a Royal Bank to cash a cheque. As he approaches the cashier he says, “Good morning, Ma’am, could you please cash this cheque for me?
    Cashier:”It would be my pleasure sir. ID please.”
    Trudeau:”Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada!!!!”
    Cashier: “Yes sir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations I must insist on seeing ID.”
    Trudeau: Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.”
    Cashier: “I am sorry, Mr. Trudeau, but these are the rules and I must follow them.”
    Trudeau:” Mon dieu. I am urging you, please, to cash this cheque.”
    Cashier: “Look Mr. Trudeau, here is what we’ve done in the past.
    One day, Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove who he was, he pulled out his putter and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque.
    Another time, Andre Agassi came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racket and made a fabulous shot whereas the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his cheque.
    So, Mr. Trudeau, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you?
    Trudeau stood there thinking and finally says, “I don’t have a clue. I can’t think of a single thing. I have absolutely no idea what to do. ”
    Cashier: “Will that be large or small bills, Mr. Trudeau…?

  10. As an inveterate Dad Bragger who is probably in need of a 12 Step program, I must point out that my 12 year old daughter saw my video, had an idea, and got permission from my boss to use the Disco Bus to make her own video. As a condition of using division equipment it had to have a message that was appropriate to share on PLRD’s behalf. This is what she came up with:
    More info at the link. I’m very proud of her for coming up with, and being willing to do an extra assignment for her COM1005 media class on such short notice. She was outside operating the camera in below -40C wind chill for the video she took of the bus. Also appreciative of the division allowing us to use equipment — this is not something they do on a whim because of the liability involved.
    Thanks Kate!

  11. AGW-Red-Green Watermelon Report.
    “Nearly 300 train passengers stranded for hours in Labrador in freezing cold”
    “The passengers, including children and seniors, used a few blankets and huddled together for hours as temperatures hovered around -30 C.
    After several attempts to fix the train’s electrical problems were unsuccessful, the passengers were evacuated around 4 p.m. and taken by bus to a high school gymnasium in Labrador City to arrange lodging.”
    “Dave’s Top Ten Reasons Why the Oil Industry Doesn’t Spend its Billions on Disproving the Junk Science of AGW”
    “In my Internet “debates” with warmists, I occasionally encounter challenges like this…
    We don’t yet not know the real global impact man has on the environment. It may be negligible. What we do know is that if the oil companies with their billions could disprove this manmade warming they could in an instance. They have not.
    My response to this challenge is in the style of David Letterman…”

  12. PET Cemetery Report.
    ‘Nother tale from our crypt.
    H/T Jeancula* Chretien, aka the Shawinigan Choker.
    “Charges laid against Chrétien-friend Jacques Corriveau stemming from Quebec sponsorship scandal”
    ” The RCMP announced Friday that charges have been laid against a businessman who was described as the “central figure” in the federal sponsorship scandal and was a close associate of ex-prime minister Jean Chretien.
    Jacques Corriveau. a longtime federal Liberal organizer, is facing charges of fraud against the government, forgery and laundering proceeds of crime. He is to appear in court on Jan. 10.”

  13. “In case you had any illusions that Harper doesn’t hate freedom, he’s coming for your lightbulbs.”

    Oh, come on, LAS. Are you seriously suggesting that your beloved Liberals – the party who elected a leader (Dion) whose platform was to transform Canada into a “Green” nation, including massive carbon taxes, a ban on incandescents, etc., etc. – oppose such “green initiatives”?
    Do you think Trudeau does? This is from a 2007 issue of Hello magazine: “With a focus on ecological issues (Trudeau recently returned to McGill University to pursue a master’s degree in environmental geography) and national unity…”
    Trudeau’s current chief advisor, LAS, is enviro-nut Gerald Butts, former President of the World WIldlife Fund Canada, and a man who, as former Policy Secretary and then Principal Secretary to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, has “his fingerprints all over the Green Energy fiasco and other boondoggles by the provincial Liberals.”
    When the man leading the party you say you intend to vote for was asked which country he most admired, he named *China*, saying that their “basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest..'”
    Does that sound like a guy who loves “freedom”? Does China want to legalize pot? Is China soft on criminals – your pet concern — or are they a thousand times harder on them than Canada is under the “freedom hating” Harper?
    Leaving aside your irrationality and complete political schizophrenia, I have two non-rhetorical questions for you, LAS:
    1) Do you seriously believe that a Trudeau-led government wouldn’t support/continue a ban on incandescent lightbulbs?
    2) If they do win the next election and support/continue the ban on incandescents — you *know* they would — would you exclaim here that Trudeau “hates freedom”?
    I strongly oppose the upcoming ban on incandescents, but you’re a hyperventilating, bald-assed hypocrite.

  14. In which EBD projects his hyper-partisanship onto me, as partisans are wont to do. That’s why EBD is association statements with me that I never made. Remember partisanship is a mental disorder.
    No I don’t think Trudeau is pro-freedom, but his election is a necessary evil to get rid of Harper ASAP and replace him with someone who is pro-freedom…and competent for that matter. For pro-freedom types, this is the only way out of the corner that idiot conservatives partisans have backed us into.

  15. Keep dreaming Las!! Another conservative majority in 2015 ! If not they will still be the governing party anyway.

  16. Hi LAS. I do understand by now that it’s part of your MO to refuse to answer straightforward questions, preferring instead to respond with topic-changing, one-note (“Harper bad!”) generalities and insults, but if you don’t mind me asking, what specific statements or quotes that you claim you never made did I attribute to you? Could you, you know, list them? Type them out?
    Look: You wrote “In case you had any illusions that Harper doesn’t hate freedom, he’s coming for your lightbulbs”. By way of responding specifically to that one, very specific, hyperventilating piece of partisan nonsense – the only part of your comment that I quoted – I simply pointed out that the Liberals (who you did say you would likely vote for) are a) far, far more “green” than the Harper-led Cons, which makes your conflation of the incandescent bulb ban with “freedom hating” extremely hypocritical and irrational, and that b) the Liberals’ current leader, when asked which nation he most admired, said China, a country ruled by a party that isn’t exactly freedom-loving (they execute people who criticize the government, for example).
    That latter example – Trudeau’s expressed admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship” — makes your “Harper hates freedom!” hyperventilations more than a bit ridiculous in light of your previous statements that you will probably vote for the Liberals in the next federal election.
    Anyway, I concluded my comment by asking you two simple, completely non-rhetorical questions. You didn’t acknowledge them or answer them, as is your wont, and instead responded with insults/redirections. When I tell you that emotionally healthy people don’t do that, LAS, I’m not insulting you, I’m just pointing out the truth.
    What’s wrong, LAS? I’m worried about you.
    BTW, would you mind explaining in greater detail the circumstances of what happened to you in the 80s?

  17. That latter example – Trudeau’s expressed admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship” — makes your “Harper hates freedom!” hyperventilations more than a bit ridiculous in light of your previous statements that you will probably vote for the Liberals in the next federal election.
    Incredible. You can’t possibly take one statement at face value-the factual and entirely reality-grounded point that Harper opposes freedom-without conjoining it to the partisan reaction, which leads you to assume that I think the Liberals are pro-freedom, a statement you insinuated in your poorly thought-out posts. This is exactly what I am talking about.
    What happened to me in the ’80s? Um…I gestated?

  18. You really are as dumb as you sound Las !
    Here lemmi splain it to ya.
    Las wants to get rid of a guy in govornment who supports a ban on incandescent light bulbs in the name of freedom ,and replace him with a guy who supports a ban on incandescent light bulbs in the name of freedom because the second guy is his guy . What las doesn’t understand is that once his guy gets in the greed and corruption seen in Ontario will be cast fully across this country and the left wing media party will run cover for this by distracting the public with “Duffy” stories wich are non stories.
    Las give it up you are a danger to yourself and this country , please don’t reproduce, as well admit that you are a full blown socialist!! And stop lying and saying you support freedom and liberty when the only freedoms you fight for are abortions and legalizing drugs and anything that is anti conservative wich is further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
    At least conservatives in general are on the side of freedom when it comes to fighting tyranny ie against banning incandescent light bulbs.

  19. “You can’t possibly take one statement at face value-the factual and entirely reality-grounded point that Harper opposes freedom-without conjoining it to the partisan reaction…”

    Umm, *you* conjoined the two statements to baldly partisan effect, LAS, not me:

    “In case you had any illusions that Harper doesn’t hate freedom, he’s coming for your lightbulbs.”

    In light of that and dozens or hundreds of other functionally identical hyperventilations, your suggestions/insults that we’re partisan, and that you are not, is a bit of a running joke here.

  20. Akbar-AGW. AGW-Akbar Kills.
    “Thirteen children whose families had become internally displaced in Syria have died already this winter as a result of the bitter temperatures, according to videos posted by local activists.”
    “Syria’s child refugees face death and disease in winter storms, aid agencies warn”
    “The worst storm to hit the Middle East in decades has devastating consequences for the millions of displaced Syrians living in makeshift shelters”

  21. Umm, *you* conjoined the two statements to baldly partisan effect, LAS, not me:
    “In case you had any illusions that Harper doesn’t hate freedom, he’s coming for your lightbulbs.”

    W…T…F? Where is Tudeau in that statement? Between Paul’s barely intelligable screed and you’re sublime lack of reading comprehension, I swear people here are getting dumber.

  22. Green-Red Report: Ain’t AGW Funtastic?
    “Even the toilets froze”
    “282 stranded train passengers in Labrador catching flights”
    “Train lost power in Labrador for 8 hours in freezing cold, temperatures ranged from – 26 C to – 33 C”
    “Rail conductor Joe Shecanapish said no matter what conductors did, they were unable to bring power back to the train.
    “We did everything we can. We couldn’t do it. Water froze, toilets froze, everything,” he said.”

  23. Well, I know that you have to stop if a school bus is flashing red but what about blue?
    Was k.d.lang the parade marshal?
