We Chose Our Leader At The Family Reunion

Get them boys some banjos;

As we all know, Tories are Bertie Woosters, while Labour casts its nets far and wide to find its leadership in the coal mines and other proletarian places. For example, the current Labour leader is Ed Miliband, whose father was a famous Marxist college professor. In contrast to the inbred Tories who all come from the same social background, Ed’s chief rival for party leadership was David Miliband, whose father was also a famous Marxist college professor. In fact, he was the same famous Marxist college professor.

5 Replies to “We Chose Our Leader At The Family Reunion”

  1. And who can forget the ‘lil Kims! Still can’t wait till one of em is called Kims Ill Dong!!!!!!!!

  2. Well, the Miliband brothers have seven balls among them — two each (presumably), and two from Ed Balls (presumably), and Ed Balls himself. As it happens, Ed Balls is another sordid figure of the British extreme left, who’s apparently married to another sordid figure of the British left, Yvette Cooper — who, together (the latter-mentioned two Balls), have the distinct honour, apparently, of being the first married couple in the British cabinet (are we up to eight?; I’m guessing she ain’t got’ny).
    Kate, you’ll need more banjos soon.
    On the other hand, there are at least four plausible alternatives to David Cameron — Boris Johnson, William Hague, Nigel Farage and Dan Hannan, any of which would win a majority, which would be in Canadian interests, actually.
    David can’t, particularly after that selfie business with Obama (not really sure how you can tell the rest of us (ugh, sounds like “the Rest of Canada”) that we should respect someone about whom we feel deep ambivalence, if we feel anything at all, when you can’t even act dignified for a few hours).
    David needs to go: he’s now kind of the Joe Clark of British politics — the guy everybody knows will fall just short.

  3. And now, just to show that we banjo pickers have a sense of humor about ourselves, a banjo joke:
    Q. Why do bluegrass banjo pickers leave their fingerpicks on the dashboards of their pickup trucks?
    A. It allows them to park in the handicapped zones.
