Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Beneath Yellowstone, an extremely very massive volcano…

A team from the University of Utah have told the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco that Yellowstone’s magama chamber is 2.5 times larger than previously thought.
It is an underground cavern measuring some 55 miles by 20 miles and containing between 125 and 185 billion cubic miles of molten rock.
If it blows it will wipe out America – and have enormous impacts on the rest of the world.

h/t north of 60

40 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Math is hard…
    …containing between 125 and 185 billion cubic miles of molten rock.
    There’s no end of the ways people find to scare themselves. Especially atheists who have no idea where they came from and where they’re going.

  2. So they say we have a cavern 55 miles by 20 miles that contains at least 125,000,000,000 cubic miles of magma…
    First observation is that this much magma would be a cube with 5,000 miles per side.
    That would fit inside the Earth, (a sphere with a diameter of 7,900 miles), but just barely.
    Second observation, to have that much magma in a 55 by 20 space would make the third dimension just over 113,600 miles, or about as high a halfway to the moon.
    Math is hard, alright…

  3. “A team from the University of Utah have told the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco that Yellowstone’s magama chamber is 2.5 times larger than previously thought.
    It is an underground cavern measuring some 55 miles by 20 miles and containing between 125 and 185 billion cubic miles of molten rock.”
    Where to begin? First, it’s “magma”, not “magAma”. Proofreading is hard, I guess.
    And the volume? Sheesh. If there were a magma chamber 55 by 20 miles, it would have a surface area of 1100 square miles. In order for a rectangular prism with one face of that size to contain a volume of 165 billion cubic miles, it must have a depth of 150,000,000 miles, or half again the distance from the Earth to the Sun. I guess if the “magama chamber” does happen to pass through the Sun, that would explain all the heat, and the IPCC’s global warming, too.
    And I believe the orthodox geological explanation for Yellowstone is that it is a mantle “hot spot”, where a convection plume of extra hot mantle material impinges on the keel of the continental plate. This “hot spot” has migrated over time, or more accurately, the North American plate has drifted, and this hot spot formerly gave rise to the Peace River Arch in NW Alberta, and later the Sweetgrass Arch on the Alberta-Montana border. The Sweetgrass Hills near the Coutts border crossing are visible remnants of that feature.
    “Supervolcano?” I think not. More likely a series of pretty ordinary mountain-sized volcanoes, or maybe a big fissure eruption, creating a lava plain comparable to the Columbia Plateau. It would mean a lot of people would have to move, but it’s not going to be a planetary-scale, or even continental-scale extinction event.

  4. PS
    Now, this math is a little harder, but…
    125,000,000,000 cubic miles of magma, spread evenly over the earth’s 197,000,000 square miles of surface area (land and sea) would seem to result in the entire surface of the earth being covered about 600 miles deep.
    So that’s where the global awarmists went to.

  5. About as credible as Al Bores millions and millions of degrees.
    Even if accurate, so what?
    Maybe the lunatic leaf licker might learn what working folk know.
    Nature is out to get you.
    Rules are simple, you are born, you live, you die.
    Nothing warm and fuzzy about nature, we live well today because our ancestors never stopped fighting, changing natural features and adapting technology to prolong our lives.
    An interesting possibility that reduced activity in the magnetospheres, induces earthquakes and volcanism on earth, possibly as the interacting fields mutually adjust.
    As there is a possibility we are heading into a major solar minimum,we finally have means of observing the sun, earth activity we cannot miss, who knows we might learn.
    Course if we want to play the stampede game, these terrible magna bombs are proof, man must flee the planet, only a space colonizing species can survive.

  6. The scary part is that this minor discrepancy of a number being off by a factor of 10^8 didn’t set off any alarm bells. Presumably the person who wrote that piece counts using the system “1, 2, 3, many”. What surprises me is that they didn’t propose to use the standard technique of quieting volcanoes by casting virgins into the lava; I know virgins are a lot harder to find nowadays, but something has to be done before the eruption of this volcano covers the earth with a 600 mile thickness of molten rock. The only surprise in the article is that they didn’t blame it on evil CO2.

  7. I guess you might say: Yellowstone National park will make an “ash” of itself – like Mount St Helen’s.
    Loki was right: “The only surprise in the article is that they didn’t blame it on evil CO2.” Can you imagine the “carbon footprint … a billion times more than the Alberta Oil Sands.
    Where are the followers of Gore and Dr. Fruitfly, they should be protesting at the gates of the park. I’m quite sure Gore and the doctor will be in Australia as seismic activity gets worse.

  8. How many football fields is that?
    I’ve been condioned by the drama majors in the media to think of everything in terms of football fields or olympic sized swimming pools.
    What is this cubic miles shit?

  9. The citizens of the USA should be concerned.
    If the current occupant of the White House and his band of high paid, useless chattering low renters hears about this, they will come up with new taxes to pay for sucking out the magma before it spills over.

  10. Rick, 55 miles x 1.6 = 88km and 20 miles x 1.6 = 32km. Assuming the area is a square 88km on each side at the surface and extending down 32km, 88 x 88 = 7744 and 7744 x 32 = 247,808 cubic kilometres. There are 1,000,000,000,000 litres per cubic km.
    In miles, I get 60,500 cubic miles which is several orders of magnitude from 125,000,000,000 cubic miles. When you have an extra six zeroes and don’t realize the mistake you are either a journalist or a US Treasury Secretary.

  11. “The U.N. MUST tax something to stop this volcano from erupting.”
    Yea, like Magma Credits on every utility bill of every Middle Class westerner with one passport, one language, and a net worth below $1,000,000.00 Euro.

  12. Why doesn’t somebody figure out how to tap this resource for geothermal energy? I suppose because it’s in Jellystone Park 🙂 and couldn’t possibly be touched.

  13. There is probably less than 60,000 years to act on the man made super volcano! Was it the white privileged nuke testing in the fifties?

  14. Such was the extent of the smoke and debris cloud generated by the eruption that the climate of the entire world was affected for several centuries
    There’s the setup.
    This will morph into an anti-fraking moratorium just to make sure the apocalypse isn’t accidentally triggered by a careless capitalist with a drill rig.
    Wait for the video of magma coming out of a tap.

  15. “Supervolcano?” I think not.
    You’re wrong. Previous eruptions from Yellowstone created massive calderas and spread ash throughout the globe. Yellowstone will eventually erupt and it will be devastating. It’s high-magnitude black swan events like this that scare me rather than some warming caused by man’s industrial processes.

  16. I find it more enjoyable to worry about the economic blowout that we know will come in our lifetime. It’s back to the caves for the survivors either way.

  17. Lassie, you wouldn’t know a caldera if you fell into one, an event devoutly to be hoped for.

  18. Everybody here chides the article for it’s questionable math, but no one has suggested a solution.
    So, in order to cool off the magma,the USA should have private companies build thousands of giant fans in Yellowstone,to blow a cooling breeze over the surface.The fans could also be called “windmills” ,which can also generate electricity,and solve two problems at once.
    I suggest the Dept.of the Interior call for bids asap, to get this Earth saving project under way. Maybe hire the same guys that solved the power shortage with solar panels.
    If anyone here is interested,I may need some help with my Nobel Prize acceptance speech. I mean, should I verbally fellate the Prez,or would just a “shout out” be okay.
    Also, would it be churlish to buy a new F-150 4X4 with the prize money?

  19. It’s high-magnitude black swan events like this that scare me…
    Practically everything scares an leftist/atheist, that’s why we have to wear helmets and drive around with bombs in front of our faces.

  20. All that means is that the Lord still reserves the right to humble mankind, and you know neither the day or the hour He will come. Your job is to be ready when He does. Get to work.
    God loves us, and mankind will endure, come what might. There is hope. Just not for the fool who thinks that there is no god and that food comes from supermarkets.

  21. I forgive the NY Post for their math issues due to the ‘Flirting with DANEger’ front pager with Obama’s selfie

  22. Way too small scale there, Don Morris, for a typical eco-clister-f**, let us divert all fresh waters that flow north in Canada, into this magna chamber, while erecting huge steam turbines which blast their exhaust straight up into the sky.
    This way we can do massive environmental damage while claiming to save the world.
    Mega billion dollar sole sourced contracts, political patronage galore.
    Surplus electricity for China.
    Not to mention the incidental water sales to the southern states.
    So what about living at the bottom of the gravity well, chewing our cud and waiting for the asteroid?

  23. Hey strad, U one of those dam katholiks, that hates Kate the atheist????
    dom morris, git the F-150 with the echo boost, in green:-))))
    L-ass, U never fail to entertain!!!

  24. Does Suzuki know about this? he could score some big bucks on this fear. Someone call Al Gore.

  25. Changing focus a little bit, God is in the midst of a full-scale exercise in humiliating the US
    right now. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin; God is just, God is merciful, but I do think he has a
    nasty sense of humour. Keeping the Persians around (Upharsin) to put the knife in is …
    well, a tad mean.

  26. Calling Suzuki Dr. Fruitfly is unkind to fruitflies. I got to know them this summer when they
    began to breed in a banana peel we forgot to throw out before we went away. As insects go,
    they are not unpleasant. They got so excited when I’d cut into a ripe pear. And it is easy to
    see where they got their Greek name of Drosophila, which means “dew-lover”. They do lap
    up little drops of moisture. Really, they are not anywhere near as much of a nuisance as the
    Suzuki or the alGore. According to Wikipedia one species can be a problem with growing
    fruit, but D. melanogaster (“black-bellieddew lover”) mainly goes after fruit that is over-ripe
    or rotten.

  27. Some believe a massive eruption is overdue, estimating that Yellowstone’s volcano goes off every 700,000 years or so.
    But Prof Smith said more data was needed, because there had only been three major eruptions so far. These happened 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago.
    “You can only use the time between eruptions (to work out the frequency), so in a sense you only have two numbers to get to that 700,000 year figure,” he explained.
    Until then, tap into it for geothermal power like Iceland does.

  28. Strad: I am athiest and probably better at math than you. Why? Because like Santa Claus and the UPS/FedEx problem I can calculate the impossibility of a god’s job. I’m right wing libertarian too as a consequence. So please refrain from the atheist comments they make you look like a child who still believes in Santa Claus or a potential global warmer if carefully indoctrinated.

  29. Wait an even more odious thought occurs, we shall cool this magna down by dumping garbage into the massive chamber.
    Recycling on a massive scale.
    Saving the planet from imaginary terrors at maximum profit.
    Just send money.
