Renegade Regulator

Kopyright Kops;

….we note that the CSA’s Model publication pointedly adds that “All rights [are] reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher.” That’s a gutsy line, given that CSA doesn’t own what they’re trying to restrict.

4 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Way too funny.
    Canada is infested with parasites of this nature, they have been tolerated for so long that they believe they have useful function in a productive society and that they are entitled to their entitlements.
    In the past skilled people from industry were seconded to these organizations and some good was achieved.
    Now it is Sim City all the way down, people who have zero real world experience, never set foot outside government funded agencies, know they have the truth and right to dictate to all.
    Shame they do not know how clueless and useless they really are.
    The concept of private law, is enough to get the tar pots warming.

  2. The CSA is becoming its own worst enemy.
    Recently it has been accused of placing its own rules and regulations beyond the jurisdiction of the Canadian parliament. This statement makes things worse:
    “All rights [are] reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher.”
    This statement is not supported by Canadian Law. Therefore it is not enforceable. Canada’s ‘Fair Dealing’ laws permit the reproduction of CSA materials in many cases. Here is the writ of the law:
    It’s not a good idea to try to claim copyright protections that don’t exist. For one thing it breaks the commandment, “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” It is also illogical and silly. The CSA statement forbids anyone from even mentioning THE TITLE of their document. They might try to sue someone who dreamed about the title.
    What part of ‘Fair Dealing’ does the CSA not understand?
