The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Via Weasel Zippers;

Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000. Big government has always topped big business and big labor, including in the initial asking in 1965, but just 35% named it at that time.

Related A Colorado town considering issuing hunting permits for drone aircraft has been given the go-ahead for a special election on the matter.
h/t EBD, peterj

13 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. And then they turn around and vote for politicians who turn big government into bigger government; think NDAA and Patriot renewal.
    Big government is not a problem. People who vote for big government are.

  2. I do not think many Americans actually understand the meaning of the questions they are being asked. They have been so dumbed down and programmed by the educational system and their Television offerings. It is pathetic. I am mostly afraid of big stupid American population. Anything can happen there any minute mostly from the volatile and perpetually aggrieved left.

  3. A message to Colorado,rename drones as a type of skeet as skeet are unmanned flying objects and are being shot at every day.

  4. Hmm, I though they said that income inequality was the greatest problem (even
    more so than debt/deficit…)?

  5. Big govt, big business, big labour? Are these not all arms of the same beast?
    The crony capitalism of big business and labour can not exist without big govt covering their corruption with its own.
    Each is an aspect of modern kleptocracy, squeezing the many to enrich the few.
    The complexity of law and regulation is deliberate, you are all criminals in the eyes of your masters.
    The fine print absolves the bandits of any responsibilities for the damage their thefts cause.
    We are here to help you… into poverty and slavery.
    Observe your politicians and bureaucracies, whats yours, any public wealth, is theirs to take.
    Money in inactive bank accounts, check
    Savings deposits,check
    UE, CPP contributions, check
    Return on your labour, check
    Lifes savings on death, check
    Control over your home and property, check

  6. Note of caution, it’s hard to shoot down a drone that’s as big as a Cessna and flying at 10,000 feet.
    Otherwise, check your backstop and give ’em both barrels.

  7. The anti-hunting Liberals always complained that hunting was unfair because the animals “couldn’t shoot back”.
    Guess what dip-sh*ts it never really mattered.

  8. “I would hunt drone aircraft…wouldn’t bother with a permit though…”
    But then you’d be a poacher.
