23 Replies to “#graveyardofeverything”

  1. That was a pretty witty quip by Justine. Somewhere Alison Redford is scowling.

  2. Reminds me of a quote:
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein

  3. Justine Sacco ‏@JustineSacco 29 Nov
    #blackfriday .. I get a pair of pants. my mom gets a #tesla pic.twitter.com/IE5jSbatWo
    hrm… my gut tells me she might be a Democrat.

  4. Your advice is sound, but on the other hand it’s too bad that we live in a time when people can’t make dry quips or engage in dark humour without the usual knee-jerk, hyperventilating “outrage” and subsequent grovelling apologies.
    The tweet is funny.

  5. Dad was right when he said “Three generations off the farm and people lose all their common sense”.

  6. Agreed. The tweet is fairly funny and, bonus points, an accurate observation.
    However, she is a PR flak and not a comedian, so she should’ve known/done better.

  7. Nothing funny about the tweet at all, and since she is a PR specialist in her company, demonstrably incompetent in her job, and management will make the necessary correction. The thing about twitter is it reveals the employee in a way no job interview can…

  8. Nothing funny about the tweet at all, and since she is a PR specialist in her company, demonstrably incompetent in her job, and management will make the necessary correction. The thing about twitter is it reveals the employee in a way no job interview can…

  9. Now from all of that I know that Justine Sacco is some Twit from a S.African family who sent her abroad to be educated away from racism and who works in PR for IAC. IAC must be some good at damage control PR because I still don’t know who/what IAC is or any reason why I should care that they hired Justine Sacco instead of some other airhead.

  10. The tweet is funny? Howso?
    Justine deserves to be fired. Not only has she revealed PR incompetence, but a a lack of respect for those that have contracted AIDS.
    Probably get a promotion.

  11. Accurate? You have to be black to get AIDS?
    Funny? The joking reference to AIDS
    How do you know she doesn’t engage in risky behavior? She is obviously a moron.
    Just revelling in you own racist philosohy…again?
    Moron supporting moronic humour.

  12. NOT FUNNY???!!! …. You’re joking!!!
    Fawlty’s exasperated reaction was funny but what he said to the Germans … wasn’t funny.
    I didn’t even smile at that tweet. Find nothing funny here at all. Perhaps I’m slow witted.
    I see all these “social” media to be the commercial equivalents of the circus part of The Roman Empire’s Bread and Circuses.
    While I suppose they would be useful during a wide scale emergency, in the meantime I think they’re destroying civil society.

  13. In a sane world we would mercilessly mock the crowds pretending to be outraged at things like this. Somewhere out there on the internet someone tweeted something that offends PC sensibilities. I’ll manage to carry on, somehow.
    The proper response is to not give in to the ritual howls of outrage. They’ll move on to something else if you simply ignore them or ridicule the faux outrage. It’s a tweet – get a life.
    But since we live in a world of spineless wimps I’d agree it’s best to simply close all twitter accounts if you’re too weak to stand up to one of these ritual defenestrations.

  14. I didn’t find the comment terribly funny but I wasn’t offended either. I just thought it was uninformed and basically dumb.
    However, it is one of the many reasons I never got involved with Twitter. With my dry sense of humour (so I’m told) and my total antipathy towards anything ‘PC’, I would be ostracized, fired and probably jailed all on the first day!

  15. Aah Justine, historically the white race did “penetrate Darkest Africa” not the other way round.
    Methinks sombody has a fantasy, just sayin’

  16. I can’t quite get the humor in her statement, but I don’t criticize her for being “unfunny”; I think she’s ignorant and arrogant for believing she can “publish” (apparently to the whole world) a statement like that with impunity. Twitter is not Comedy Central, there is no face-to-face with your audience, it is not a “rich” communication medium. I criticize her for being very foolish.

  17. Have to disagree with you a bit, glasnost. Twitter is a wonderful thing for idiots to out themselves in cold print before a global audience. Truly it is aptly named, as the world is full of silly twits eager and willing to share the emptiness between their ears.

  18. Many years back there was a poster of a guy in front of a firing squad. He was being offered a cigarette. He said ” no thanks, I’m trying to quit.” This reminds me of that poster. No doubt someone will find this offensive.
