Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Things Justin Trudeau likes;

…in 2013, the United Nations General Assembly elected China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, countries that have no regard for human rights at all, as members of the UN Human Rights Council; selected Hezbollah (a designated terrorist organization) apologist Jean Ziegler as senior advisor to the Council; and elected Mauritania, a primitive country that tolerates slavery, as Council vice-chair. Meanwhile, Richard Falk, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, blamed the Boston Marathon bombing on “the American global domination project” and “Tel Aviv.” Of the UN General Assembly’s 25 resolutions condemning individual countries in 2013, all but four were against the exemplary democracy, Israel, which only seeks recognition of the basis on which the United Nations founded it: as a Jewish state and homeland for the Jewish people. The United Nations also elected the racist, terrorist-infested charnel house and Iranian proxy of Syria to its Special Committee on Decolonization; appointed Zimbabwe (a regime so odious it has been expelled from the Commonwealth, failing to clear an almost subterranean hurdle) to host its world tourism summit; and elected Iran president of its 2013 Conference on Disarmament, even as that country strove to put the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to the shredder.

h/t Kevin B

16 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. ” Wilson was in fact an exceptional leader. He founded the Federal Reserve,…”
    And that makes him an exceptional leader? Conrad Black whiffed on this one,Wilson was an intellectual whose policies still cause havoc today. His belief in the United/League of Nations was naive in the extreme.

  2. It might be argued that if Wilson had stayed out of WW I that the Euros would have eventually gained their own peace and that WW II might have been prevented. Instead hundreds of thousands of Canadians and Americans died defending a collapsing imperial mess. The latest BS incident being Libya. Those who benefited most being the Euros who needed the oil and those that carried the weight being the USA and the Canadians with their air wing.
    Not enough that this happens on a regular basis (Bosnia, Iraq, Afganistan etc) but that we have to be preached to by the Euros about how to live right! Very condescending to say the least.

  3. “…. if Wilson had stayed out of WW I that the Euros would have eventually gained their own peace and that WW II might have been prevented…”
    By 1917 the damage was already done. It was Britain and the Commonwealth that should have stayed out in August, 1914.

  4. CT, hind sight is not looking at some chick’s a$$, it’s easy to criticize after the fact, a little different making the decisions when the “call” comes in
    as to the UN, Canada should completely disengage from that sh1t hole

  5. Conrad Black needs to give his head a shake. Giving a tongue bath to both uber-Progressive Wilson, who was as close to a domestic Fascist as America has ever seen, and FDR, the dupe of Stalin?
    He correctly views the U.N. as a den of iniquity that makes Mos Eisely look like a Girl Guide camp, but fails to see that it is that way because of the structural flaws built into by the communists and the progressives.

  6. I wouldnt give the UN a moment of my time or a dime of my money.. Pandering to the lowest common denominator has ruined western civilization.. We have been in decline from they day that place opened its doors..
    Wilson is responsible..

  7. The world may have been a better place had Germany prevailed in WWI. After all, Germany was the least imperialistic of the European powers. The British Empire was the least democratic. People tend to get upset when this is pointed out.

  8. That old truth;The road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
    And a willful blindness to the nature of man.
    For all its self promotion, the UN was doomed from day one, smart people knew that but as Churchill said jaw,jaw is better than killing each other.
    Modern communication systems have made the UN redundant
    Canada is one of the few countries in the world who still pays their due.
    Defund the Useless Nutjobs, they are the definition of Kleptocray
    If govt does not do this, the population will and will do it very messily.
    When our current economic system collapses, where are the people who cause it, going to hide?
    In plain sight, while telling us it was all our fault for not more enthusiastically supporting their delusions?
    The likes of McGinty, Strong and Stewart need to experience the chill their greed and stupidity has brought to so many..

  9. Hey don’t forget that they named this exemplary Canadian to leads global policy work as Deputy Head of….. wait for it … UN Women. That’s right Mr. John Hendra will make his mark on the World as Head of Policy at UN Women. Go Canada Go!
    John is one of our superiors who is CINO (Canadian in Name only)
    CINO In Name Only.

  10. Hey don’t forget that they named this
    exemplary Canadian to lead global policy work as Deputy Head of….. wait for it … UN Women. That’s right Mr. John Hendra will make his mark on the World as Head of Policy at UN Women. Go Canada Go!
    John is one of our intellectual superiors who is CINO (Canadian in Name only)
    CINO In Name Only.

  11. The UN is a nest of Islamism, with the stench of dictators. All part of a sort of diabolical club of murders.
    Its crazy we even belong. That we pay for the privilege of being part of this organization of International gangsters is insufferable.
    Lets get out with some dignity of from these loons.

  12. And yet American Jews vote *en masse* for the Democrats, and support every leftist idea in existence. Some things in life make no sense.

  13. Actually, I think this is good policy achieved by stealth. You put all the crazies in one toothless entity, give it a highfalutin’ name, and then nod politely and ignore everything they say. Keeps the drones out the worker bees’ hair.
