Baby Boomers

We share the same bi-ol-ogy;

A young Afghan girl has been detained wearing a suicide vest in southern Afghanistan, officials say.
She was held on Sunday night in Helmand province, as she tried to carry out an attack on border police, an interior ministry spokesman told the BBC.
The girl, reported to be as young as eight and thought to be the sister of a prominent Taliban commander, is said to be in a state of shock and confusion.

We should anticipate a new Sting release any day now.
Update: Heh.

18 Replies to “Baby Boomers”

  1. Inspired use of the Sting song, Kate. Puts the cherry on top.
    Among other issues, the concept “child” is a cultural construction, as Lefties are fond of reminding us. The hillbillies of Assghanitsan don’t share our culture. If for them the expenditure of a girl-child as delivery system for a bomb is eminently reasonable, we are not to judge.
    Because all cultures are equally valid, y’know.

  2. The scum that set her up are similar to the ones that rigged up Down’s Syndrome children with bombs.
    But, hey, they’re just like us,… except for the complete lack of morals.
    Allah knows best.

  3. meanwhile in Canaduh, two state paid lawyers work on a lawsuit for and two state paid professors teach Omar Khadr . I read it on CBC who seem to revel in the thought

  4. I have to disagree with the negative connotations of “suicide” vest,it seems almost…..racist.
    Perhaps a more gentle description such as ,” child wearing a vest of material known to ignite under certain conditions” would be more culturally sensitive.
    In 2001, after we had found out what had happened in New York that day, one of the local rednecks said,”we should find those f***ers and nuke ’em into the Stone Age”.
    Damned ignorant redneck.

  5. Genetic code is the only code we share with the people who would do this.
    If you want to annoy Sting call him by his given name “Gordon”.

  6. Shhhh! Don’t tell the lefties…they’ll demand that she and her entire family be brought to Canada and granted immediate citizenship.

  7. nold said: “Genetic code is the only code we share with the people who would do this.”
    Apparently we share a lot of DNA with chimpanzees too.
    … d’oh…
    Not that there’s anything wrong with chimpanzees, I hasten to add…

  8. Arabs have always been cowards. My uncle had first hand experience with that having fought the sons of bitches in WWII.
    As for Afghanistan, was a shit hole, is a shit hole, and will always be a shithole. Why we put a single soldier on the ground there beats me.

  9. In view of the story, I was expecting Sting to be singing “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”.

  10. Should put an upgraded remote control bomb belt and send her back to her brother.
    Maybe set it off, maybe not. Depends on if they get the point.

  11. Ummm, all the people who support multiculturalism.
    Are you Rip Van Winkle or are you 12 years old?

  12. Once again, the elephant sits quietly in the middle of the room while most everyone talks around it.
    Religion and faith are the convenient and evil actors in this play. Never forget it.
    One more thing….the sole problem with multiculturalism is that homo-sapiens are not yet nearly advanced enough to put aside our ingrained tribal instincts. Race, religion, etc will always be manipulated by the power-hungry to carve up society so they may eke out their little kingdoms. It has ever been thus around the entire globe and throughout mankind’s history.

  13. Yes, and we on the left support this sort of thing. We believe child suicide bombers are an important part of Middle Eastern culture and should be nurtured through grants.
    Come on guys. Do you really believe this?
    Afghanistan is a mess. Everybody knows that. The fact of the matter though is that it’s a mess because the superpowers used it as their battleground for decades. The Soviets wanted it, and the Americans funded groups like the Taliban to fight them, contributing to the chaos that has created this situation.
    Afghanistan didn’t create monsters due to some sort of racial deficiency. There are monsters there in part because of the situation the West helped create. Go read Jon Krakauer’s “Under the Banner of Heaven” and imagine a post-apocalyptic scenario here in North America. We’d have plenty of our own crazies to deal with.

  14. Afghanistan has been a mess for several thousand years.
    To know this, just read it’s history.
    Or you could look at a map and notice that Afghanistan is a kind of ‘hub’ at the nexus of several other nations and ask yourself this, why is it that none of those other nations wanted to rule over that ‘hub’?
    “The Soviets wanted it, and the Americans funded groups like the Taliban to fight them”
    Jimmy Carter began funding groups who wanted to fight the Soviets there, yeah.
    Not groups like the Taliban, though. Groups like the Northern Alliance who were still fighting the Taliban when the Americans later funded them again to defeat the Taliban after 9/11.
    “Yes, and we on the left support this sort of thing.”
    We on the Right are well aware of how you on the Left like to brainwash children and use them as political foot soldiers and pawns.
    Using them as suicide bombers is only a difference of degree, not kind.

  15. Who exactly makes the claim that all cultures are equally valid, gumby? – Phil
    As I recall, none other than Barak Obama said that his own country was exceptional only in the way the British or – we can only assume – any other country considered themselves exceptional.
    Now you can deny this extends to proclaiming the Islamic culture that uses little girls as walking bombs as equally valuable, but that would be intellectually dishonest.
