

I doubt that Sheikh Osama has been killed. I believe that he was kidnapped and is still alive. It does not make sense that a big power like the US searches for a man for 11 years and when it finds him, it just shoots him.

Because Obama keeps the Bin Laden death photos in the same place as his college records, that’s why.

22 Replies to “Deathers”

  1. Keep him alive for what purpose?
    Intelligence to gain? This was the best reason to extract him alive, but they likely would not be able to extract much, and little they don’t already know or can get by other means.
    Some political advantage? Better bang for the buck with him dead.
    Some leverage? Not likely much loyalty in that bunch to exploit.
    It is easy to believe he was killed.

  2. I agree with the professor.The U.S. killed some minor operatives in Pakistan, then claimed to have snuffed Osama Bin Laden.
    Shortly after 9-11,Bin Laden went back home to his filthy rich family in Saudi Arabia,and has lived there in obscurity ever since.
    He WAS roundly chastised by his family for acting in such an overt manner. As his Dad said,” yes, hate the infidels,but don’t be so obvious about it”.
    Now,is anyone interested in how the Jews aided Lee Harvey Oswald in assassinating the first Catholic President?
    How about them moon landings…..

  3. Our watchdog media was so eager to plaster those pix of Abu Ghraib all over creation for six months straight but is uninterested in the UBL pix. Its almost like they have a liberal bias or something? Almost.
    He’s prolly safe and sound in Bill Ayers’ basement. Living the good life. Smoking some doobies with Jeremiah Wright & Farakhan.

  4. As usual Kate makes her point in a wonderful manner.
    Why the questions, as absurd as they are, because of the pathological lack of transparency. So why the questions about his place of birth and other contributions, because he doesnt reveal them easily. Why does he hide them, could be simple the conspiracy theorists are correct, or they just prove that the carefully crafted meme of the smartest president evah! is the lie. And if that wasnt in place in 2008 he would not have beat Hillary, although he still probably would have beat McCain, the GOP was not goign to win in 2008.
    Final reason, he being as political as he is he hides crap just to distract and generate questions. They will eventually come out.
    He loves to hide stuff, his smoking, his transacripts, his whereabouts the night of Benghazi, his closer than admitted relationship with Ayers, his relationship with Wright, his intentions with Iran, the reality of Obamacare. All on their own likely explainable or minimal issues, but its just his character because he finds it easier to lie in the moment than to be completely or even generally honest. And look what it gets him, why shoudl he stop he has yet to suffer any consequence to his fibbing. Ever.

  5. America is learning the same lesson the Israelis have known for decades. It is the same lesson Omar Khadr will teach Canada:
    When you come across these yodelling, fig farming goat feltching militants – you kill them and get it over with the same way you would with a rabid dog. Negotiating with them only encourages them.

  6. Truth is, they’re afraid to admit what really happened. They shot the SOB and then they dumped his body in a hog farm owned by the Jooos. Some guy in California is probably going to make a video of it.
    “ulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaulaula! Death to Great Satan”
    Cue to Hillary – countdown for next Benghazi attack: 10, 9, 8, 7….

  7. He has been dead a lot longer than two years. Bush needed a boogie man and Obama needed a bump in the polls. Watch all the videos and his appearance is never the same. Also the assinated president of Pakistan who also referred to his death in a TV interview. Sorry I can’t post links. I am on my mobile.

  8. That Kuwaiti scholar probably has his eye on an International Zionist Conspiracy Fellowship at the prestigious Grassy Knoll Institute.

  9. “He has been dead a lot longer than two years. Bush needed a boogie [sic] man and Obama needed a bump in the polls. Watch all the videos and his appearance is never the same. Also the assinated [sic] president of Pakistan who also referred to his death in a TV interview. Sorry I can’t post links. I am on my mobile..”
    Pst… your hat needs to be re-tinfoiled too.

  10. “I believe that he was kidnapped and is still alive”
    No. I agree with Greg G, though. Really, there isn’t a shred of evidence bin Laden was killed in Pakistan just 2 years ago and Obama is a pathological liar.
    People who believe Obama, after the avalanche of lies and all the subterfuge?
    They’re the ones who have mental problems.
    Go ahead, name one single piece of evidence that makes Obama believable this one time.
    Go into various Rightwing blog archives, go back to the date that it was announced that Seal team Six killed Osama bin Laden. All the conservative blogs, including the milbloggers are going, “Seal Team Six? Never heard of them. There are only five.”
    Now, of course, it’s back to five because Seal team Six was shot down and obliterated.
    Yeah, very believable.
    It amazes me how some people cannot hold several pieces of evidence in their head at a time and weigh them toward an independent conclusion.
    It bodes poorly for the future of democracy and juries of our peers in criminal cases.

  11. If Obama had wanted to settle things once and for all, with no questions possible, he’d have impaled Osamma Bin Laden’s head on the White House fence for the birds to peck at. Or perhaps a slightly less gruesome alternative, open casket viewing for the American news media and anyone else who cared to have a look.
    “Burial at sea” is designed to create mystery, distrust, and above all, questions. That alone tells you all you need to know about Barack “Trust Me” Obama.
    For myself, I don’t care. If Bin Laden is dead, good riddance. If not, he’s suffering kidney failure and will be dead soon enough anyway.

  12. The Americans were careful to show pictures of the shot-up bodies of Saddam Hussein’s principal sons.
    And the picture of the body of the one Boston Bomber circulated too, albeit “unofficially”.
    Gruesome, but a good idea.

  13. Prove he was alive after 2002.
    Maybe this esteemed lady needs a tinfoil hat as well, oh wait she was murdered. Forward to 2:15 and if you can pry your fat, self important, head out of that deep, dark, place you keep it in, learn to use google and compare the different faces of Bin Laden over the years or have you lost the ability to think critically?

  14. I think OBL was killed in Bora Bora in 2001-2002, meat paste painted on the inside of a cave after a bunker-buster punched his ticket.

  15. I don’t know if he’s still alive, perhaps I hope he is still alive, like in the opening sequence of the movie, “7” where the guy is laying in bed surrounded by those 100’s of pine air fresheners as he rots.
    rotting, to death.

  16. I’m going to put my tinfoil hat on for just a second John, and say a word: Photoshop.
    Picture evidence ain’t what it used to be, let’s just say. You wanna prove to the nation you waxed some guy, you gotta come up with a body and a DNA proof of provenance.
    Here’s the thing though. If George Bush said Bin Laden was dead, I’d believe Bin Laden was either dead or Bush had a really good reason for lying about it. More to the point, a reason -I- would think was a good reason. Like operational security, or furthering the purposes of the United States, or protecting somebody, etc.
    When Obama says Bin Laden is dead, my first thought is he’s lying about it and I won’t like the reason. Because the guy is always lying, and its always for stupid short term political BS brownie points. My second thought is the accounts of that whole attack and subsequent burial at sea describe something so mickey mouse that I can believe Obama had a hand in it, and Bin Laden is really dead despite everything Obama could do to f- it up.
    Either way, I believe pictures out of this White House the same as I believe Green Helmet Guy. I believe they have an unlimited propaganda budget.

  17. OBL was dead long before the Navy Seals “shot him”.
    Buried at sea was to hide the evidence of that fact, related by several intelligence insiders like Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

  18. We know for sure the picture of Obama and his crack team watching ‘Seal Team Six’ take bin Laden down is a phake foto.
    Anyone who believes the rest of the story is true is wearing a tinfoil hat fer sure.
    All that malarkey about burial at sea because of protocol or respect for Muslim sensibilities is trashed by the reality of Obama ‘spiking the football’ as they called it when he preened and took all the credit while feigning being sensitive.
    Yeah, right. If Obama had been part of ‘taking out bin Laden’ he would have paraded his limousine around the country with bin Laden lashed to the hood like a deer, bin Laden was a frikken terrorist for pity’s sake not a head of state.

  19. Maybe Bush should have sent a crack Seal team in to recover Saddams WMDs and then dumped them in the ocean. That would most certainly satisfied the MSM, and closed the issue from any further scrutiny.
