28 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. Harper still has a shred of credibility. The appointment would be so counter-productive that renders the rumour ridiculous. Mind you he did appoint the Commie Light, Gary Doer, to the embassy in Washington so he might have some difficulty in friend/foe recognition. I guess Harper must have believed there were no suitable Conservatives.

  2. Actually, that would be a smart move on Harper’s part. It would effectively neuter her as a political force. She could do a lot less damage as Lt. Gov. than she could as Toronto mayor, for damned sure.

  3. Or he’s getting rid of a powerful enemy by putting her in a position where she can do no real harm.Chow for Lt.Gov., a perfect fit.
    I shudder to think of the state Toronto will be in if Chow is elected Mayor.

  4. In an army (in which I served) we would say the first step to getting the posting that you want is to start a rumour that you are being considered for it.

  5. If folks in Toronto ask for Chow in the next election, may they be served a heaping helping.

  6. No. I think sending Doer to Washington, in light of who’s in charge there, was a master stroke. Think about it. Doer wouldn’t rock the boat with the White House because he’s from the same ideological neighbourhood. Harper can, essentially, discount any advice that Doer sends him or better yet…do the exact opposite.

  7. Hey james on January 6, 2014 11:09 AM , I’ll be there too. I’ll let you ask that question and I’ll ask about twirly bulbs.

  8. Okay, so send an E-mail to the PMO,and recommend her. Harper may not know who Kate McMillan is, but if he gets enough E-mails,complete with link to SDA, he might appoint our Kate.
    I wonder how long it will take before she’s Ottawashed.

  9. So Coyne being the top flight journo has two credible sources, right?
    Surely he wouldn’t just rumor monger…

  10. I quite agree – although she’s a first class trougher (she and smilin’ Jack regularly were in the top ten MP’s in annual expense claims), putting Chow-Chow in the LG’s office removes her as a political force (what has ANY LG ever done to make one sit up and notice?), saves Toronto from her oily fingers, and improves Harper’s overall ‘diversity’ score in appointments, eliminating one more weapon the leftards use to beat him with. Let it happen!

  11. Apparently, she is some 7 or 8 months short of a full federal parliamentary pension should she quit to run for the mayor of T.O.
    Makes you wonder…will a professional trougher like Chow forego a full pension to lead Toronto to bankruptcy?

  12. Apparently, she is some 7 or 8 months short of a full federal parliamentary pension should she quit to run for the mayor of T.O.
    Makes you wonder…will a professional trougher like Chow forego a full pension to lead Toronto to bankruptcy?

  13. Apparently, she is some 7 or 8 months short of a full federal parliamentary pension should she quit to run for the mayor of T.O.
    Makes you wonder…will a professional trougher like Chow forego a full pension to lead Toronto to bankruptcy?

  14. Harper truly is an evil genius! Mwahahahaha!
    No, seriously. How many taxpayer troughs has Chow been feeding from?

  15. “…..Harper may not know who Kate McMillan is….”
    Somehow, I doubt that …

  16. If they really do make Kate a Senator some day I am going to laugh my @$$ off.
    Imagine if you will Senator McMillan, the very Mother of All Terriers, turned loose among the pouter pigeons in Ottawa. The panic, the frothing, the flying feathers! The exploding heads! Comedy GOLD!
    And imagine the face on Prince Warnout, aka the Lying Jackal. Truly, it would be epic.

  17. Thanks!! (Sarc. off) Coffee all over the screen and keyboard. The image is hilarious!!

  18. Chow probably has a survivors share of her late husband’s MP/Party Leader’s pension,and I would imagine that is quite substantial, so won’t suffer too much if she wins the Mayor’s seat in Toronto.
    If Chow runs,she’ll win. Every left-winger in the city will get out and vote her in to a landslide victory. She’ll probably win by the greatest majority in Canadian history,and I’ll bet anyone who disagrees a cup of Tim’s lousy coffee on that.
