How’s That Hopey Changey Thing Working Out For Ya?

Obamamath“…after Kathy turns up her thermostat with the money she has left over from her unemployment check, she can then go to the grocery store and buy maybe an additional dozen eggs, or maybe another loaf of bread. And when she does that, the grocery store might hire a new worker, and in fact might even hire Kathy. This is the kind of drivel that we are getting from the president of the United States, and this is the kind of drivel that low-information voters apparently are just scarfing up.

24 Replies to “How’s That Hopey Changey Thing Working Out For Ya?”

  1. The left doesn’t like trickle down economics, but they sure like the trickle up idea. Hear the same silliness with the need to increase the minimum wage to $15 – that way minimum wage workers will buy more stuff and improve the economy!!

  2. Try this: Ask the people who want minimum wage set to $15 an hour why they’re not asking for $100 an hour. Do they hate poor people?
    In general, there’s two kinds of reaction: The first will sputter as they form an argument against $100/hour and the connection in their head finally ‘clicks’, then they shut up. The second will (if you give them the chance) argue against a higher minimum wage until the sun burns out without ever understanding your point or seeing the irony.
    Sadly, the latter is far more common.

  3. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
    So easy to be the generous benefactor, with other peoples time and money.
    Time is money and money is time, every dollar that is stolen from us by our “helpers” in these kleptocracies, represents time we would have better spent ourselves.
    What is the point of producing usable wealth, if you get no benefit?
    Or obtain a negative benefit?
    Having the useless and clueless, living large on your labour, terrorizing your children and crippling your ability to produce…..This is a benefit?
    I love the libtard counter, if we did not coddle the lazy, shiftless and stupid, crime would go up.
    Dane gold any one?
    So if we do not give them our goods,our time, they will take them by force?
    Under liberal progressive logic,or lack there of, useful members of society have the right to be the victims of those who choose to be useless.
    This builds a great future for our children.
    Then our brilliant politicians and their ponderous advisors wonder why productivity in Canada is falling.

  4. The only economy this unemployment insurance grows is the one in the public sector. That people are unwilling or too stupid to ask how this “logic” of Obama’s works isn’t the fault of the thinking voters though it will be their problem.
    I hope these guys enjoy opening letters saying they cannot keep their doctors and there is yet another deep freeze coming their way. They deserve it.

  5. People are being too hard on Obamamath. All one has to do is preface the above statement with – “money appears out of nowhere rather than from taxpayers to pay for unemployment insurance, then ….”
    See how easy that was.

  6. Personal wealth represents personal freedom. Freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want to do it. The more wealth a person has, the more freedom they also have. Want to parasail through the Bering Strait, wearing nothing but combat boots and a Santa suit, go ahead and knock your socks off. If you want to fly your private jet around the world, upside down, wearing nothing but those same socks and a clown nose, and you’ve worked hard enough and can afford it, go nuts, Planters Peanut.
    But when a ‘Progressive’ (regressive?) wants to take away that person’s money, strip them of their wealth, and punish them for working too hard or being too successful, what is it that they’re truly trying to take from away and deprive that person of?

  7. So my questions to the dickheads are:
    If a thousand dollars a month on welfare is such a good thing, two grand a month would be twice as good, right?
    If public servants spending $100 of taxpayers money on a meal is good for the local economy (as defended by Ontario’s dickhead minister-in-chief, Dwight Duncan), let’s say that same civil servant spent $300 on his meals, wouldn’t that be way, way better?
    And if we apply the same principles to public projects – sports facilities, light rail, etc. – surely a project with a cost overrun of 500 percent would be absolutely brilliant, eh?

  8. “scarfing up” …. I have not seen that word used for over twenty, no, thirty years. You may have to explain what it means to the younger audience.
    Otherwise, liberalism is a form of entertainment for those of us who are not liberal. It is like watching the Keystone Kops, or Abbot and Costello, or any gang who can’t shoot straight and the laughs are aplenty. Sadly, there is a lot of destruction in what liberals do, but you can’t get good laughs without a little societal slapstick going on. Plus it give the GOP something to do when they finally win one.
    Speaking of slap …. Americans have been undergoing an obama bitch-slap for five years now and half of them still don’t know it.

  9. I WANT the Canadian minimum wage raised to $100 per hour!
    (that’s my very evil twin speaking)

  10. And where does the money for the unemployment cheque come from? – asked nobody on the left, ever.

  11. If this has already been posted here recently, forgive me:
    Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
    John Adams

  12. And I have an NDP big Union supporting acquaintance that swears we have to open the borders and let as many immigrants into the Country as want to come.
    Then, said he,” we can all get rich building houses for them”.
    During the next federal election campaign, we MUST attend as many town hall meetings as possible and challenge the NDP to up the minimum wage to at least $30/hour, the old age pension to $3000/month,and welfare to $2000/month,any less is inhumane.
    In the socialist mind, no one knows where money comes from, but the government has an endless supply, if they’ll just tax “the rich” enough.

  13. If we all go out and buy a single banana 300+ million bananas will be sold and 300 million jobs will be created.

  14. Don, I remember some 50 years ago while on a trip to Mexico reading how if only they could increase their population they could have a very successful society and great internal economics with so many people buying their goods. Seems to have worked out real well for them. sarc/off

  15. Actually no, Webley. He’s laughing sardonically at the complete demonstration of everything he wrote.
    Glasnost, never apologise for that one. People need to be reminded of the fragility of democracy as an institution. It can only survive if its citizens are intelligent and perceptive, both of which are in lamentably short supply these days.

  16. How many jobs would be created if everyone got paid for not working?
    This is just a rehash of Keynes’s fraudulent claim that GDP could be increased by paying people to dig ditches and fill them in again. It looks like Obama is a fraud too. But you knew that.
    The SEIU’s call for a $15 per hour minimum wage, which is being echoed in Ontario, is pure Cloward-Piven. Destroy jobs, make a lot of people dependent on government assistance, wreck their prospects, pretend you’re looking after their best interests, overload the social welfare system, bring down the productive economy, then blame it on capitalism. Except capitalism has nothing to do with it.

  17. Doesn’t leave much future for the SEIU, unless they start representing welfare recipients.

  18. Assume for the moment that the Obamanomics actually works. Governments spending money creates net jobs is the proposition. However, that makes the assumption that none of the borrowed money ever has to be paid back. It works as long as the interest rate is trivial.
    However, sooner or later the endless printing of more money triggers runaway inflation, resulting in one of two situations: a massive surge in interest rates to bring inflation under control, or the vanishing of the American dollar into a Zimbabwean twilight zone. The first brings on a recession, and the second brings on the collapse of national finances with the disintegration of the currency. Either one of these outcomes triggers far more damaging economic and job losses than the original government expenditure ever created in the first place.
