32 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. “lignite. The moist, brown form of the fossil fuel packs less energy and more carbon than more frequently burned hard coal.”
    Moist and brown, eh? They may call it lignite but I’m sure it needs to be referred to as Tar Coal.
    Yep, they’re strip mining Tar Coal.
    Way to go, Greenies.

  2. Notice the word which never appears in the Financial Post piece? NUCLEAR! All of this is brought on by Germany’s green insanity about phasing out nuclear power. Germany had its cheap alternative to very low grade lignite coal. But it’s closing all its plants by the end of this decade. Germans have no one to blame but themselves for this. Yes, the Greens are morons, but the Germans voted to support phaseout policies, and now they are going to pay the price.
    Germans have a history of bad collective decision-making over the past century. Welcome to the latest German national debacle.

  3. “Mining machines the size of skyscrapers stand just to the north of Proschim ready to swallow up the town of 330 residents”
    No doubt the entire German Green Party and good, honest environmentalists like David Suzuki and David Cameron will show up on the edge of the village to save it from ending up as evil CO2.
    Protect the Lignite!
    Protect Proschim!

  4. There ya go Oz, I didn’t catch that. Didn’t Germany’s electric bills hit the roof last year, and these morons are still pushing the liberal socialist feelgood approach ? Un-frigin-believable !

  5. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I just got to sit through two BNSF tank car trains in a row in Claremore. It is starting to get worse here. Instead of passing silently and cleanly through pipes in the ground, Warren Buffet has convinced all the easily bought politicians to transport oil on his trains. (Can you say crony capitalism?) Just so that I can spend more time waiting for them to pass and stop blocking my roads.

  6. Not to worry folks. Soon all these euro and north american leftards will be climbing on leak boats to go over to protest the new Aparthied wall between Turkey and Syria.. Just wait.. You’ll see..

  7. Germany, home to the word,”schadenfreude”, is getting a good dose of it today!
    The former NAZI republic leads the world in green piety,and has done it’s best to destroy Canadian industries for the last forty years. May they choke on their own pollution until saner heads prevail, if that ever happens over there.
    Why is Germany so nasty to Canada,anyway, still pissed off over WW2?
    Or is it just that you can get away with it?
    We don’t like you very much either.

  8. Quite right, Andy, the delusions of the green slime are just about limitless. Fact is, lignite is filthy. Loads of good reasons not to burn it for real pollution reasons (CO2 is NOT one of them). But even filling the air with SOx, NOx, heavy metals, VOCs and particulates is better than doing without electricity. Doing without by far kills more people than even lignite generation without emission controls of any kind.

  9. You nail it cgh. Not a single green woud agree, because greens don’t think for themselves, they hold the beliefs the collectivist green leadership tells them are the correct ones to think.
    Cheap and abundant electricity is necessary for a prosperous society, and the health of the people.

  10. Tell me how to kill a Green and get away with it! No doubt in a couple of years
    it will be considered justifiable homicide. What these moron imbeciles don’t realise
    is that lignite not only “packs less energy and more carbon” than other coals (I
    don’t believe the latter BTW) but also causes real lung-destroying pollution,
    as per London’s smogs e.g. the killer smog of 1954.
    Yes! Coal is dirty! That is why people who knew it wanted nuclear power!
    My first and indeed enduring impression of central Pennsylvania is of the lush
    near-paradisial greenery. Even Pittsburg is a green city. And yet if one reads
    H.L. Mencken, he describes the belt – oh approximately from Bethlehem to Altoona
    to Pittsburg – as a brown filthy wasteland, Hell on Earth.
    Oil then nuclear (Three Mile Island), and the will of civil leadership such as
    Andrew Mellon, and the recuperative powers of vegetation, changed all that. Greens
    want to change it back. They live in Hell and want Hell all around them.

  11. Nazi stasi sat on a wall,
    Nazi stasi had a big fall,
    All the green horses and all the green “men”
    couldn’t put Nazi stasi together again.
    Touch my monkey, now we come to the part of Sprockets where we collect unemployment.

  12. Seems the fatherland is fighting another two front war, environmentalism and reality..
    This time they are the Bolsheviks carpet bombing themselves.. The big threat of not having the big threat is a big problem when you just want to be told what to do..
    To think that they are the European success story is scary..

  13. Greenpeace are idiots, and politicians that listen to Greenpeace are idiots too. And why in God’s name don’t we have nuclear power plants all across Canada, where hydro-electric is not viable? Morons. Canada designs one of the best plants in the world and then we don’t use it? WTF! I noticed in the article that Greenpeace protest coal, nuclear, dams, etc… we should take all the Greenpeace supporters and stick them on an island with nothing but their own hands and tell them to make a civilization that they are happy with. Isolation, good for their souls.

  14. John, I’m not an expert on the subject, only a well-read layman. But I understand that the problem with lignite is that its carbon content is relatively low compared to all the other stuff in it. Basically it’s high grade peat moss.
    It’s less dense than bituminous or anthracite, and it has a higher water content. All of this means that you have to burn more of it to get the equivalent amount of energy compared to higher grade coals. It accumulates more ash and clinker as well. In short, it burns inefficiently compared to higher grade coals. (In producing electricity, you improve combustion efficiency by increasing as much as possible the combustion temperature. Forgive me if I’m telling you platitudes you already know.)
    Hence, more CO2 per kWh. As always on any of these technical issues, I stand to be corrected by someone with greater knowledge.
    And you are entirely right about central Pennsylvania. I spent 1968 living in the State College-Bellefountain area. All of that hideous smokebelt had been and was being largely demolished. Nuclear power and electric arc steel smelting was abolishing the old huge steel furnaces. And for good reason. About 80 per cent of our steel today comes from recycling. Metals are simply too valuable today to discard.
    Our western civilization has two great enemies at this time, one internal and one external, specifically the Green disease and radical Moslem fanaticism. I give you one guess as to which of these is the existential threat with the other being largely irrelevant.

  15. Back a few decades ago when the German-led Green Priests were telling the rest of Europe that there were no Trees left in BC, they were funded from payroll deductions of German Auto Workers. I suspect the funding is still there and predictably the same Green Priests are busy trying to kill Canadian Oil Sands and Boreal Forest production.
    Kate’s Juxtaposition should be labeled respectively: The Fantasy vs the Reality. Few nations can match the arrogance of the Germans.

  16. Interesting aside: I was in Home Depot yesterday, and they have a display in the vestibule selling authentic Ireland peat chunks, for you to burn in your fireplace. Why you would want to do this was not clear. Perhaps to gum up your chimney?

  17. Ah good, that explains the lignite.
    The one good thing about this is, that the Germans are refusing to follow the Green
    script and freeze and starve in the dark.
    Green kills; Greens kill.
    Captcha try 1 failed.
    Captcha try 2 filed. It looks like an n to me!

  18. Global Warming at least the CAGW aspect is an intelligence test.
    Tells you everything you need to know about the people who are panicked by this fear.
    CAGW created, orchestrated and protected from investigation , by your government bureaucracies.
    Or how to steal from the many to enrich the few.
    Hence the clear conclusion we are living in kleptocracy, governed by thieves.

  19. If one reads economists of the Austrian School one quickly comes to the conclusion that any nation which
    permits fractional reserve banking is run by crooks. And most countries do permit fractional reserve banking.

  20. “I just got to sit through two BNSF tank car trains in a row in Claremore”
    I love it. The greedy indians wanted more money to approve the pipeline and now its going by train so they get nada. With a pipeline they would get a nice check every month for doing NOTHING. Now if they want to partake they will have to get a J-O-B- on the railway and actually do some work. Never gonna happen.

  21. I was just calculating that Los Angeles uses a million bbls a day and trona 150000 bbls per day. Trona would be the largest greenhouse gas emitter
    Please trona. Bump up the burn. We are freezing

  22. coal. good stuff these days, what with the ability to clean what is coming from the stacks.

  23. Actually, the newer German lignite-fired power plants (e.g. Schwarze Pumpe, Lippendorf, the newest Boxberg units) are very clean in terms of particulates, SOx, and other nasties, due to high performance scrubbers).

  24. I forgot to mention, for the new lignite plants: lower Nitrogen Oxides emissions due to low-NOx burner technology. These are not dirty plants.
    As someone explains above, the low heat value of lignite means more energy expenditure in material handling and the 50% water content means the boilers must be huge compared to hard coal boilers because of the extra volume of water vapor generated that must be handled by the boiler fans and scrubbers. So efficiency is lower, but the plants are not dirty in terms of pollution.

  25. All true, Ex-pat, and thanks for the note regarding water content. I knew it was high, but not that high. And its true that all coal pollutants can be controlled regardless of coal grade. However, all that comes at an additional energy cost to the system.
