Reader Tips

Tonight, to help warm up our fingers and toes, we watch the Red Army Chorus and Band perform Марш артиллеристов (“The Artillerymen’s March”).

Gunners, Stalin gave the order!
Gunners, the Fatherland calls us!
To the hundreds of thousands of batteries
For the tears of our mothers,
For our Motherland: Fire! Fire!

Sorry it’s in Russian, but the only Canadian version I could find had Paul Martin giving the order, and the footage was of a Shriner’s parade.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Mexican civilians disarm local police:

    Hundreds of armed vigilantes stormed a Mexican town and arrested federal police in the latest bloody battle between residents, criminal gangs, and the police locals say are in league with the gang members.

    Around 600 members of local ‘autodefensas’, or self-defence groups, stormed Paracuaro in the troubled Michoacan state yesterday in an attempt to seize control of the town back from the feared Caballeros Templarios (Knights Templar) drug cartel..


  2. Might as well have that extra piece of pie:

    The eruption of a “supervolcano” hundreds of times more powerful than conventional volcanoes – with the potential to wipe out civilisation as we know it – is more likely than previously thought, a study has found. An analysis of the molten rock within the dormant supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in the United States has revealed that an eruption is possible without any external trigger, scientists said.


  3. Sometimes, the most unlikely sources are worth checking out.
    Being in a travelling mode, going south, we checked in on the Mormon tabernacle choir.
    What ever you think about the Mormons, their choir is something awesome.
    Attended the live broadcast of the event on the Sunday of the January 5 2014.
    By any standard it was most uplifting.
    Did not get converted, though they are very nice people.
    Greetings from St. George Utah.

  4. Actually, the above post is not anonymouse.
    It is by Lev as in Vit, not Vitruvius, it is a real actual name.

  5. WallyJ, I note that Brigette is inspired by these brave young protestors, while the jerk is himself a comedian by trade.
    Canadas best and brightest, for sure.
    He said he has been thrown off stage a few times, so I assume he is not terribly good a his trade, either.

  6. Quite a good article, IMO, on Keystone XL, which article is based on Mr. Harper’s appearance at the Vancouver Board of Trade yesterday:
    The money bit is toward the end, where Marc Spitzer, a former FERC commissioner, tells it like it is. His remarks tie in nicely to bluetech’s post at 11:32 p.m., to wit:
    “Making things worse is a sharp drop in the credibility of the administration with allies and opponents alike.”
    I wonder if the administration has yet suffered a similar drop in credibility among its arse-lickers in the Canadian media, who glibly assured us, in their usual malpracticing sort of way, that Keystone XL would be approved by the end of 2013 if Mr. Obama were re-elected.
    D+7 now.

  7. Good one, Wally.
    Harper talks economic opportunity, with a balance between that and real environmental concerns; these idiots “are terribly unaware of the rest of the country”, as Mr. Trudeau, Sr. famously said about British Columbians. “Climate Justice?” Really? Have a look at the blizzard and wind chill warnings for southwestern Ontario yesterday and today, in case anyone thinks we’re immune.
    I’m not just sure how this down-market, “Entertainment Tonight” style of political coverage helps the CBC. It’s bad enough that this outfit is strictly an opinion-mill, the overwhelming number of contributions to which are uninformed by any of the technical knowledge or experience required to actually form an opinion on the subject at hand, but this utter crap?
    Evan, George, David and crowd need to take their twerking elsewhere, really. This sorry episode is further proof of the notion that a public broadcaster in this country is well past its sell-by date: the only remotely possible existential justification for one is up-market investigation, with a comprehensive range of viewpoints in fulsome discussion, for which those of us who are interested in that sort of thing have long ago gone elsewhere anyway.
    And when you think about it, this garbage is absolutely killing Mr. Trudeau, Jr. A good deal of the attraction of his father, IMO, was that he some brains, with a relatively cogent cadre of media types to carry his case forward to that element of the population that saw a reflection of themselves in him in some way. Not so, now.

  8. Neo-AGW PR: AGW/CC’s polar vortex kills.
    Wanted: Killer Cold. He can run; but, he can’t hide.
    Dangerous Killer Cold* Has Escaped, aka Arctic Polar Vortex*.
    “Forecasters said some 187 million people in all could feel the effects of the “polar vortex””.
    “The cold is the real killer here,” Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard said Monday”.
    “Bitter cold temperatures break records in U.S. Midwest”
    “Dangerously cold polar air snapped decades-old records as it spread Tuesday from the Midwest to southern and eastern parts of the United States,”.
    “Monday’s bitterly cold temperatures broke records in Chicago at -27 C, and Fort Wayne, Ind., where the mercury fell to -25 C.”
    “Records also fell in Oklahoma and Texas”.
    *Arctic Polar Vortex:

  9. The “Polar Vortex” is visiting southern Ontario, Woodstock Ontario specifically is registering -30 Celcious at 8:00 am on our east facing outdoor deck thermometer.
    For the first time in 19 years, ice has formed at the botttom of our windows…… INDOORS!
    AGW, be damned!
    The juncos are feeding at the backyard feeder, cardinals haven’t shown up yet, I know they will be back because they were here yesterday.
    The front yard is plugged full of snow, and my snowblower has a flat tire.
    Geez, is Costa Rica a democracy, and do they accept aged Canadian immigrants?
    Or where does one apply for the Mars one way expedition?

  10. Killer AGW/CC is for the children, left-liberals green-reds say.
    “‘Ground stop’ at Pearson as bitter cold results in chaos at Canada’s biggest airport”
    “Deep freeze lights fire under commodities markets as crop, cattle futures soar”
    “Blackouts hit thousands in Newfoundland as ‘polar vortex’ sends Prairies into deep freeze”

    S. Maher is a dick who knows that government people travel for business and mix in personal stuff. The cost of the airfare would be paid no matter if he stayed 1 night or 7. It states the MP paid for the additional nights in NY and only claimed 1 night. Make me wonder if this was a Liberal or NDP MP would they be writing about what a great role model this person is? What a hatchet job.

  12. At what point do these journalists acknowledge that they are engaged in basic dishonesty. There is not a single newsworthy point made in this article. It’s pathetic.

  13. Neo-AGW PR Rests It’s Cases.
    AGW Kills Old Record Lows.
    “Look at all of the cold records:”.
    “Highlights of Record Lows Shattered on Tuesday Morning”
    “4 F in New York City’s Central Park
    The old record for the date was 6 F which was set back in 1896.”
    “7 F in Charlotte, N.C.
    The old record for the date was 12 F which was set back in 1884.”
    “13 F in Columbia, S.C.
    The old record for the date was 16 F which was set back in 1924.”

  14. Recommendation: Do not read this. You will be labelled a lefter. Only lefters will read this.
    “Every conservative knows fashionable intellectuals don’t like them. Also, Stephen Harper seems to drive them especially bonkers.”
    “Harper & the Intellectuals”
    “Mugged by reality” is how Irving Kristol explained his move from left to right. But his neoconservatism wasn’t an epiphany. It was an odyssey… more»”

  15. The typical leftist turds showed up this afternoon for Harper’s speech blocking traffic into the event. Mill Bay was a nuthouse! Good speech and huge turnout. They failed again. One lady told me I should be ashamed of myself while I was walking in ha ha, I just smiled and said nothing.

  16. This poem came to mind today as I was basking in the warmth of -4, and trudging across the tundra, mile after mile…
    ” There are strange things done in the midnight sun
    By the men who moil for gold;
    The Arctic trails have their secret tales
    That would make your blood run cold;
    The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
    But the queerest they ever did see
    Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
    I cremated Sam McGee.
