18 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Hmmm a man-hating Trekkie. Captain Picard would be puzzled by this. Janeway would ‘get it’ but Kirk would punch her in the mouth. I’m for Kirk.

    I like me some man crisps. I was eating a packet of polar bear and powertools flavoured man crisps last night when the wife became upset.
    “Do you have to eat those in bed?” she asked.
    Turns out I do. I have no idea how I put up with that woman.
    Anyway, apart from man crisps I also like man-sized tissues, my manly 4×4 car (with amusing rubber testicles on the tow hitch, and the music of Melissa Manchester.
    I’m so manly I once got into a fist fight with a peacock at Warwick Castle. Technically the peacock won and I can never go back there or the RSPCA will prosecute, but I did get a good handful of his tail feathers before he flogged me so I count that as a moral victory for man over beast.
    So it’s a good thing that crisp makers and whatnot sell products to meet manly needs, but why not also cater to feminists? I have some suggestions:
    * Girl Crisps in the following flavours: passive-aggressive, trinkets ‘n’ bonbons, and topless
    * Lady Laptops – like normal laptops, but with a little vanity mirror attached and preloaded with recipies and pictures of kittens
    * A car that automatically touches up your makeup when stopped at red lights
    * A body pillow shaped like a man for lonely feminists to cuddle up to – comes in Gerard Butler, Antonio Banderas, and a slimline Benedict Cumberbatch model for single beds
    Come to think of it, the problem the feminist movement has is that it needs an ideas man like me to be in charge. We’d soon cut through all the pointless gabbing and overcome the Patriarchy.
    Posted by: Steve 2 | January 07, 2014 at 10:48

  3. Who gives a flying f*ck what any idiot “tweets”(they should be called “twits”, much more accurate in many ways).
    As Kate’s choice of headline for this “story”(ha)demonstrates, let the “leftards must die” circle-jerk begin.

  4. I’ve heard that Facebook, You Tube, and Twitter are going to amalgamate.
    It’s new moniker is slated to be:
    You Twit Face.

  5. To make radical feminists like Colette disappear, all you have to do is expose them to Preparation H.

  6. Classified under “things I didn’t need to know” and cross filed under “comments with the tweet were quite funny”.

  7. I am soooo tired of witnessing the hate-filled, wasteful, thoughtless, divisive and ultimately suicidal partisan civil wars that are slowly destroying western democracies.
    I am outraged that the sacrifices my WW2 dad’s generation made have been squandered and my daughters’futures have been sold out by the outrageous debts that politicians have grown TO STAY IN POWER. I believe that primarily because of this never-ending bullsh*t partisan distraction, China is about to eat us for lunch.
    So ya, it hits pretty f*cking close to home.

  8. It must have hit close to home for you to bring up your Dad’s service in WW2. But having fun with leftists is just
    a common sport – they are quite sensitive to ridicule, and not to much else – they are indifferent to
    such things as the rule of law, common sense, and common decency. Feminists are the worst, and have done
    a lot of damage. Feminists are even worse than race hustlers, and much funnier.

  9. There are so many things that deserve our anger, such as Muslims killing their wives for giving birth to daughters when it is the man’s sperm that determines gender, idiot politicians indebting future generations so they remain in office, etc. Why would someone care about a marketing exercise?
    Someone should tell Collette that many languages (French and all the Romance languages I know of for sure) have masculine and feminine nouns where the smaller of two things is usually the feminine one ie in French it is un cigar and une cigarette.
    A rage induced head explosion will most likely follow.

  10. I’ll bet she is a marketer for Man Crisps — clever. I’ll be watching out for them.

  11. Janeway would never let Kirk land a blow on her.
    That being said, we’ve entered into the new era of uptight squares who find offence in everything. Puritans, Victorians, Prohibitionists, GLAAD, now angry pseudo-feminist tweeters who think people give a crap about they think.
    Canadian Observer, have a Snickers. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.

  12. Woman Crisps. Womon Crisps. Womyn Crisps.
    Nope, a non-starter for feminists – sounds too much like those folks who got torched during the Inquisition about four zillion years ago that they still like to rave about.

  13. Well, this story reminds me of a sign I saw at the London ON air show in 1991 (back when they, you know, had them), which was just after the end of the Gulf War:
    “Stays up longer. Penetrates Deeper. Carries a heavier load.”
    It was hung (pardon the pun) on the side of a shockingly small (pardon the pun) aircraft, which, by reputation (pardon the pun) created by the media, I had expected would be much larger than the C-5 Galaxy which stood nearby and had both ends open (pardon the pun).
    The sad reality for Collette and that Ms. Duncan woman (late of the Obama campaign ad) is that the B-52 was created under a Democratic administration — that information, if the world were actually a normal place, would send them both to the local psychiatric hospital.

  14. Yup, Kirk would drop some pipe on her. skeet skeet skeet
    and maybe a backhand(cause they need one every now and then – sean connery)
