
“All too early in the [Obama] administration,” he writes, “suspicion and distrust of senior military officers by senior White House officials — including the president and vice president — became a big problem for me as I tried to manage the relationship between the commander in chief and his military leaders.”
Gates offers a catalogue of various meetings, based in part on notes that he and his aides made at the time, including an exchange between Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that he calls “remarkable.”
He writes: “Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying.”

Only man on the planet who needed to be told.

12 Replies to ““Duty””

  1. “…”suspicion and distrust of senior military officers by senior White House officials — including the president and vice president..”
    Yup. If you preferred Barbie dolls over GI Joes, you might be a Yellow Liberal.
    Trudeau, Carter and ‘bama hate(d) the military because it is a constant reminder of their own deficiencies.

  2. Gates emphasizes the controlling and micromanagement of Obama’s White House, including Valerie Jarrett, who, in other sources, is said to ‘know where all the bodies are’ in Chicago. For Obama, EVERYTHING is political.
    I’d like to read this book. I can HARDLY WAIT to hear Mark Levin expound re. its contents!
    The ‘parochial’ nature of Congress has to do with representatives protecting the U.S.A from those who would destroy it.

  3. “a constant reminder of their own deficiencies” . . . and that’s why they want to churn out a new generation of men who don’t make them feel bad. Watch this, if you can stomach it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc45-ptHMxo
    Can you imagine a generation brought up on this? Way to open up your country to the wolves.

  4. Deb, being a man today is bad for your health. being an old fart I can still stand up and tell someone to their face that they are less than a man and not feel guilty about it. all the p c nonsense that passes as thought these days is bloody irritating. I suggest that all men who are not capable of being men remove themselves from the presence of men.

  5. If you don’t already understand that the politicians OF ALL PARTIES regularly screw over their own citizens for personal political gain, you are an absolutely blind fool. Even the supposed “good ones” who are well-intentioned eventually lose perspective due to the debilitating effects of Ralph Klien’s well-coined “Dome Disease”.
    The problem we face both north and south of the border is political systems that thrive about 95% on style and 5% on substance. Funny how I never hear any hard-core partisans complaining about that particularly embarrassing fundamental weakness of our current systems(I am guessing they are all too busy trying to take full advantage of it to care about changing it). When PM Kim Campbell had the “testes” to point this sad fact out, her career was ended by a self-interested media that, to this day, still promotes political drama over substance. Nobody seemed to care at all that she was absolutely correct.
    Anyways, if you REALLY NEED to believe that the incompetent, media-protected Obama is unique in his sleaziness and is actually Lucifer himself to make your view of the world work, I wish you the best of luck.
    Groupthink is a creeping and crippling mental disease…..please give generously.

  6. Yeah well, Carter’s politics and policies suck bigtime….but he was a commissioned submariner in the USN….with a specialty….nuclear propulsion.

  7. It was once mentioned in the comments in previous discussions:
    Anybody Lt-Col and above is in a ‘political position’; in that you don’t serve for long and openly question the ‘leadership’.
    It isn’t a great revelation that politicians will support or oppose whatever policy is perceived to be advantageous to their election. Chameleon is as chameleon does…as long as the opposing party takes the blame.
    The battlefield will ‘take care of itself’ as long as the political battle on the hustings is won.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. “…but he (Carter) was a commissioned submariner in the USN….with a specialty….nuclear propulsion.”
    Must have been on the only sub with a reverse gear and floaties.

  9. Jamie, it was a “river” sub that covered Kerry’s A$$ in Vietnam:-)))
    maybe I better translate for sasquatch,I wonder what your point is with that post, as that idiot (Cotta)is still running around proving himself to be an idiot

  10. What I find interesting in all this is that the MSM has been leading this story with the defence of Biden being offered by the White House. Seems that the leftie scum in the MSM are well aware of how damaging this all is and need to rush out the cover story right away.
    For me, the most damaging part was Biden attempting to violate the chain of command by giving orders to Gates. Taken the wrong way, that’s sedition. Next most damaging was Gates’ remark that Biden has been on the wrong end of every foreign policy issue in the last 40 years. Just what we all knew back in 2007; nothing beats a perfect record.
    Naturally none of this appears in the MSM’s coverage. After all, the last thing those weasels want is for real malfeasance in office to appear in their beloved Democrat White House. I was touched, truly deeply touched, by the Washington press corps filming Bammy and Bidey having lunch today.
    “See, we’re all good friends here, and nasty old Gates was just a Republican anyway.”
