Free Mark Steyn!

…my August column for the paper prefigured all the issues that came into play in the Phil Robertson showdown:

But, putting aside arguments over the nature of marital union, the legalization of gay marriage will empower a lot more “vigilance” from all the right-thinking people over everybody else.
Mr. Mutchnick’s comparison of the word “homosexual” with “Negro” gives the game away: Just as everything any conservative says about anything is racist, so, now, it will also be homophobic.

And so it has proved.

7 Replies to “Free Mark Steyn!”

  1. ‘Not my business’ is not going to cut it as an answer for much longer.
    The Gay promoters demand, not only acceptance, but your blind support and promotion of their lifestyle.
    The left no longer wants to give out grades to our school kids. The irony in not getting a mark in math seems lost on many.
    Next on their list is getting pot in the hands of as many as possible.
    Then they want to ensure your child is exposed to an ‘alternate’ lifestyle. Cross dressing, etc.
    I guess the endgame is making sure your so stoned that you can’t object to being sodomized by your ‘buddy’ on Saturday night and when you wake up you don’t have the math skills to notice that the government has robbed the country blind.
    The above is a link to a picture of Levin, Wynne and Trudeau. Need I say more?

  2. “Much of the progressive agenda – on marriage, immigration, and much else – involves not winning the argument but ruling any debate out of bounds.”
    Exactly,Mr.Steyn. And that’s how they’re winning all the non-debates, while the cowards in the media and politics allow it to happen.
    Individuals CAN object,if they don’t mind pariah status.
    I can remember a few years ago when a public figure mentioned that eventually the gay community would lobby for the age of consent to be eliminated. He mentioned NAMBLA,and was roundly excoriated by all right-thinking people for being a homophobe.
    Of course he was.

  3. The Identity Politics playbook is essentially the same for the institutional left when referring to races or homosexuals. Once legal equality is attained, the envelope is pushed further. Just as affirmative action is equality “plus” for racial minorities, overtly celebrating the “pride” of a deviant minority becomes mandatory behavior. Outside the leftist cocoon, the former is properly seen as racism while the later, condescending hypocrisy (how can one celebrate a deviance while not partaking in the behavior, either through biologically-deterministic revulsion and or cultural taboo).

  4. On the bright side, despite everything the MSM, the politicians and the Ivory Tower can do about it, Phil Robertson is back making money on TV and Dick Metcalf is still incredibly, abjectly, permanently NOT.
    Its getting really easy to predict what the Elites are going to do. They’re going to do the exact opposite of common decency and common sense.
    They’re f-ed, basically. Only a matter of time now before they get et’ by the zombie hordes. Us, in other words.

  5. The only way to stop sexual perversions from becoming accepted is to deal with exhibitionist queers when one runs into them. They’re not used to (in large cities that is) to people doing anything aside from words of praise of how original their latest antics involving their boyfriends rear orifice were. Heterosexuals don’t suddenly start talking about their previous nights sexual escapades as that is considered to be a private matter. What many queers lack is a total sense of decorum and also assume that borderline personality is not a disease but rather a vibrant part of the queer lifestyle.
    I’ve noted before that I was struck by the total lack of borderline personality disorder among men that I see as patients until a literature search revealed that the vast majority of male borderlines are homosexual. Female borderlines are predominantly heterosexual but tend to put men off by their marked emotional lability, their inability to see anything except in black and white terms and suicidal gestures in response to percieve abandonment. It’s very likely that there were male borderlines in the interior of BC at one time but they’ve all moved to Vancouver.
    Until queers acknowledge that a very significant portion of their “rainbow coalition” suffers from untreated psychiatric disorders which are the cause of their ills and not “homophobia”, they are destined to become a group which will be viewed more and more as the favorite of a statist elite which, when TSHTF, will be the benificiary of the ever mounting public anger over those especially favored by statists. Most “gay bashing” is not as a result of a bunch of drunken guys from Surrey deciding to kick the crap out of homosexuals they find, but rather the inevitable result of a lovers quarrel between two men with a borderline personality component making it far more vicious than were it two guys fighting over a woman. Because all queers are members of this feel-good loving “rainbow coalition”, the only way such an event could have happened was through the agency of a hateful homophobic individual.

  6. I am in awe of George Orwell predicting all of this back in 1948 , doublethink. thought police. was not a prediction but a manual
