More Pavilions At Folkfest

Those moderate Muslims! Federal Court upholds government stopping funding to Canadian Arab Federation over concerns it appears to support terrorist organizations.
From the comments;

Hey, that NP article on the “Canadian” Arab Federation quoted that woman I caught on video yelling “Jewish child, Hamas is going to get you, you’re gonna F-n die”, the one Bernie Farber’s crew downloaded and then claimed as part of their effort to out anti-Semitism in Canada. Cool.

(h/t peterj)

10 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. What’s especially galling is that those clowns at the CAF could go to court and challenge the funding cut, as if civil society organizations have a right to government funding. Obviously more legislative tweaks remain to be done.
    Perhaps they’ll run to the Saudis for cash now, which is a whole other problem…

  2. Once again the PMSH administration quietly works to reduce the terrorism threat for Canadians and the inherent anti-Semitism this terrorism threat brings.
    Wonder how long the trolls will wait before showing up? Cheers;

  3. Tell me again why we allow muslim immigration to Canada. My buddy returned from a trip to Europe and said Amsterdam had whole large areas that seem to be completely muslim with lots of males just standing around or in coffee houses. As Hirsi Ali stated they come for the welfare.

  4. Yeah well, it’s like a lotta the takers in our society…..politicians and bureaucrats included….they believe they are entitled to their entitlements.
    Pensioners, the genuinely disabled…. are, IMHO, the only deserving……….

  5. ” “All of the statements and actions raised by the Minister can, in my view, reasonably lead one to the view that CAF appears to support organizations that Canada has declared to be terrorist organizations and which are arguably anti-Semitic,” the judge wrote.”
    The article does not mention that the past president of the CAF is ” OMAR ALGHABRA “, who is now better known asa former Liberal MP and one of Justin Trudeau’s top advisors.
    I suspect that when Justin came out with his mumbo-jumbo after the Boston Marathon terrorist attack that he was being advised by Omar.

  6. It’s bloody awful that these characters should have the opportunity to try for redress through the courts in the first place. Elected representative (Government-parliament) should be the only body to spend-review or not spend tax payers money. Just another instance of the crap that the senior trudeau bestowed on our country.

  7. Indeed I find that extremely disturbing, since there is NO right to government (public) funding in the constitution or Trudeau’s charter. The case never should have even been allowed.

  8. What I find most disturbing is that we overburdened taxpayers contributed to a cause that wishes death and destruction on everything Canadian. Cutting funding does not go far enough. Hunting them down and deporting them without appeal would be far better. Muslim and Canadian is as incompatible as politician and common sense.

  9. I would think that our government could withhold funds from any group it wishes, with or without a courts approval.
