Oh, Shiny Pony!

From the comments;

Way back on June 5th, our next and sexiest PM (since papa anyways) announced that his party would put their expenses on-line. The media, and I(?,maybe not), ate it up. Yes, yes, this honesty is what Canada needs.
Justin was a new breed of politician. I really, really, like him. So much that I set up a website devoted to him,his good looks, and his wisdom. See it here; http://justinforpm.ca/
But, dammitall, I can no longer access their proactive disclosures. Seven months later, they have disabled their bold move of doing politics different. I can’t get there any more. Maybe you can, but I can’t.

7 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. I am certain the news experts at the CBC will thoroughly examine this story and explain to Canadians why an ordinary MP, who lives about a one hour drive from parliament hill can rack up such extravagant travel claims.
    Peter Mansbridge will no doubt tell us everything we need to know.

  2. The POS was here in Brandon 3 times during the byelection. I’m sure he claimed his expenses while he was “campaigning” for Rolf Dinsdale and visiting a local school to talk about legalizing pot. Too bad a parent there didn’t smash his face in for being an insufferable D-nozzle.

  3. Expenses billed to the Party I don’t care about in the slightest. It’s up to the Party to hold their elected members accountable.
    It’s expenses billed to the TAXPAYER that I care about.

  4. Party funds are raised by tax deductible donations from taxpayers. Taxpayers get the highest tax credits available therefore party money comes from the taxpayers.
    Medical expenses are tax credited at 15% federally after deducting the first 3% or approximately $1600 of your medical expenses. Charitable donations are in the range of 30% federal tax credit. Political donations are 75% but there is a limit to the amount eligible @75% and of the to of my hed I’m not sure what it is. So the taxpayers generously support the political parties, like it or not.
    mid island mike

  5. When is the Liberal Party of Canada going to pay back the Adscam money they stole from the taxpayers of Canada?
