35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Eeeew, look, mom! Gross!…”

    Eliot Spitzer turned a resort hot tub into a steamy love cauldron over the weekend — kissing and sucking the toes of his topless mistress, Lis Smith, in front of families with children, mortified witnesses told The Post..

  2. Re: Harper Video
    You must admit that in the many years Mr. Harper has been in Ottawa, he did have countless opportunities to sack the CBC. And that’s been discussed time and again at within CPC circles.

  3. Hey, that NP article on the “Canadian” Arab Federation quoted that woman I caught on video yelling “Jewish child, Hamas is going to get you, you’re gonna F-n die”, the one Bernie Farber’s crew downloaded and then claimed as part of their effort to out anti-Semitism in Canada. Cool.

  4. This bothers me.
    Way back on June 5th, our next and sexiest PM (since papa anyways) announced that his party would put their expenses on-line.
    The media, and I(?,maybe not), ate it up. Yes,yes, this honesty is what Canada needs.
    Justin was a new breed of politician. I really,really,like him.So much that I set up a website devoted to him,his good looks, and his wisdom. See it here; http://justinforpm.ca/
    But, dammitall, I can no longer access their proactive disclosures. Seven months later, they have disabled their bold move of doing politics different.
    I can’t get there any more. Maybe you can, but I can’t.
    Justin lied, and that is OK.

  5. Personally I think pot should only be grown and marketed(legally with the full protection of the law) by people over the age of 65, as a sensible way of providing a little extra for their retirement. BTW I am drug tested regularly and randomly as part of my employment.

  6. Re; FiveFeet and Kathy Shaidle.I haven’t been able to get to her homepage from Firefox in the US for several hours. However, the links on SDA for Kathy Shaidle and the link on BlazingCatFur for FiveFeetofFury both bring up the page just fine. Something blocking access to the page from the US? Firefox?

  7. FFF is available again from the US and from Firefox, IE and Flashpeak Slimbrowser (don’t ask!).

  8. When Pot becomes corporate all the leftists who loved it will start trying to ban it. If Tobacco was grown by idiots in their basement instead of fortune 500 companies they’d be trying to get everyone to love it too.

  9. What this country needs is a “decent 5 cent cigar”.
    Christina Alwand heard “….5 cent blowjob..” and she’s had her hands full ever since.
    I don’t hate women, I love them even if they don’t entirely love me. I am, I know,an aquired taste.
    I just love crushing douchebags of all sexual orientations…..

  10. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    AGW Kills.
    “The cold turned deadly for some: Authorities reported at least 21 cold-related deaths across the country since Sunday, including seven in Illinois, and six in Indiana.”
    “Across the South, the Tennessee Valley Authority said power demand in the morning reached the second-highest winter peak in the history of the Depression-era utility. Temperatures averaged 4 degrees across the utility’s seven-state region.”

  11. Reminds me of my childhood in southwestern Saskatchewan. Kids often act and think later. Those steel stair railings are murder on the tongue:)

  12. 1914: Flashback.
    “Here, gasmasks for German soldiers and their dogs are being tested.”
    “The Rites of Spring”
    “The question of how the spirit of the modern world has come into being has concerned many historians and philosophers throughout the last few decades. Modris Eksteins, in his book “Rites of Spring, The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age”, points to the First World War as the pivotal moment in modern history and consciousness. Eksteins’ argument is that the modern world is concerned with death, emancipation, introspection, movement, primitivism, abstraction and myth making; that, in our modern world, life and art have blended together and aesthetics have become more important than ever. He then points to Germany before the Great War as the nation in which these ideals were the most pronounced as the modernist nation par excellence, which served as a model for our world.”

  13. From the above Huffpo story:

    But anyone scouring through the tallies starting Tuesday will see only a few weeks worth of spending. Liberal politicians only started compiling their expenses and collating the information in mid-September so they could be ready to post en masse by mid-October.

  14. Neo-AGW PR.
    A celebration in the iggalooo*@99below…
    “The Arctic is still cold and it will be cold and dark for half the year forever.”
    “A reality check on the Northwest Passage ‘boom'”
    “On paper it’s an intriguing notion.”
    “*Wilf Carter (Montana Slim) – When The Ice Worms Nest Again”

  15. AGW Experts say, AGW Can Run; but, AGW can’t hide.
    Good ol’ pv is on the loose.
    “cold air coming in from the US, which has been gripped by a polar vortex.”
    “Polar Vortex, Arctic Air to Leave US Soon”
    “By Alex Sosnowski, Expert Senior Meteorologist”.
    “Weather: winter proper is finally on its way with snow and ice”
    “The storms which have lashed Britain are letting up, to be replaced by wintry conditions and the possibility of snow and ice”

  16. AGW’s Hoisted Petard Frustrates.
    Keep the AGW Flying, says Green-Red.
    “He runs a solar-power system that’s boosted by a propane-run generator. Whenever there isn’t any sun, the generator clicks on.”
    “Propane shortage frustrates many”
    “Pride says everything in his home uses propane. He runs a solar-power system that’s boosted by a propane-run generator. Whenever there isn’t any sun, the generator clicks on.”

  17. Kate , you start at the main Liberal page;
    From there you have to click the sub-heading Liberal Party. When that comes up, you mouse over it and a menu listing all the MPs and Senators appears.
    You select your favourite and their personal page comes up.
    Then simply click on the link “proactive disclosure” and you get nada.
    I’ve been on their site at least a half-dozen times in the past couple months looking for a specific expense. There used to be a few bones that they listed to show their openness and accountability, but even those have disappeared.I just checked Goodale and Trudeau in the last few minutes,still nothing.
