The Akademik Shokalskiy, Global Warming, and ‘He removed his clothes and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts.’

Mark Steyn does advise us

…But don’t worry; every sex scene is peer-reviewed…

15 Replies to “The Akademik Shokalskiy, Global Warming, and ‘He removed his clothes and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts.’”

  1. I can forsee a new headline:
    “Global Warmists freeze to death after rollicking orgy on the ice floes. PEER REVIEWED by voyeurs!”
    When there is that much ice they should get out the ‘hockey stick’ and leave the zipper to their pants shut.
    Probably, not a Canadian among them, so they don’t know how to use a real hockey stick.
    Moreover, they are numerically challenged as they can’t read a thermometer either.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Nobody can strip the Empirical Putzes naked and parade them before a laughing crowd like Steyn.
    Keep outing them for the wee-wees they are, Mark!

  3. “If Voyage of the Gored had been a conventional disaster movie like The Poseidon Adventure, the Bangladeshi guy would have been the first to drown, leaving only the Nobel-winning climatologist (Miley Cyrus) and the maverick tree-ring researcher (Ben Affleck) to twerk their way through the ice to safety.”
    This is extremely funny.

  4. I suppose most essays could. But I think something might be lost in the process.

  5. I raise a stein to Steyn, always the master of apropos. Barack Obama makes speeches? All I’ve ever heard is a lot of “and uh”…

  6. Oh Susanna?
    Sun so hot I froze to death.
    The perfect rebuttal/comeback to the CO2 causes everything idiots, especially warming causes cooling, is Tiny Tim; The ice caps are melting.
    They are so irrational in the Calamitous Carbon Cult, that complete sentences are a waste of time.

  7. Perhaps, but then he would not be such an interesting writer. Nor would he get paid very much by the publication.

  8. OPEN LETTER to PROF CHRIS TURNEY, University of NSW, Sydney
    Dear Prof Turney
    I am a physics graduate who in recent years has turned his attention to very comprehensive study of climate, climate models and the alleged greenhouse radiative forcing conjecture. I have written to you personally and now make this matter public herein and elsewhere on various climate blogs.
    I make the following points …
    (1) Any study of temperature records for various inland cities (such temperatures being adjusted for altitude) will reveal that the mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures are lower in the more moist regions, because the greenhouse gas water vapour cools, as does carbon dioxide to a very small extent.
    (2) The total solar energy reaching the top of the Venus atmosphere would not be anywhere near enough to raise its surface temperate to about 730K so such cannot be explained by radiative forcing.
    My challenge to you is to find anyone with sufficient knowledge of thermodynamics who can in any way support the conjecture that radiative forcing determines planetary surface temperatures.
    (This has also been emailed to Prof Turney directly with a note that it is being posted on about 15 climate blogs.)
