11 Replies to “The Man Who Almost Became Toronto’s Crazy Mayor”

  1. I still cannot believe that some are soooo desperate for any politician anywhere that is responsible with tax dollars that they would support the walking cluster-f*ck named Rob Ford. But, after years of watching Harper’s sad liberal-lite performance, I guess I can sorta understand why….
    BTW, to my mind, the most startling part of the story was that Smitherman and “wife” were allowed to adopt children with the troubled backgrounds of mental illness and drug addiction they already had.

  2. Canadian Observer said: “I still cannot believe that some are soooo desperate for any politician anywhere that is responsible with tax dollars that they would support the walking cluster-f*ck named Rob Ford.”
    Just consider the alternatives on offer for a second, and give thanks for Rob Ford who’s only a drunk fat guy.
    The most troubling thing about this story is not corruption in in the child adoption/child protection agencies. The most troubling thing is the absolute dead silence in the Canadian media about the condition of those poor kids right now. An adopted dog would get more coverage.
    This is why I don’t get any television, radio or newspapers in Canada, ever. I know I’ll be dumber and less informed after seeing or hearing it.
    Oh well, no doubt there’ll be a Canadian bestseller in it for them. “I Was Adopted By A Gay Politician” will hit the charts at Number One in fifteen years. Help pay for the extensive counseling they’ll need.

  3. Whoa…Smitherman had a “wife”? I thought he had a “husband”? This is all sooooo confusing.

  4. “Programs, programs, gitchyer programs here. Can’t tell the players widout a program.”

  5. Rob Ford always sobers up, just like Ralph did here in Alberta, and while they are and were “feeling” ugly for the first part of their days, they knew thay would feel better later in the day, and that, gives and gave them something to look forward to. But being like the other people mentioned here, and most of what passes as media, the ones harrassing Ford, like they harrassed Ralph, is what gives one no hope, they are ugly inside an out, feel ugly all the time, look ugly all the time, they are so consumed with liberal rage and just so hate someone like Ford who has a “real” good time and is overweight (oh horrors) just like Ralph used to have a good time. It constantly shows in ther angry columns about conservatives. These sad and pathetic people like the Star CBC types have never had a real good time, they fake everything, to cover up their anger and rage over being just plain useless people, something Ford is not judging by his poll numbers.

  6. not sure if Smitherman has to increase the roughage in his diet or reduce it now.
    and I wont ask Phil Robertson

  7. We are never to say a disparaging word when a couple of mentally challenged males play at pretend marriage, with full support of the social science political correctness machine. That said, I didn’t dislike them until they came out of the closet declaring their need to be loud and proud. Years later I’m still trying to figure out what they’re proud of. Proud of having a few wires crossed in the brain just doesn’t make that much sense to me. They even get their own parades. I often wonder if people addicted to paedophelia or beastiality are proud too. Isn’t discriminating against other perversions against the Human rights code ? Guess that’s still waiting in the wings. Can’t hurt anyone’s feelings. That’s bullying.

  8. Smitherman. The dink that the pathetic Trawna media used to lovingly describe as McGuinty’s “pitbull”.
    Pitbull? How about lap-puppy?
