A Bridge Too Near

James Taranto;

“Private messages between Governor’s Christie’s [sic] deputy chief of staff and two of his top executives at the Port Authority reveal a vindictive effort to create ‘traffic problems in Fort Lee’ by shutting lanes to the George Washington Bridge and apparent pleasure at the resulting gridlock,” the Record of Bergen County reports.
Worse, the Christie administration’s evident abuse of the Port Authority is reminiscent of the Obama administration’s abuse of the Internal Revenue Service.”

You don’t say.
h/t Joe B.

27 Replies to “A Bridge Too Near”

  1. Q: What’s the difference between Chris Christie and the average Democratic politician?
    A: The letter after their names.

  2. We can expect the democrats to beat Christie over the head with this until Hillary Clinton forgives him.
    Rise of the Hillary Beast,
    prophesied in the Book of Demorats revelations.

  3. To equate this with an abuse of a Federal Department like the IRS shows you how desperate the left is to attack Christie. It also show my why I dislike the left so much. No outrage about what Obama did, only outrage that someone in Christie’s Administration abuse their power. If this reporter wants someone to pay, then let me first see him attack Obama and request that someone the Obama administration be fired. LOL….like this reporter has that much moral fiber……….lol…

  4. Bonus for Obama, the story pushed the Gates’ memoir of Obama incompetence off the front page.

  5. I haven’t read his book, but an article I read from the book,
    stated that Gates was amazed to hear Obumbles and Hilda Beast arguing each day,
    in front of him, over which one of them was the most anti-Iraq war,
    and how it would serve their political future and careers to withdraw under any conditions.
    So, our Dear Leader and our future lesbian president doesn’t really give a shit if Americans lived or died,
    or if Iraq becomes a tribal, or Iranian possession.
    We that lived or died in combat did so in vain,
    so that politicians can suck on their supporters money and votes.
    Still killing the wrong sons of bitches…

  6. If only Christie had got drunk and drove off the bridge with a strange woman in his car, all would be forgiven.

  7. Despite the usual double standard stuff here this is actually good. Christie probably could have won the election but that’s a bad thing. You really want an Obama bromance boy in the white house to finish what he started?

  8. Christie’s love for illegals killed my vote. I always knew he was a RINO, now he is a Sob too.

  9. Pretty revealing how the elite works, eh? These guys used a major traffic disruption as a poker chip in a power game against a city mayor. And all the minor functionaries fell in line and parroted the “we are fixing cracks, its an emergency” line.
    Imagine what they’re doing at the federal level. Benghazi? How about Keystone pipeline and fracking? The people of the United States held hostage to a bunch of sh1t heads playing poker with entire industries as the chips.
    How about Canada?
    Anybody still remember the Avro Arrow? It wasn’t about one aircraft, it was about the entire aircraft industry in Canada. Now the only airplanes made here are Bombardier. How do you think that happened?
    How about cars? Ever wonder why there’s no Canadian car makers, just the Big Three? I do. I have always wondered why it is that we can only buy the same old crap made by the same guys, year in and year out, and only the most enormous foreign companies like Honda and Toyota can bull their way in through sheer weight of money. Look at Fiat. They had to buy Chrysler outright. Now their Fiat 500 crackerbox is suddenly Canadian regulation compliant.
    How about Ontario? Can you say windmills? How about Native smoke shacks, can you say that? How about 50% of your income goes to taxes, that’s worth saying over and over again.
    One way out of this. Reduce the size of government. One way to do it: tax cuts.

  10. Not to defend Christie the RINO, especially after giving Obama the Sandy boost and his illegal alien b.j. signed just this week, but a local commenter at Instapundit points out a few things about the issue…

    Why should Fort Lee be Traffic Exempt?
    Everyone else has to wait in line for a mile or more and yet they get a third of the lanes right in the front row. If anything, they have been favored by previous administrations with what amounts to their own personal interchange Rt 80 – just a few dozen feet from the toll booths where none of them follow any traffic rules.
    Google map these coordinates 40.854127,-73.966546 and notice that Ft Lee has their own private entrance to a toll booth that backs up for miles!
    Is there any other such private entrance for an interstate highway for the only bridge to a major city?
    Plus the Ft Lee cars will cut across 4 or more lanes, reaching into nearly half of the toll booths that have to pass all the traffic for Rt 80.
    It is a mad house, no man’s land that should have been ended a long time ago.
    Hurray for getting rid of this traffic nightmare.

    There’s also this comment showing what a “speed trap” sort of town Fort Lee is that I’ll just link as it’s a bit longer than the above quotes.

  11. I read something a week ago by a young lady who had been screwed in a very figurative sense by her own father in the Wall Street/Freddy/Fanny crap.
    There was line in her story about people like her father which I would like to paraphrase here, because it applies to so many (maybe most?)of our politicians – Christie being just one example. She said that it was nothing but an addiction to power, which our modern society tries to excuse and make acceptable by renaming it “ambition”, but when you boil it all down, it’s nothing but greed.
    I’m not much of a Christian, and there’s a lot of lovely quotes out there, but this is my absolute favourite from The Book of Mark: For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but to lose his own soul?

  12. Just another member of the ruling class. The fact that Christie had this twisted piece of crap as his deputy chief of staff tells us this innocent Jersey boy is really just another Chicago boy. Hope this is the end of his presidential campaign. The US really needs a Chief executive who is not a thug.

  13. The Obama IRS thing has been totally debunked. Please, guys. You just make yourselves look pathetic.
    People don’t want an obese guy who has a hissy fit and punishes ordinary folk because he has a petty vendetta against some guy. This is not reasonable, temperate behaviour. Come on.
    This narrows the field a bit, what? It was hard enough getting a candidate last time who wasn’t painting the walls with their own excrement. Hey, this Tea Party extremist stuff is all lotsa fun and stuff, but not so good when the people want a Pres who doesn’t have crazy eyes. Maybe Obama can serve another term like FDR did!

  14. Actually FDR was four terms. He just skidded his rig early on the last one
    They made the law after that, before him it was just protocol since Washington that two terms was enough

  15. MKelley quoted: “…”More heads have rolled over ‘Bridgegate’ than the IRS scandal, Benghazi and botched Obamacare rollout combined.”…”
    Awesome, Christie fired some no-name political functionaries. That makes it all better then.
    These jerks worked for this Christie guy for a long time. He’s supposed to be completely in the dark about the kind of things they’re liable to get up to if left on their own for ten minutes? Doubt it. He has them working for him -because- they’re like this.
    Christie offered up a couple of sacrificial goats to the media lions because he’s a REPUBLICAN. Obama never sacrifices his goats because he doesn’t have to. The lions work for him.
    Obama’s little minions could BURN DOWN Fort Lee New Jersey in retaliation for some political slight, and nobody would say a frickin’ word. This sad fact does not make Christie less of a schmuck.

  16. joe doofus said: “The Obama IRS thing has been totally debunked.”
    Dude, really? Back to rabble/babble for you.
    I hear they have new crayons for you kids. Plastic tablecloths and everything.

  17. I agree. Good riddance, as the US does not need a male version of Redford.
    joe is hoping that Obama gets another term so that he can finish Uncle Joe’s wish for the US.

  18. You mean there’s another politician on earth NOT named Rob Ford?
    Conservatives will dump Christie if he did it in a New York minute.
    Libtards like Joe c. is pleased to show us will repeat absolute stupidity dictated to them by their superiors, such as “The Obama IRS thing has been totally debunked” while continuing to chug straight from the container the big murderous gubment koolaid as if it were life itself.
    Thanks for showing your ass Joe C.

  19. Oh, look. Now Christie’s under investigation by the FBI…apparently interfering with interstate commerce is a federal offense.
    Oh, darn! I so anticipated the widening of the doors of the White House to accomodate Chris’ girth.
    Guys, you keep beating those BenghaziIRSObamacareKenyanMulimmSocilialist drums – someday the people will awake to the fact that Obama’s a bad man — even badder than Bush who enacted actual Nazi torture techniques and slaughtered 5000 Americans in a pointless war (after 3000 died in biggest slauughter in US history, on his watch).
    Sorry you can’t have the nasty fat bully boy as President, dudes. I know y’all wanted him ’cause he reminds you of your dads. You all had abusive fathers, right?
    After all, that’s why you’re conservatives! 😉
