24 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. HA HA foobert. I looked at the Chinese photos and Crypt Lake came immediately to mind. I managed to do Crypt this year and was proud of myself as I am a semi old fart at 66. I was bragging about it to a widowed neighbor (74 years) a couple of weeks after and she said she did it the weekend before. That took the wind out of my sails. Was funny. Sort of. Gonna give it a shot this summer as well.
    Anyway, while looking at those Chinese trail shots my testicles disappeared and the boys won’t come out til spring. That “hike” is certifiably insane. ☺

  2. With Chinese hiking trails and the way they drive, they need to keep topping up their billion or so people and really don’t need the “one child per family” rules.

  3. I wouldn’t do it for tea, but if they had a good cup of coffee that would be a incentive. Wonder who hauls the water up there ? I’m sure their toilets are interesting too.

  4. I had sweaty palms just looking at the photos.
    Definitely not for this grunt.
    Good for you Clive.

  5. Clive – welcome to the club. I was 71 years old when I did the Crypt Lake hike. But I too would soil my pants if I had to do the Chinese hike.
    I really enjoyed the Crypt Lake hike. Felt safe all the way there. A must do trip for any serious hiker.

  6. The one thing I’d want to know is how much of the plank path disintegrates every year. If it’s well maintained then it’s just a matter of making sure that you look straight ahead and hope that there’s no-one in front of you who’s suddenly frozen from fear. Passing on that plank path is not something I’d want to do.
    Also, I’d hope that there’s another way down. For some reason I have absolutely no problem going up cliffs but have a very hard time going down them. It seems that as long as I’m looking up or at the cliff wall I’m fine but looking down and trying to go down is not at all enjoyable. Still get cold sweats when I think of some of the cliffs I climbed on a dare but fortunately there was a way to the top and an easier way down in every case.

  7. NO No No No No…Never never never…not a chance. Not in this lifetime. Never. Have I made myself clear?

  8. Could not help but wonder what the elevation gain was? Sun was out in the photos. How often does it rain and how much warning? I think I pass.
    Not that far from Waterton so might try Crypt Lake Trail. Never been back there since the Lodge burnt down. In younger years I hiked the West Coast Trail a number of times. Normal on the trail were logs across ravines with tread cut in by chainsaw. Pretty hairy in a rain storm with moss growing on the logs.

  9. In my misspent youth I’ve climbed lots of stuff that doesn’t even have a pathway. Like the cliff in Bon Echo provincial park. This looks like an easy weekend outing, just higher than I’m used to. Hell, its not even vertical most of the way. I’ve done plenty of climbs where you’re upside down jamming your hands and feet into a crack in an overhang, where the hand holds are finger only and the footholds are straight friction. Chimneys and corners are my favorite. Fun!
    Don’t know that I’d want to be doing it with 100 Chinese tourists though. They tend to be pretty footless.
    Remember my vertiginous friends, its not the height of the wall or the length of the fall that kills you. Its the sudden stop at the bottom. 🙂

  10. I managed 70k of the great divide trail in Sept . the Pharaoh creek area had all 8 bridges out and so much timber down you felt like you were horseback riding for the middle part , we were told we were only the third group to go thru since the flood. There were 1 ft boulders piled over the remains of the bridges , there were only two other people in at Egypt lake who had come in from Assinaboine
    Crypt lake is fun but really short

  11. Crypt Lake is a classic.
    I would be more concerned about someone falling down the Heavenly Stairs and knocking everyone down. A bit like the vertical bowling alley of the gully leading to Abbott Hut from Lake Oesa.

  12. actually some of those Chinese trails remind me of the dragons back going up the backside of Rundle.

  13. Phantom;
    Never interested in rock climbing after a close call as a teenager.
    I guess you never had to use that Swiss Army knife or you would have mentioned being short a limb or two. 🙂

  14. Is it just me, or are some the pictures obviously doubles? Also, trees are not exactly straight up…
    OK, I know, party pooper, party pooper.
