19 Replies to “James Carville Eats Mice”

  1. Paul Hellyer has been a nutty for a long time. his birth child The Canadian Action Party has been a honeypot for a rag tag bunch of Socialists who make the NDP’s most fervent activists look sane.

  2. Not surprising – coming from the same dink who turned our armed forces into little green men.

  3. Paul (spit) Hellyer destroyed the proud heritage of our army, navy and air force in a futile attempt to become the Liberal party’s leader. When slashing things to the bone didn’t work, he took over the Department of Transport and expanded it from a relatively efficient bureaucracy to “the Monster of Transport”. That didn’t work for him either! Let the aliens have him.

  4. Did you really think ALL those illegal aliens in L.A. were from China and Mexico?? Most of them are from Alpha Centauri. It’s a fact. Look it up.

  5. Paul Hellyer has gradually been losing his mind over the last decade. It couldn’t happen to a better son of a
    w****. May he rot in Hell.

  6. Don’t be too hard on him, as he is right. Think Mulcair and Justin.
    However, I do agree with those above that he is to spit at for what he did to the military.

  7. Not one mention that he was a Liberal. The lamestream media isn’t biased, no sireeee.

  8. Carville does indeed come from from the far out in left field planet Twerk and in reality is a cousin to Miley Cyrus.

  9. Oh, come on. Without the alien hypothesis, how do you explain Kathleen Wynne and George Smitherman?
    I suspect that Dalton McGuinty might be an alien-human hybrid.

  10. I just watched the Hollywood documentary on this a couple of days ago. It’s called,”They Live” and starred the greatest thespian since Olivier, Rowdy Roddy Piper, of St.Boniface,Manitoba.
    All you need to recognize those aliens is a pair of the right type of sunglasses. Don’t know which type, as Ray-bans simply make people look a little darker.
    I had several Uncles serving in the Canadian Armed Forces when Hellyer unified them into the CAF. They all roundly hated him for so doing and lapsed into profanity when describing the fellow, even though he was technically their boss, and questioning his ancestry was disrespectful.

  11. I don’t share his strong belief that aliens are here, but if you think about it, aliens probably do exist, they probably could get here, so why don’t we see any?
    Cuz they are hiding, obviously.
    Or maybe they just aren’t that into us.

  12. Yeah well, all I know about aliens and UFO’s is that telling anyone you saw one is like reporting seeing Bigfoot…..a swift way to lose yer credibility.
