10 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. 1. Science fiction writer Frank Herbert: “One of the things I noticed as a reporter — I was a journalist longer than I’ve been on this side of the table — is that in all the marching in the streets in the ’60s, the people who were shouting ‘Power to the People’ didn’t mean power to the people. They meant ‘power to me and I’ll tell the people what to do.’ When you questioned them it was confirmed at every turn.”
    2. “Fresh off $4 million, 17-day vacation, The One preaches income inequality.”

  2. Alison Pearson in the Telegraph: “At Last the BBC Talks About Immigration”.

    The present anger about immigration is not directed against desperate asylum seekers or even immigrants themselves. As BBC political editor Nick Robinson pointed out in his refreshingly forthright BBC2 programme, The Truth About Immigration, it’s largely the result of uncontrolled mass immigration over the past decade and the failure of the BBC and the political class to permit an open debate about what it was fair or reasonable for this island to absorb.

    The whole thing here.

  3. Since we are helping out our SDA friends does anyone know how Joe Molnar is doing? He was hoping to get a camper to travel around and get signatures for his ‘proprty rights’ petition.
