45 Replies to “The 90’s never happened”

  1. Depends on who is hiring.
    Last election it was the Liberals, NDP, and Unions who did the hiring.
    Oh, and a few here who said that Wild Rose didn’t have enough experience, so they voted PC.

  2. Spending other people’s money is too easy. A mechanism has to be invented that hurts the pocketbook of those who raid the taxpayers wallet.
    Maybe MPPs (and MPs) pay and/or pension should be based on the provinces or federal balance sheets. You vote for debt or taxes and a proportional percentage of your gold-plated pension is taken away. A reward system for lowering taxes might also be incorporated. More debt or taxes = less pension, balance the books without raising taxes = full pension, no debt and lower taxes = bonus.

  3. Most. Conservative. Province. Evah.
    Don’t you know that what defines conservatism is wearing cowboy hats and maxing out your credit cards?

  4. Find me anyone who has not borrowed money to build anything, unless you inherit or win the lottery, your borrowing to build your house or province, money is borrowed, money is paid back, simple. And if Alberta had billions in the bank like little Ms Honey Boo Hoo advocateshow long would it be before 350 billion Ontario and 250 billion in debt Quebec were squealing at the feet of Steven Harper for another piece of Albertas pie?

  5. It’s intentional tarnishing of the books by Alberta. If there continued to be no Alberta debt, as per bartinsky’s comment above the transfer payment formula would likely become more punitive. There’s already squeaks about bringing back Alberta Health Care Premiums and adding the PST to further erode away the Alberta advantage compared to the ROC.

  6. See that red graph above, bartinsky?
    Is it your contention that Ralph Klein did not build Alberta or are you simply reneging on your promise to criticize the Alberta PCs you voted for when they deserve it?
    How about Nanny Redford’s trip to the Olympic Games, eh?
    What did that build, bartinsky?
    Remember the floods last summer? Remember how there were requests for donations from Alberta’s to help rebuild everywhere you went?
    Remember Progressive Conservative Premier Peter Lougheed creating the Heritage Fund and when asked what it was for he said, “It’s for a rainy day.”?
    Yeah, the PCs are mismanaging the sh!t out of Alberta’s finances.

  7. Redfrauds Third World flood into Alberta needs to stop as well, before she has the police kick in everyones doors during the next economic crisis.

  8. Its a bit rich to publish this on its own, without comparisons. Admittedly we Albertans consider ourselves better at debt management than everyone else.
    Show that graph for every province AND our federal govt and the WRP supporters would not have much to say. Better yet, show that graph for just AB and the federal government, and you will see the federal govt one looks worse (considering that Paul Martin paid down debt on the province’s backs). Or do we think that Stephen Harper is “redder” than the AB premier?
    But hey, accuracy would require a more accurate response. As Monty Python said: “Aarrgggh!! Grumble!!”

  9. Bartinsky (and Martin B.) your points are well taken, but the other reality is that because debt is so easy to access by governments, they always overspend. And the reason why they overspend is there is no consequence to those in government if the government borrows more than it should.
    If I borrow more than I should, or if you borrow more than you should, there are consequences. But not in government.
    This lack of oversight, is for example, what allowed McGuinty to rack up Ontario’s debt to support completely fraudulent green ideas. Were there any consequences for McGuinty and his band of cronies for destroying taxpayer dollars? None.
    For me, the most fundamental problem with government today, is the arrogant presumption by those in power that the moment a tax dollar leaves your hand and goes into their coffers, they are no longer are accountable to you for that dollar.

  10. Alberta Premiers
    1992 – 2006 Ralph Klein
    2006 – 2011 Ed Stelmach
    2011 – 2014 Alison Redford
    If you can guess who said the stuff below then you already know who was Alberta’s best Premier.
    “Everyone knows I have sins. I eat too much. I still drink. I gamble and, God forbid, I still see some of my old friends.”
    “I’m telling you, it feels good to wake up without a hangover.”
    “You can call me every rotten, stinking name under the sun, but I ain’t going to blink.”
    “We all know that Belinda Stronach roasted me as a Conservative but now she is a Liberal. I wasn’t surprised that she crossed over. I don’t think she ever did have a conservative bone in her body. Well except for one.

  11. Perfect graphic of how long it takes the parasites to regroup, infiltrate and hollow out a conservative movement.
    Watch the same thing happening to the federal reform party, in real time.

  12. Alberta Premiers
    1992 – 2006 Ralph Klein
    2006 – 2011 Ed Stelmach
    2011 – 2014 Alison Redford
    If you can guess who said the stuff below then you already know who Alberta’s best ever Premier was.
    “Everyone knows I have sins. I eat too much. I still drink. I gamble and, God forbid, I still see some of my old friends.”
    “I’m telling you, it feels good to wake up without a hangover.”
    “You can call me every rotten, stinking name under the sun, but I ain’t going to blink.”
    “We all know that Belinda Stronach roasted me as a Conservative but now she is a Liberal. I wasn’t surprised that she crossed over. I don’t think she ever did have a conservative bone in her body. Well except for one.

  13. Only Quebec spends more per capita than Alberta but Alberta’s provincial expenditures are the lowest as a percentage of GDP (as one would expect from a higher functioning economy). If any province should be able to easily afford to balance a budget, it is Alberta. Therefore, Allison the Red spends too much per vote pimped.

  14. Mike Harris brought in balanced budget legislation. Where ALL sitting MPP’s were penalized if the budget wasn’t balanced at all. What was the first piece of legislation that McGuinty and his fiberals axed? Go on, take a guess.

  15. FWIW, Sask debt has gone done approximately $3 billion in Brad Wall’s time as premier.

  16. Stop with the spaced words Glenn. There is no probation on SDA.
    The Redford apologist bartinsky comes out of his hole once again to defend his paymaster. During the last election you were quick to denigrate anything wild rose, as long as the cheque keeps coming eh Bartinsky you fraud.
    Delete my comment if you like Lance but I’m sick of this guy trolling here as a conservative. Only time he posts is to defend Redford and their corrupt administration.

  17. Bart said, “Find me anyone who has not borrowed money to build anything, unless you inherit or win the lottery, your borrowing to build your house or province, money is borrowed, money is paid back, simple.”
    You know Bart, the vast majority of Canada believe that Alberta did win the lottery.

  18. Good point on that one, of course Ontario won the lottery too with the “ring of fire” and all the rich minerals up there that can be developed. Too bad no one wants to throw a bone to develop it…unlike what they did out in Alberta in the far north.

  19. @ John Chittick
    Please refrain from spreading false and misleading information.
    Quebec’s provincial expenditures are LESS than Alberta’s, whether it be in real terms, as a percentage of the GDP or per capita.
    Provincial budget deficit 2012-2013 (in $)
    Quebec -1.6 billion $
    Alberta -2.8 billion $
    Provincial budget deficit 2012-2013 (relative to GDP)
    Quebec -0.4%
    Alberta -0.9%
    Provincial program expenses per capita 2012-2013 (in $)
    Quebec 7700 $
    Alberta 10523 $

  20. It’s pointless to pay down government debt.
    As soon as it’s gone it comes back again with a vengence. Think about how hard it is for individuals to control their spending when they have access to cheap credit…how much more so with “the system”.
    W.A.C Bennett paid off BC’s debt in 1959 in spectacular fashion. (firing a flaming arrow at a barge with a sign that said debt on it or something)
    Now look at BC.
    Paying off debt just enables an eventually leftist government to undo it.
    When/If Harper gets reelected on a “We eliminated the deficit” platform, he should immediately start those deficits up again with an instant $30 billion income tax cut and a fleet of billion dollar anti-Russian nuclear powered ice-breaking aircraft carriers.

  21. Just because other people do it does not make it right or even ok.
    Taxpayers need better representation across the board.
    AND Redford is a UN group think fascist stooge who works against the interests of Canadians.
    Bankrupting governments is all part of the plan.

  22. I’m one of those lousy freeloading “idle all winter” farmers that you irrationally hate so much phil. I work 60- 70 hours a week in the winter, how ’bout you? I know, I know, it’s practically a holiday compared to the long days you spend doing sweet eff all.

  23. Geographical? Not …. It’s funking cold
    Geological. Maybe second largest oil reserve in the world
    Politically. .? Not. ….. Surrounded by Canaduh

  24. Ryan, I must inform you, phil is a little dense. I have been telling him for years to buy a farm and get in on the easy money but no, he would rather live off his poor mothers pension and rant about people that work for a living, invest and risk their future by their own decisions. I regret that phil has never taken my advise as some day his poor mother will go to Heaven and the pension cheques will end and phil will be out on the street with his sister inheriting the house and then he will rant about sisters. Hey, then maybe he will leave us farmers alone. By the way, phil thinks food comes from a store.

  25. My comment above in no way shape or form condones the tarnishing of Alberta’s books through Gov’t mismanagement and waste. I believe that those we vote into public office must vow to be responsible stewards of public gold within their care. Unfortunately if Alberta’s Gov’t operated that way the ROC would merely use it as an excuse to claim inequity and bilk billions more out of the coffers. We’re caught in a nation-wide Union mentality which really poisons any chance of real responsible stewardship.

  26. John, you have it right. There is nothing conservative about Redford. Just a Liberal in disguise. However, while the feds have made some cuts in many of the right areas, they are not much better partially thanks to NDP and Liberal pressure a few years back.
    Ryan, just ignore.

  27. Phill you bring nothing to the conversation, why bother? you failed at farming miserably and hate farmers I get it.
    But instead of yapping on about farmers how about talking about the native squatters who are paid by our gov to do sfa . you never complain about them. how about there using the land in this country as a toilet.
    At least farmers do something with the land ,make it bear fruit so to speak.

  28. its sickening when the PC’s cover up 600 children’s deaths since 1999, in programs under govt jurisdiction.
    how many were fired for that?

  29. So hows your contributions coming for your posting here?
    Hopefully you have donated to our gracious hostess, funding to match your bile.

  30. My my I get called a lot of names with extreme vitriol for pointing out a common practice in business,,,borrowing money to expand ones business. I’ll type slower for you non-business folks out there, I do not support everything this govt does, but I realize this is the best place to be in Canada yes Lance, Sask being second, and it has been through sound management of Albertas finances that Alberta is where it is, but for the non business thinkers like Oz and Glenn I have stated the process for starting and running ones own business or anything else, you borrow and pay it back as you grow, I’ve run my own business for close to 40 years, I do not work for the govt there Oz but have your fun with your fellow traveller Phil, its fun to watch a dull conservative side with a fool. Its called business, sometimes you have to shmooze people at the olympics, ever think that those dudes she is shmoozing might just control a little more capital and businesses than some angry putz like you.

  31. “They did win the geographical lottery, as did Saudi Arabia, as did SK and Brad Wall.”
    I’ll have to consult an old atlas. I always thought that the geography of Sask during the decades of NDP stagnation and despair was much the same as it is today.

  32. What has happened in Alberta in not unique. It is easy for the public in general and politicians specifically to be cynical about the whole question of government expenditure, because again and again we’ve seen the voter reward profligacy and punish prudence and thrift or its call for less government spending. Government has become a huge shell game, where rather than rob Peter to pay Paul, both Peter and Paul are robbed and the proceeds from the theft are spread evenly enough throughout the populace that the corrupting influence of excessive government expenditure is barely noticed.

  33. Sure is tough with 3 fingers always pointing back at you, Freeloading Phil.
    Have you considered surgery?

  34. I run my own company, bartinsky.
    The Alberta PCs are borrowing to pay off the Alberta Public Sector Unions to whom they are indebted with union contracts that give these people too much money and benefits.
    That’s where Stelmach blew the $8 Billion/yr surplus developed by Ralph Klein and that’s why Redford is borrowing so much now, just to buy the Public Union vote to retain power at the expense of Alberta’s economy.
    It IS Not An INVESTMENT, and to pretend it is is an Obama style LIE.
    Governments make nothing, create nothing, and have no money of their own.
    That’s MY MONEY you rent seeking SOB.
    Governments have to learn to live within their means, just like I do and just like Ralph Klein made the government do when he was Premier of Alberta.

  35. Its called business, sometimes you have to shmooze people at the olympics…
    Geeze, government is a business now, who knew? What does government produce, again?

  36. The conservatives have two major problems in Alberta: incompetence and that rat faced twit they have for a premiere. They’re basically liberals with an IQ slightly above freezing.
    Hopefully the Wild Rose will get a shot in the next elections.

  37. Well your definitly not Dr. Oz there Oz, but currently there is a little pushback toward the unions as well there should be, it is time. But to light ones hair on fire and go screaming into the night pitchfork in hand over this is a little overboard. As far as a rent seeking SOB? When did starting a business and operating it become a bad thing, ever try to jump through all the govt bulls..t there little boy, the COR ,the Isn, the transportation laws, the codes of electrical/plumbing etc, get out of mommas basement or off daddys inherited place and start your own business if it pisses you so bad. All in all Alberta is the best place to be bulls..t govt laws aside and I think we can always improve but nobody makes rational decisions in a rage and that is what the media creates in fools like you. Govenment creates the framework for business, and right now there is far to many frames to assemble, but i will take that, over monogramed urnal pucks as brought forward by the opposition, some contribution.

  38. Debt? Don’t worry about it, inflation will take care of it.
    What’s a billion dollars of debt when you’re making fifty million bucks an hour minimum wage?

  39. “Well your definitly not Dr. Oz there Oz, but currently there is a little pushback toward the unions as well there should be, it is time.”
    Dr.Oz? Never heard of them. Must be something dumb people watch on the TV that tells them government, which has no money but is putting all of us into crushing debt, invests like a business does.
    Union pushback? Do tell! Nanny Redford is pushing back on her loyal voting employees she’s put our province $ Billions into debt to woo?
    Not a chance, it’s all in your lying mind.
    “get out of mommas basement or off daddys inherited place”
    My mom and dad have been dead for 10 years, you sack-of-socialist-shit, and I never inherited a penny, it was all spent on my younger sister who is in a wheelchair.
    Yes really.

  40. Oz,,I am to the right of Atilla the Hun, but I do know a little about how the world works, I’m sorry about your sister, but railing at me and dividing a great province for the sake of a DS woodie is a lame excuse for politics. And on the bright side, there is no end of parking at the mall for your family.
