25 Replies to “3.9% Unemployment”

  1. Brad Wall please call Alice in Redford, she’s obviously looing in all the wrong places. (china, india, washington, HongKong, more gravytrain coming…)

  2. Brad Wall is my hero. He is the BEST politician in Canada…hands down!
    Let’s all chip in a few bucks so he can learn French so he run this country as PM! I like PMSH, but he won’t be around forever.
    Brad rocks.

  3. Cam Broten and the NDP were recently heard criticizing Premier Wall for not doing enough to diversify the economy. This is laughable coming from a party that was primarily responsible for keeping Saskatchewan in “have not” status for decades. The NDP’s idea of a strong economy is bigger government and more people either on the government payroll or social assistance.
    Hey. Maybe Mr. Wall could initiate a government owned and operated potato empire. He could call it “Spudco”. Sound familiar? Now there’s diversification for ya!

  4. KPD; you have to try living in a province where most of the young people have to leave to get jobs. Try PEI or Quebec. Quebec had a net loss of over 9,000 people this past year. Saskatchewan experienced a net loss of near 6% to other regions before Wall.
    It’s interesting to experience the depression in these poorly administered provinces. Here are Ma and Pa living alone in Cleopatraville and all their children, except for drug culture Johnny, are gone to parts far away.

  5. KPD – what makes a heaven or a hell (note the lack of capitals) is the people and attitudes you’ll find there. By weather and scenery, California should be a heaven. The rules imposed by those who govern there are making it a micro-managing hell. You can live there, but don’t wear perfume, don’t pop popcorn in a microwave, don’t set your own thermostat, don’t walk on the grass, don’t make eye contact, don’t notice race/sex/age/culture on your attacker when you’re assaulted, don’t try to defend yourself, don’t try to make money, don’t try to better yourself or improve your living.
    Saskatchewan may not have pristine ocean beaches (unless the global warming sea raise that we keep getting promised gets much, much more pronounced than even Al Gore can make up). It may not have tropic forests. It has lots of land to develop and a government that’s willing to try growth for a change. It has a mindset that says “life here may not always be easy, but it can be enjoyable, and you can rise as far as your abilities and drive will take you.”
    I moved from BC to Alberta because BC was becoming more like California, and Alberta was more like Saskatchewan is now.

  6. oh goodie, I hit the filter. I can’t blame it, the idea of an Albertan idealizing Saskatchewan probably drives it to crazy.

  7. “Yeah but come on…It’s Saskatchewan for God’s sake. Who wants to go there?”
    If you leave Winnipeg after work, you hit Alberta around sunrise – painless.
    Saskatoon and PA appear to be habitable.

  8. Why should Brad Wall learn French? This is English Canada. Quebec doesn’t want to learn English so why should the majority learn French? It was another expensive boondoggle by that commie P Trudeau.

  9. When Sask removes the Provincial Sales Tax, then I’d say they have arrived. Otherwise, just one vote short of going back to NDP.
    Maybe Alberta and Sask should merge into one province. Saskberta. Alsask?

  10. Our streets in calgary r salted daily from saskatchewans potash salt mines..u save us from many accidents, injury and insurance premiums.

  11. Scaled to the US, that would be about 5.4 million jobs, 450k per month. Boom!
    But comparative statistics are no longer of interest to the US media since the Next Progressive President was sworn in.

  12. Heh, there’s a bunch of those “cylinders” not firing…
    Wholesale and retail – value added only by handling the product, no new wealth
    Finance and Insurance – no new wealth
    Healthcare – no new wealth, obviously.
    Utilities – government owned
    Technical and Management Services – no new wealth
    Service and Cultural Industries – no new wealth
    Education – no new wealth
    Public Administration – no new wealth
    All the above just re-circulates existing wealth.

  13. Strad … Rig numbers are almost in perfect ratio to the populations of the two provinces and given a much longer history of O&G development in Alberta, I’d say SK is doing well.
    Could 400 rigs operate in SK? Are there enough drilling capacity and workers?
    Lots of folks making negative comments when in fact SK is doing very well. They put almost all other provinces to shame.
    I’d take Wall over Redford in a blink.

  14. Yeah, but a bit of snow plowing of the (Calgary) streets could go a long way to making the place winter friendly. Saskatchewan might be booming but by God it is still boring to drive across, especially in Winter.
    Been there, just did that.

  15. Rig numbers are almost in perfect ratio to the populations of the two provinces…
    Let’s see, North Dakota rigs up – 182
    Population – 723,000

  16. Anyone else notice when you add up the public sector it equals the largest portion of the economy at 17% – to that I say,”Booooooo!”

  17. Mr. Violin thinks that education and culture add up to squat on the gdp radar..? Jesus.
    I played fastball with a native saskabush dude, quite the prairie guy,..flat head and all. But the nicest guy you ever met.

  18. Mr. Violin thinks that education and culture add up to squat on the gdp radar..?
    What’s the product? Education adds no wealth until it’s used to create wealth. Same thing with culture.
