17 Replies to “@evansolomoncbc, call your office.”

  1. good for Harper , remember when the libs wanted to rename Mt. Logan , mount turdo.
    I looked for the deepest abyss in Canadian waters and sent it to them and suggested that would make a better spot,, the Canada basin in the arctic got my vote

  2. Can be filed under “Things Canada’s news media will bend over backwards to avoid telling you. ”

  3. Good for Israel and good for PM Harper.
    Adolf Eichmann’s acolytes in Canada will not be happy about this.

  4. Good for Israel and fantastic for Canada and your PM. That guy’s a keeper. In my book, those are two excellent PMs. My best friend in all of Canada despises him for reasons he is unable to verbalize.

  5. I love it when Lefties try to make friendly relations with the only functioning democracy in the Middle East look like a bad thing. That would be the one the Arabs are raining bombs down on every single day. The fundamental stupidity of Lefties makes me laugh every time.
    And then they all hasten to explain that it isn’t the Jews they have a problem with, its those dirty Israelis. The ones having bombs rained down upon them every day. That’s a friggin’ laugh riot.
    Its like watching a guy shooting himself in the foot, full auto, and pretending he meant to do it.

  6. I predict a “wafergate”, or “bathroomgate” type “scandal” will begin the moment Harper’s plane leaves the tarmac.
    The media party is probably mulling over what the narrative will be, although it will not matter. All the usual suspects (CBC, Star etc )will jump on board the same story. It will lead every progressive “news” outlet. It will be constant. It will be relentless. It will do anything to prevent Canadians from seeing how loved and respected our PM is around the world.

  7. This is the sort of thing that makes me proud to be Canadian. Knowing our friends from our enemies is a good thing. No PM is perfect, but this is the only one in my life of over 70 years (so far) that I have had a PM that has, on more than one occasion, made me proud. I cannot recall anything from any other PM that I agreed with.
    If we had not had Harper at the helm for that last five years, we would be completely screwed … like California.

  8. I’m picturing all the lefties at the CBC with their heads exploding similar to Louis Del Grande in Scanners.

  9. ” … to prevent Canadians from seeing how loved and respected our PM is around the world.”
    Yes. And it is beyond them to understand that even though our enemies won’t admit it they will respect PM Harper as a leader and take Canada seriously while we have that sort of leadership. And no matter how much the ditherers and the craven and naifs like PM Martin, PM Chretien, and wannabe Justin would suck up to countries and groups that are inherently hostile to our interests and our way of life, they won’t love or respect Canada and they won’t stop being our enemies.

  10. Congratulations Canada.
    At least your PM knows who his friends are,
    our Dear Leader doesn’t know his ass from a pot hole in Washington..

  11. The CBC Islamysticists aren’t going to like this. Maybe they can generate a funding scandal.

  12. I wonder if PMSH will be briefed on the leaked letters sent to the Saudi King concerning increased oil and gas production in Canada, USA and Australia? Last night Ezra Levant interviewed an Israeli (did not catch his title) who showed a detailed letter to the King by a Saudi Prince discussing the threat that increased oil & gas production meant to the Kingdom. Described as an issue of national security with the potential of destabilizing the Kingdom.
    For months I have been harping about the real forces behind groups opposed to increased Canadian oil production. Who is providing money to eco groups and to Canadian politicans who oppose increased exports? A far richer Canada would have the resources to defend Canadian Artic sovereignty and the resources to diversify trade relationships. OPEC’s Saudi Arabia is an obvious threat to Canada but let us also consider Russia and the USA. Both of them have conflicting Artic claims with Canada. The USA not only has Artic claims but also has a history of trade dominance with Canada. A position which has allowed the USA to dictate trade terms and indirectly Canadian foreign policy.
    The USA should always be Canada’s #1 ally but even friends should be able to agree to disagree. In many cases that is not the situation today.
    So I hope that PMSH takes CSIS people with him to Israel and that the extent of external interference in Canadian affairs is discussed. Israel shares the same type of relationship with the USA. I suggest that they have taken the next step and become a mature country in the process. Canada has not. Time to grow up.

  13. And then there’s this:
    Which Harper is, really. Cosh’s article was posted at Bourque, which is ironic, since Colby took a very nice shot at Pierre (“Heard at Hy’s”), which was long overdue: what? we don’t need new naval helicopters, at one day’s worth of Canadian GDP, in terms of acquisition cost, to last the next 50 years? How many more decades are we going to have to live with this particular soap opera? Mr. Manning was opposed, actually, which was as wrong then as it is now.
    The media, evidently, have now taken to reminiscing about Jean Chretien’s career, he having achieved the age of 80 years, which is great (I am truly happy for him). Nevertheless, that would imply, actually, if my, you know, math is correct, that he became Liberal leader at age 56. How old is Stephen Harper, again?
    There are a couple or three juxtapositional things of relevance in my life that I’d mention, in this context:
    – my wife and me received a wedding gift from a professional couple who are friends of my sister-in-law: two trees planted in Isreal, in our names (very emotional, actually);
    – on the eve of the 1968 election, at the St.-Jean Baptiste Day parade-come-riot, Mr. Trudeau, Sr. calmly, or so it’s claimed, stays in his seat while his viewing-stand-mates scatter, giving, according to Laurentian legend, his first majority;
    – Stephen Harper sits calmly while St.-Jean Baptiste — sorry, scratch that — “Green Justice” clowns sneak in behind him in Vancouver, and John Ivison goes bonkers over Mr. Harper’s calmness.

  14. Personally I hope he take a contingent of JTF2 with him everywhere he goes. I want Canada’s best & brightest looking after my Prime Minister.
