16 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. From 1975 ~ 1985 I was in LA on business once or twice a month for 4 or 5 days at a time, and would have given my right arm to have wangled a corporate transfer there from Toronto. Then we DID get transferred to Atlanta and we fell in love with the conservative south …and came to HATE all business trips to the loonie liberal assylum known as California.
    Craziest of all was / is that I have never met anybody who lived there who connected LA’s / California’s OBVIOUS decline with their relentless re-election of far left Democrats in ever increasing numbers. It’s as if the left credits Democrats for sunshine, mild weather and gorgeous scenery but never debits Democrats with any social, economic and cultural decline.
    Liberalsim truly is a mental illness.

  2. Not sure if Los Angeles will be there when the Great Separation of California happens, but as noted frequently in this place, it is the canary in the mine for all mega-metros. There really isn’t a need for the large urban conglomerations in North America.
    L.A. demonstrates this the best, even though it is located in a human friendly climate. Why is there a need for people to live cheek to jowl? Opportunity to have a subsistence is the only reason for most and ego for those who need the celebrity of leadership.
    Both of these are now available with the much friendlier and manageable one million person metropolis. Large enough to develop service capabilities for today’s lifestyles and skilled persons to enjoy both the service capabilities and maintain the physical infrastructure.
    Los Angeles will become the base for the first pending scavenger culture, appropriately identified as “pickers” once Detroit is reduced back to identifiable million person enclaves.
    Lessons now being learned in Detroit will provide insight in how to transit the less advantaged to changed survival modes as the elites continue their “bug out”.
    Hopefully the planners of this great change recognize the acceptance of Social Darwinism and the need to maintain the small business culture which keeps the overall society working.
    Forgetting the impact on the Pax Romana when the elites “bug out” left Rome with limited skilled tradespeople and was a significant factor as they took their skills trained slaves with them. Cheers;

  3. warns of crisis in leadership
    How can Los Angeles have a crisis in leadership when it has not leadership?

  4. One of the sidebar photos was captioned,”U.S. declares areas of LA promise zones”.
    What,pray tell, is a “promise zone”?
    My take; if you live there, governments will make lots of promises to you, none of which will get you to move your ass out of said zone.
    Give ’em more food stamps,Prez, dat always works.

  5. They just need to embrace the vibrancy of living in a multi-kulti sewer of poverty, decadence and despair.

  6. I don’t get it – we were supposed to be driving around in change purses?

    That and the massive blue shift. The shift should actually be red — California is moving backwards so quickly that they should be red-shifted to the rest of us.

  7. Exactly. The left seems incapable of realizing that it is exactly their policies that destroy cities, municipalities, states, provinces, and nations.
    The photos of Detroit that we have seen here are more indicative of where LA is heading rather than the futuristic fantasy depicted in the artists drawing above.

  8. L.A. has areas that completely resemble Mexico, if it were not for licence plates you wouldn’t know the difference.
    A ‘ghetto’ avoidance app would be a good investment in L.A. because if you’re on the highway and enter ‘Starbucks’ in the GPS – you could end up in Compton before you know it. I didn’t like that much either, but that’s not a racist statement, there were at least 4 security guards in the plaza parking lot that I saw, so the business owners agreed on the safety and security of Compton. It’s all L.A. to me.

  9. “They just need to embrace the vibrancy of living in a multi-kulti sewer of poverty, decadence and despair.”
    LA should be a magnet for ‘helping’ agencies, like Malawi and Guatemala are.
    Maybe Cher and Roseanne Barr could dig latrines.

  10. chutzpahticular wrote: a bunch of delicious smack.
    Have you ever made a MAJOR change in your life,
    oh say something like having both your ears removed,
    and then discovering you need glasses,
    and wondering “WTF was I thinking?”

  11. I’ve run that question through my mind on occasion, but I’m more of a Van Gogh ear-clipper. Partial left lobe only. Nothing radical. And I, too, need spectacle-holders. Sometimes one’s vision is short-sighted.
