35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Glad to see that the the IRS is so chastened by the Tea Party-targeting scandal. /sarc

    The Internal Revenue Service is getting a special new power: a “license to kill” groups that oppose the Obama agenda. James Bond’s license to kill isn’t nearly as broad. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Its new powers will let the IRS destroy certain groups, especially those connected to the Tea Party, by imposing a tax on their work and messages during campaign seasons. Even the value of volunteer work could be taxed.

    One of the proscriptions in the new regulations:

    Anything that mentions or has any connection to a candidate or public official is deemed restricted speech (CRPA), even when it otherwise meets the organization’s goals..

    (emph. mine)

  2. What is common to a number of these debates is a growing skepticism, not at the notion of drawing moral lines, but whether these lines need always to be drawn in law. Where of old the criterion for prohibiting something might have been “is this something of which the majority disapproves,” today the test is, is this harmful?
    Where no harm has been shown to result, or even plausibly argued, as with gay marriage, the constitutional — and increasingly the political — presumption has been in its favour. The onus, the courts have ruled, post-Charter, is on those who wish to restrict a guaranteed right to show that it is harmful, rather than the other way around. (One wishes the courts would apply this principle with the same consistency to speech, supposedly the first of our liberties, where they have tended to assume harm, not only despite the lack of evidence, but because of it.)
    And even where a social harm, as with drugs or prostitution, can be established, that is no longer enough to end the argument. Rather, the question becomes: how is such harm best reduced? By the criminal law, or by some other means? Does criminalization itself lead to greater harm, on balance, than its absence?
    That was essentially the court’s argument in Morgentaler. The judgment was empirical, rather than absolute: It applied not to any abortion law of any kind, but to the law as it was written, which the court found needlessly threatened women’s health. The same reasoning was at work in the prostitution ruling: Whatever harm the laws sought to address, they caused even more, or certainly more than was necessary. The coming debate on drug legalization will be conducted on much the same grounds.

    Andrew Coyne, National Post

  3. The G&M has a poll:
    Should York allow a male student to refuse group work with female peers on religious grounds?
    6% 470votes Yes
    94% 7104 votes No

  4. Here’s hoping that he sticks with his decision. Failed refugees from safe countries should be rounded up and loaded out to their countries of origin within 24 hrs….not 24 years.

  5. peterj
    we have lots of looser and failer among Canadian too what we must do with them
    can we turn stupid to smart
    or can we steal smart to here in Canada
    welcome Canada
    welcome maple hurst
    welcome CAMH
    welcome court of Canada power of sale
    come one most loser corrupted v6qzayin world are Canadian f… hounourable !!! sob judges
    how come ontaro work pay $700 for home of 3 person this rent isn ot exist except in subdized housing never built yet
    stupid premir of Ontaio keep change road and get under money and not built home for people to live there

  6. AGW-Neo Progress Report: It’s Jack’s Revenge.
    Green-reds/Red-greens have gone wobbly.
    “Toronto votes against electric bikes in designated lanes”
    “Toronto’s bicycle lanes remain the preserve of those using their own power after a city committee chose not to heed staff advice to open them up to electric bikes.
    The vote came after a lengthy and contentious debate at the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee that touched on environmental and equality issues. But safety considerations were top of mind.”
    “He came on a bicycle. I escorted him down and he went away on his bike.”

  7. An anti-Tea Party group has created a picture with prominent members of the Tea Party (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc.) on gravestones in front of Congress. You don’t need to imagine how the media would react if someone put Obama’s name on a gravestone, because a lunatic pastor in Florida did and you can probably remember how they treated him… So far, they’re ignoring this. Details available here.

  8. Just sent this to mods at the toronto sun, Comments have been entirely removed from the york university story about the prof who wouldn’t be politically correct.
    “Good job on shutting up people with the wrong opinion. And you idiots wonder why no one pays you for your PC crap. Hundreds of comments removed that point out the problem (islam) because it hurt someones little feeling. I think I will go to sda and let them know about it.”

  9. speaking of silence , has the liberal party handed the shiney pony a great big cup of shut the fu k up. or his is out in whistler teaching snowboarding till he gets his mouth engaged

  10. AGW-Neo PR: Misery, S.N.O.W. & Big Freeze. Ξς
    “Too early to link UK extreme weather to climate change, says Met Office”
    “Agency at odds with David Cameron’s linking of recent heavy rainfall and storms with climate change”
    “New winter misery as blanket of snow follows devastating floods”
    “SNOW left parts of Britain under a carpet of white yesterday with the country braced for a Big Freeze.”

  11. Amazing story out of Pakistan, this kid deserves the peace prize:
    “Aitzaz’s friends had urged him not to confront the suicide bomber but he ignored their pleas and decided to confront the man with the intention of halting him.
    “So he told them ‘I’m going to stop him. He is going to school to kill my friends’. He wanted to capture this suicide bomber. He wanted to stop [him]. Meanwhile the suicide bomber blasted himself which resulted in the death of my cousin,” Mr Bangish said.”

  12. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/Mounties+investigate+further+fraud+charges+against+former/9372485/story.html
    Chretien Senate appointee Mahmoud “Mac” Harb is being further investigated for fraud.
    Mac chose to try to defraud the Royal Bank, and while it’s acceptable to fleece the Canadian taxpayers, fleecing one of the Big Five Canadian banks is most definitely NOT something anyone gets away with!
    Read the details, no erroneous assumptions, no errors in judgement, just an outright attempt to defraud by this paragon of sober second thought.
    And WAY more money involved than with Duffy or Wallin.

  13. Polarizing poet, prof, playwright and agitator, Amiri Baraka, dies at 79:
    (“If this is the way the Negroes really feel about the white world around them, there’s more rancor buried in the breasts of colored conformists than anyone can imagine,” Taubman wrote in his review.)
    (Baraka told the audience that it is “a pitiful thing to live in the world and not understand it,” strange words from a man who is so hopelessly deluded about reality. After Baraka’s talk, a Yale professor, who is also a Yale graduate, lamented the fact that so many students from his alma mater had just been “applauding falsehoods at a university.” He said the Afro-American Cultural Center’s encouragement of Baraka “reinforces bias and prejudice. It is confining rather than liberating for students. It is anti-educational.”)

  14. PET Cemetery Report.
    Vive l’Equipage Team Justine.
    “RCMP investigating former Liberal senator Mac Harb for mortgage fraud”
    “Cpl. Greg Horton says he is now investigating the former Liberal senator and MP for fraud related to mortgages on two properties that Harb owned”
    “Liberals trying to drag MacKay into the Senate scandal: Critic argues justice minister has a ‘duty’ to act”
    “Liberal justice critic Sean Casey has written MacKay, arguing that he has a legal duty to ensure that public affairs are conducted lawfully”
    “Liberals have some good ideas. Why won’t Justin Trudeau stop ‘consulting’ and adopt them?”
    “Kelly McParland: After 10 months, Team Trudeau still insists there’s no rush to develop a policy platform. One of these days it has make some decisions”

  15. PET Cemetery Report.
    Vive l’Equipage Team Justine.
    “RCMP investigating former Liberal senator Mac Harb for mortgage fraud”
    “Cpl. Greg Horton says he is now investigating the former Liberal senator and MP for fraud related to mortgages on two properties that Harb owned”

  16. Media Party Headline:
    “Criminal case against man implicated in sponsorship scandal put off until May”
    “Jacques Corriveau was not in court Friday as his lawyer received a hard disk containing the voluminous evidence amassed against him, including thousands of pages of documents.”
    PET Cemetery Report Headline:
    Liberal Ad$cam’s Corriveau has criminal trial delayed.
    Corriveau’s Boss Liberal Ad$cam Jeancula Chretien walks freely.

  17. Just where does JT stand on the environment?
    Canadians deserve leadership on the environment –
    But under the Harper Conservatives greenhouse gas emmissions are way,way,up.
    —- That means more ” Global Warming, pollution,extreme weather” —-
    It would be interesting to find out if that is a Liberal poster, or if it is from one of the radical environmental groups.
    Also, thanks to all who visited my website justinforpm.ca.
    It was great watching those numbers take off. Unfortunately, something odd has happened and the site is no longer accessible. It may only be a temporary technical snafu, but….

  18. If I had a farm , I would bet it that this crime will not go to trial. In fact, the only thing that MAY appear in the media is that the man pled guilty and was sentenced.
    “It would appear there would be no other motivation … robbery or drugs or (anything else).”
    Calgary man arrested after weekend stabbing spree
    “(anything else)”, because we all know that if a drunk white man went and stabbed a few natives, it would be difficult to speculate about a motive, it is just ‘random’. In fact, it would be best to dismiss any thought that race could be a factor.
