This Is Awkward

Oops. The Navy’s FOIA office confirmed that it had received MacFarlane’s [FOIA] request, but instead of sending him the relevant documents, they inadvertently sent an internal email containing instructions on how to avoid the reporter’s request.

10 Replies to “This Is Awkward”

  1. Might have been inadvertently intentionally inadvertent on a sub conscious level or something.

  2. Press Secretary Opie will tell us that it was a keystroke mistake,
    and those involved have received a letter of discipline in their files.
    NJ Governor Chris Christie has fired more people than the Otrauma Administration..

  3. Freedom of Information Acts……what a monumental scam.
    I especially love the way opposition parties piously feign outrage at a government for it’s secrecy, then when power shifts, the accused becomes the accuser, complaining bitterly for all to hear about what a great injustice is being done by “the other guys”. Pure partisan BS and a cycle as predictable as the seasons, with a truly open government the last thing any party wants to give us peon taxpayers.
    Even though they ALL lie to our faces and tell us otherwise.

  4. I just love the face-saving lies on Twitter afterwards. “The Navy regrets…” being caught isn’t so bad, but this here:
    “The #USNavy remains committed to transparency & responding to FOIA requests in a timely and professional manner.”
    This is a howler. The Navy has been ordered to obfuscate, deflect and flat-out lie on FOIA requests, otherwise they wouldn’t be sending each other e-mails on how to stonewall reporters would they? They’d just send the guy the stuff he wanted, because its no skin off their noses, is it?
    When a liberal says “transparency” what they really mean is “We will tell you what we think you need to know.” FOIA is the fig leaf that covers all the shenanigans. They’re really never going to tell you anything.
    Which really makes me wonder how the newsies found out about Christie and the NJ bridge thing. Somebody dropped a dime on Christie. Convenient for Obama, for sure.

  5. “Which really makes me wonder how the newsies found out about Christie and the NJ bridge thing. Somebody dropped a dime on Christie. Convenient for Obama, for sure.” The Phantom
    Giving Cristie 2 Hours of Face time on National Television was not convenient for Obama or the Democrats. . The contrast between Straight- shooting Cristie & the low life Obama is obvious to every American.
    Obama is black and can’t be held responsible….
    Those that work for the Obama Black Man have race cover, they are not responsible…
    Obama will bring the N-word back into common usage to mean behaving like Obama.
    Cristie got >2 billion free TV time selling his character.

  6. As someone who works for the Feds I am a big believer in Access to Information, it’s a way to keep government honest and help shed light on things. There is an art to writing requests and fishing expeditions are rarely successful. However multiple small requests can tighten the noose on the information you seek.
