13 Replies to “Leftist Infighting Down Under”

  1. “With their grubby hands finally on the levers of power, the Australian people were treated to a staggering display of ignorance, ineptitude,naïveté, extreme green dogma, and ivory tower logic that was quite the spectacle.”
    Hey! It sounds just like Ontario!

  2. Chris Christie Bridegate,
    remember, a 91 year old woman died?
    Hoping I live to 75..
    And anything else the lefty green dirt bags can drag out for the LSM to forget their dear leaders Glowbull Warming Freeze,
    Benghazi, Iraq, (what difference does it make now?)
    IRS attacks, NSA spying on all our comments and emails.

    NSA if you are reading this, Kiss My Ass..

  3. In other news,
    Former PM Sharon dead at (85),
    was one of Israel’s legendary politicians and military leaders.
    He played an instrumental role in IDF victories in the Sinai desert in both the 1967 Six Day War and in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

    Insignificant war story:
    I left Basic technical training in 1967 for my two years of duty in Vietnam.
    It took me 7 days to get to my base camp,
    by then the frigging Arab Israel War was over.
    We all looked at each other and asked,
    who the hell is running/ruining this damn place?

  4. Leftist factions have always fought about the best means to the same end. Nothing new. It’s the way they find the best means to deceive people.

  5. Leftist infighting is always a good thing. However, as history shows, usually the most radical win in the end because they are the most ruthless in getting rid of their antagonists. Hopefully in this case this infighting damages the Marxists for decades.
    Of more concern to me here in Canada, the “Progressive” Conservatives are once again enlisting the aid of Liberals in an attempt to replace Rob Anders in one of the Calgary Federal constituencies.

  6. “…Of more concern to me here in Canada, the “Progressive” Conservatives are once again enlisting the aid of Liberals …”
    Yup. The tiny remnants of conservatism seem to be disappearing. Turdo la Doo has got them so scared that they’re even sniffing around green arses.
    Check the blog.

  7. It has taken longer to bring the US Arab army killer to trial than to finish the Japanese after pearl harbour

  8. “We don’t think it is in the interests of the labour movement to be forming formal allegiances with the Greens.”
    Hooray! A Union leader finally figured that out!
    The stupid suckers in the Unions aided and abetted the greens who were dismantling and throttling the industries from which the Union members earned their living,and for decades the Unions were too goddamned stupid to see it.
    I’ve had the argument with staunch NDP’ers, who always answer,”you’ve gotta protect the environment”, never realizing these fanatics aren’t about anything more than attaining power so we can all live in their dystopian hell.

  9. In Canada, the left is in a similar suicide pact, evidenced by:
    Some juicy tidbits:
    “At base the (NDP) split is over whether bitumen production in the tarsands should be reformed or eliminated entirely.” IOW taxed & regulated to death.
    Well, I sure hope that decision goes our way! Who do they think they are? What misplaced arrogance.
    “But typically,(tar sands) critics such as Unifor economist Jim Stanford or York University political scientist Daniel Drache called not for elimination of heavy oil production but for government action to encourage industrial spin-offs.”
    Ah yes, as before mentioned, fiscal confiscation, plus eco tourism with its high paying jobs and more tilting at windmills. Maybe we should point them all north to push away the polar vortex. The Grits aren’t far from this nonsense either, who will fight it out with the Dippers with the Tories set to pick off the winner in 2015.
    Unless they have another “scandal” of course.

  10. I hope the leftist infighting becomes violent. I would prefer they start killing and maiming each other. This way they would actually serve a useful purpose and cull their own numbers. If they become too many they will eventually go all 1917 on those who disagree with their mentally ill views and start rounding us all up. Next step, re-education camps and gulags.

  11. “The Greens are a separate, different, independent political force whose views and ideology are contrary to the views and ideology of the labour movement.”
    The left abandoned labour at least a couple of decades ago in favour of the greenie, new-age, urban elitists and public sector unions. Labour is only now realizing how they have been suckered. Hopefully the Australian, U.S. and Canadian ships can be righted before they start listing as far to port as Europe is.
