17 Replies to “Payback”

  1. I think both gubmints sold their share of the Lloyd upgrader for a dollar each last time to Husky
    maybe a half billion write down between them

  2. I would vote for a government that would pass a law making it illegal for the government to loan money to anyone. I would work for a party of that government if they included grants and bursaries in that law. The government in power should not give away or loan taxes to anyone but should use the money raised to pay for the programs that are required. And we need to pare down the programs too.

  3. So the refinery will get built, albeit with tax and royalties. Does anyone think it will for one minute shut up the shrill voices claiming we are shipping thousands of jobs elsewhere to have our oil refined and sold back to us?

  4. So they are going to capture co2 the elixir of life and release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. The logic here eludes me.

  5. Holy Geez. Didn’t know that Georgie Smitherman and Dwight Duncan were elected in ‘redneck’ Alberta! 😉

  6. and Husky upgrader is now profitable!
    cost of production is $10/bbl
    those chinese so smart

  7. This kind of venture-socialism behavior in Alberta is not new. It goes back to Peter (Litmus – went in blue and turned pink) Lougheed. It was the PC’s answer to the Edmonton lefties such as Mel Hurtiq and their popular anti-American hysteria about foreign investment. Unlike BC and Ontario, Alberta didn’t have Government ownership in electrical utilities but went instead into energy and even forestry for a while.
    I would be interested in what the WRP leader thinks of these principles or lack thereof.

  8. The logo not an MS windows rip-off. It’s colour-coded truth in advertising. The NDP orange dominates, backed up by the Green party and some distant Conservatives identified by prominent yellow bellies.

  9. Oddly, the logo is about what Alberta would look like from beneath the earth’s surface.

  10. Alberta needs a “Petroleum Marketing Commission”.
    I’m astonished. I didn’t realise this commodity was such a hard sell.
    And since when did oil companies need government money? The people already finance them through purchases of their product.
    Redford is a stinking statist Liberal. All her bum chums are now in the lobbying business.

  11. Hey, you can buy shares in Husky, y’know.
    Maxim: If you think a company is making too much money, too easily, then buy shares in it.

  12. And CNRL shares as well
    And during the meanwhile. Another train schadenfreude for the anti energy group. A train off the track in Burnaby ,this time coal

  13. “…I would be interested in what the WRP leader thinks of these principles or lack thereof.”
    Don’t know if I’d put much stock in thoughts about principles from a politician who has converted to an AGW groupie.
