21 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Hmm, might be kinda hard for them to snoop without electricity:

    A bipartisan team of California state senators introduced legislation Monday that would prohibit the state and its localities from providing “material support” to the National Security Agency. If the bill becomes law, it would deny NSA facilities access to water and electricity from public utilities, impose sanctions on companies trying to fill the resulting void and outlaw NSA research partnerships with state universities.

    I know, they could use a generator, but it would be a bit of a tip-off..

  2. Ich Bin Ein Fukushima Kaput AGW Rot-Green.
    “Wrong Turn
    End Result of Germany’s Green Energy Policy: More Coal”
    “Germany produced more energy by coal last year than it has in nearly a quarter century. King Coal’s return comes courtesy of the energiewende—the policy put in place following the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The plan was to phase out the country’s numerous nuclear reactors and jumpstart its fledgling renewable energy industry, but coal has been forced to fill the gap. The FT reports:…”

  3. AGW-Neo PR Update.
    “Spain cutting its “guaranteed for 25 years” subsidy to solar electric producers, leaving them in financial distress.
    They’re even taxing producers for the electricity they produce and consume themselves (the “sun tax”)
    h/t Quinn” (WUWT)
    “Tips for Solar Power Users in Snowy Climates
    Bounce a tennis ball off snow-covered panels.”

  4. I don’t always agree with him, but I love reading his Twitter feed:
    Terry Glavin ‏@TerryGlavin 3h
    “It’s all fun and games until they come for me. Then it’s like the closing scene in Sc arface.”

  5. I’ve been really enjoying this LEFTY writer: Howard Kunstler.
    He has a solid grasp of economics, markets and monetary matters, a rarity among our leftoid brethren.
    The writing is fast, crisp and often drop dead funny.
    Here is his 2014 forecast (of sorts).
    And, oh, a painter too. Link to a gallery at the bottom.
    Sorry if this is a double post. The first one was rejected possibly because of a naughty word in his URL: cluster_ _ _ k

  6. The Eric Holders of the world perpetuate the problem, just as Barack Obama does.
    Making excuses!

  7. AGW-Neo Mourning For Red-Greens.
    “If it’s really, really cold, it must be global warming’s fault”
    “Between the record low temperatures and the need to rescue researchers whose ship was trapped in a thicker-than-expected Antarctic ice field, the past few weeks have tested the faith of even the most devout global-warming disciples.
    Their orthodoxy seems to have survived. The same cannot be said for their credibility.”
    “When Will the Polar Vortex Return?”

  8. Kate, Brian Lilley just quoted you on his Sun TV show…(your line about pleasing your enemies does not make them your friends.)
