9 Replies to “The womenfolk are now safe”

  1. I thought that all the trolls were hired to star in JRR Tolkien’s “The Hobbit: Desolation of the Smaug”…
    Naturally this brings up the question: Is “Five Feet of Fury” now to be renamed “Three Feet of Fury” in honor of ‘troll-dom’?
    Only Kathy Shaidle knows for sure, but I was quite sure that Tauriel, one of the elves, took a shine to one of the Shire’s citizens, a hobbit no less!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Meanwhile, in the U.K., members of a particular cult rape children en mass, beat citizens who drink beer, and cut the heads off of soldiers without any interference from the ruling class….
    Moral panic, what moral panic?

  3. Meanwhile back in Canada, Christie Blatchford brings us the story of Stephanie Guthrie and the Canadian state prosecution services supporting her in defending womyn against the “predatory harassing behavior of men” on twitter. Two concurrent events like this sounds much like an international project from womyn’s studies. It is almost like there is a global community on this bandwagon.

  4. Sounds a lot like more, messaging from the MSM.
    That montage Conan put out, will be easily repeated, the talking point of the day will change, the mindless repetition will not.

  5. The woman Blatchford describes sounds like one of today’s new sociopaths, way more dangerous than the idiot she’s laid charges against. She’d fit perfectly into the apparatus of a totalitarian state.
    “Chilling” is one word for it.

  6. I bet the prosecution teams in Canada and the UK were each aware of what the other was doing. Both together beating down the misogynist scourge!
    This reminds me of the scandalous prosecutions (and convictions) based on repressed memories of children. The prosecutors all jumped on that bandwagon promoting some social scientists opinion masquerading as research findings to their huge embarrassment.
