Bias? What bias?

Scott Whitlock at Media Research Center:

In less than 24 hours, the three networks have devoted 17 times more coverage to a traffic scandal involving Chris Christie than they’ve allowed in the last six months to Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service controversy. Since the story broke on Wednesday that aides to the New Jersey governor punished a local mayor’s lack of endorsement with a massive traffic jam, ABC, CBS and NBC have responded with 34 minutes and 28 seconds of coverage. Since July 1, these same networks managed a scant two minutes and eight seconds for the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.

Read that last sentence again: Two minutes and eight seconds over 192 days works out to an average of 0.666 seconds of IRS Scandal coverage per day. Compare that to the 2,068 seconds spent in less than 24 hours covering the “explosive” story of lane closures (a nominally Republican mini-scandal) on a bridge in New Jersey.
If any of our progressive, Obama-supporting drive-by commenters would like to make the case that the big three U.S. legacy networks aren’t Democrat shills, pure and simple, feel free.

7 Replies to “Bias? What bias?”

  1. Presstitutes? There are no presstitutes at the best news organizations money can buy.
    These nitwits will not even notice their bias.
    Obamanation is good.
    Any conservative is evil.
    Urnalism school taught them this is so.

  2. It’s obvious the US MSM is stage-managing the scandals of an anti-American regime. They do so because the political power structure in a “post 9/11” America has the same operational mode as a banana republic – the media in these 3rd world crap holes is part of the power structure – just as are any special interest must be to maintain its wealth and influence – all must suck up to the junta – so US journalism is not about news and opinion, it is an active, willing control tool of the power structure – we see this in Canada with all the GTA/Montreal based MSM.
    The 4th estate has moved into the palace as as a public policy administrator.

  3. Whoever controls the media controls the message. Read about the attempted communist takeover of the Hearst newspapers in the early ’20’s. Reagan’s fight with the communist in the Screen Actors Guild in the ’50’s. In todays’ world we are faced with an inarticulate capitalist system. Failure to make a case for capitalism is allowing ‘progressives’ to finish a complete takeover of western societies.
    Much of this ‘progressive’ strength comes from the education system which controls their message. The ‘Boomer’ generation were the first generation of this education but their thought was corrupted by their parents who remembered another era. Successive generations have rare exposure to any other viewpoint.
    The Christie situation in insignificant as the real ‘cover up’ going on is the ongoing international fiscal collapse. Most governments are trying to monetize their debt and in so doing indirectly tax their citizens in a hopeless effort to recover their finances. It won’t work and a debate about this effort will never happen.

  4. The Port Authority story is mostly nonsense. In past years every political party have used traffic cones to punish each other. The idea of passing a Law such that all constuction had to be undertaken during night-time was battered about in the 90’s. The media is making a “new” story about past practices because the media is corrupt..
    BTW: Cristie fired his staff because they “Lied to him”, not for what the did. The slime-balls will still have to prove, in a court of law, that what they did was unlawful.

  5. That’s actually a incredible story re: the EPA. Their pride in destroying individual lives is obviously lacking something as shown by the over reach in Wyoming. I just hope they bit off more than they can chew on this one. They are completely out of control.
