16 Replies to “Broad strata update”

  1. WOW, the feds actually doing something closely resembling what they’re actually supposed to be doing. What a concept.
    I’m so used to seeing them as donut munching tax collectors I forgot they might actually have a real purpose in life.

  2. Yeah well, this situation is vastly different from the US environment where unwarranted searches, wire taps and other surveillance is common.
    At least, here in Canada warrants are obtained and judicial oversight rules.
    My concern is that “judge shopping”, although less possible than in the USA, is a disturbing factor. There is no shortage of “activist” judges, who could have blocked this investigation, but fortunately, there remains a critical mass of responsible people ( styled racist etc. by progressives)on the bench.
    There still remains unresolved the High River outrage…..
    A nagging concern……

  3. Contrary to the Americans, the RCMP seems to be taking these fascist mutts seriously. The lawmen in the USA take them seriously too, its just that the political leadership is using Islamic Fascism as an excuse to expand and multiply their very own police state at home.
    Rather than use the legal system as it is meant to be used, they’re instead destroying the civil rights of Americans and arming up police forces into military combat units.
    Low information voters are eating it up too. Guess you can’t fix stupid.

  4. Let’s see: Mooselimb, working in Quebec, at a university, travelled to Iran. What could possibly go wrong? AND a Mooselimb with a criminal record that the Feds can’t deport because he’s supposedly “Stateless”. What could possibly go wrong?
    Didn’t the Argentines have the “Vanished People”?

  5. Don’t give them too much credit. JS is a very white village with at least one very serious cop living in close proximity to the bridge. I won’t give away the exact location. It was a no brainer.

  6. I don’t think you can compare ‘los desaparecidos’ to these two. The Argentine military junta ‘disappeared’ tens of thousands of people who only wanted democracy rather than a military dictatorship. These two wanted to kill infidels in job lots and will have their day in court rather than being buried in a secret mass grave.
    It seems the RCMP has learned from the Air India investigation fiasco. They asked for warrants for specific items and the judge issued warrants that had time limits, striking a balance between the suspects rights and the publics.

  7. Sasquatch said: “There still remains unresolved the High River outrage…..”
    Oh yeah. And Caledonia. And a few more like it.
    There does seem to be a rather sharp divide between actual police work and politically motivated shenanigans these days, doesn’t there?
    And let us not forget, there were no warrants issued for High River and warrants which have been issued for Caledonia have been systematically ignored by OPP.
    I’m sure that if/when it all finally comes out, there’s going to be premiere’s fingerprints all over both of these issues. RCMP grunts did not start kicking in doors and confiscating guns on their own initiative, nor did the RCMP commander take it upon himself. That one came from the tippity tip top of the provincial food chain.
    As for Caledonia, there’s still illegal smoke shops all up and down Highway 6 and the Mohawk Smugglers are still squatting on the DCE. Been there since 2006, that’s three of four OPP chiefs. But only one premiere. We shall see what Kim Dong Wynn does this spring. I’m not holding my breath.

  8. Holy Mackereel. Judicial authorization! Wonder if theses RCMP Investigators could spend some time teaching all the little Clouseaus in OMAFRA and OSPCA?

  9. I agree with DrD. Credit where credit is due. This is the kind of work that can restore a bit of faith where it’s needed the most. Respect is earned and this is a small step in the right direction.

  10. Yeah well, it seems, or so I’m told, that SPCA “inspectors” have basically carte blanche powers of search and seizure where livestock and pets are concerned…..backed up by the real constabulary.
    Similarly “conservation officers” have sweeping powers of search and seizure….such as automobiles and dweelings, especially home freezers…….

  11. Oh yea great job,
    It’s nice to see some murderous Muslims getting the full legal respect while average, I dare say “white” or “non-Muslim”, Canadians get the totalitarian boot to the face. High River Martial Law 2013 comes to mind.
    An even better job would be to not allow them into the country to begin with. Easy really, we could even stay out of theirs to be fair. That is what they keep telling us after all, “Stay the f*ck out of our countries”. Why are westerners too dumb to understand that demand?
    Get rid of the Muslims and we save the taxpayers the money and humiliation of having their private property stolen and vandalized for the good of the state.

  12. Did JT get a chance to interview these two and find out why they are not feeling “included”?

  13. Is no one else upset that the newspaper divulged tactics that the RCMP used that the BSM might not have been aware of? Until now, they might have just written off a break in as local kids; now, they’re more likely to change locations/tactics/etc because they’re tipped off.
    I wish these papers were as diligent at finding the methods the criminals use, and telling us about them, as they are telling the criminals the methods the police use.

  14. Well, whatever powers they have, are not the same as the powers they think they have. They are regularly getting slapped by the courts.
