Governor Christie’s problem

The irony.

What about the Republicans? Christie burned a lot of bridges in that debate, and in his embrace (literally) of Obama in those final days of the 2012 election. Ironically, it’s the Obama administration that is widening its probe into the use of those funds now. Don’t expect too many Republicans to rush to Christie’s side in this fight, except to point out that the $2.2 million difference between the two advertising campaign proposals amounts to 0.041% of the porkfest Barack Obama and Chris Christie demanded from Congress for Sandy relief.

Hurricane Sandy ended Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, now it’ll end Christie’s.

15 Replies to “Governor Christie’s problem”

  1. ‘Hurricane Sandy ended Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, now it’ll end Christie’s.”

  2. Such political ineptitude on display here by Christie. Piss off a huge number of your potential base so that when the opening salvo is launched you’ve got no allies. Well played.

  3. Not that Republicans are very aggressive about standing by our candidates when they are under attack, but this “serves him right” attitude towards Christie seems about right this time.

  4. When Obama was hugging Christie he wasn’t congratulating him, he was measuring him up for the concrete straightjacket. You’d think a Jersey political-machine-thug like Christie would know better….

  5. I doubt the hug on the beach was the difference in 2012, but it certainly didn’t help.
    A buddy of mine spends alot of time with the Gov. Says he’s a great guy. Not shedding any tears mind you, he’s a RINO.

  6. Republicans are the Party of Stupid. Currently Big Republicans are quietly working on amnesty for all illegals in the USA. Tea Party is noisily threatening them, but nobody hears it because the media are DemocRats, and the DemocRats want amnesty and the vote for 12 million illegals in the USA. Suppression of the news is Job 1 for today’s media.
    Christie could still live to fight another day. Just loudly repudiate Obama and oppose amnesty, every Tea Party voter in Joisey would climb right into his lap.
    He probably won’t though. Because he’s stupid.

  7. I guess politics are a lost art for Republicans. I don’t blame Cristie for “not” playing politics with NJ by backing a failed Mitt and ignore the Jersey Shore.
    NJ is a Democratic State won by Cristie two terms, that takes talent & trust. The fact that NJ will vote Cristie if he is the Republican candidate can’t be ignored in 2016. There is no one in the Republican Party that understands winning
    Mitt lost the Election during the CNN debate when he was setup by Obama & Crawley. He wimped out, or did not understand the issue well enough to fight back.
    The Mitt campaign started out demanding that Obamacare return the 900 Billion that they took from Medicare. They changed thier demand to “we don’t care”. That was a big mistake.

  8. And some Republicans think Christie is the guy the Country needs!
    Christie’s hug and “thank you to my President” speech had a big effect on undecided voters. He swayed a significant number of voters, whether it was enough to win the election for Obama is an unknown, but it was the last thing Romney needed at that point in the campaign.
    The USA’s old guard don’t care about revitalizing the Nation, they’re doing just fine, so status-quo pols like Christie and Romney will be the best the Republicans will bother to endorse. In the meantime,America’s place in the world is becoming less influential every year, soon to join Britain and France as yesterday’s Nation.

  9. My impression of Christie is that he is a disloyal person; very ego centric. The White House currently has one of those, it doesn’t need another.

  10. Hillary Clinton’s buddy David Plouffe quickly and voluntarily stepped in with an unsolicited defense of Christie. That should, but likely won’t, serve to damn Christie with faint praise because it telegraphs that Christie is the Republican against whom Hillary would prefer to run. That should be a clear “tell” for Republicans when picking their presidential candidate.

  11. Well, Romney was too nice to take the gloves off. Not sure Chicago politics and New Jersey Politics will be as gentile as Chicago vs Boston/Salt Lake

  12. A little NJ history may present a better argument. The Democrats where successful in derailing Republican Governor Whitman’s aspirations as GW Bush’s VP in 2000. She had an aggressive, mean, female, POS Chief of Staff. Whitman ignored the criticism of her staff feeling that riding horses on her estate would give her cover. The Dems used that effectively in the NJ election of 2008 ( I voted democrat). The landslide for Whitman was a reduced to a squeaker. She won but she was off Bushes list. she was the head of the EPA but into as ashbin of history
    The Democrats have tried the same thing with Christie and his stupid deputy chief of staff. He fired the twit and now the democrats spin thier wheels. The prime rule is never Lie to your boss and when you screw-up you must tell your boss ASAP. The stupid fool does not deserve loyalty.
    The future is up to Christie, but 2 hrs of face time is worth more than a years worth on negative editorials in the NY times. The media is just digging a deeper hole

  13. EWS
    “Hillary Clinton’s buddy David Plouffe”
    Plouffe is one of the Joos that helped git the black jezus elected

  14. You know, I really like Christy. He’s about as smart as one can be, he’s not afraid to tell it like it is (sometimes), he’s handsome in a plus size way only the guys can carry off, and there’s an “R” after his name. But, the “R” truly stands for RINO when it’s all said and done. That’s not surprising in a state like New Jersey but still, even before his embrace of young Barry, voting for him would be every bit as painful for this rock-ribbed Republican as it was voting for McCain. I’m annoyed by the media hypocrisy in ginning up this story while covering up hundreds of liberal scandals, but I’m real short on sympathy for Christy. He made his bed.
