20 Replies to “Hillary’s hit-list”

  1. All of these people seem seriously deranged. Like perambulating sacks of murderous rage, looking for a place to explode.
    Imagine the payback storm that will engulf Washington DC if the Hildabeast gets elected. I will have my popcorn standing by.

  2. Politics can be a dirty game, and they are the heavy weights of the political world.
    The saying “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” seems to be a motto with the Clinton’s. They live by the rules of doing favours for those who are loyal to them and to their mandate. Those who are not, the cross-hairs are marked.
    Shilary is vindictive, ruthless and has nobodies interest at heart other than her own. She is sold out to and covets power, there is nobody, even poor Bill, who will stand in her way and not “pay” the price. Her legacy will be one of wickedness and murder when it is finally finished. Hoping that her carnage will be stopped, there has been enough blood shed for her and by her already!

  3. We wounded that evil Hilda-beast bitch here in NC.
    NC democrats voted against her in 2008 destroying her last gasp bid for the WH,
    it also gave us the Obumbles president.
    Voting against the hildabeast had terrible repercussions,
    just think what putting that thing into power will do.
    ‘Hell hath no fury like a wounded hillarybeast and those that she will scorn.’

    She scares me.
    Hillary if you are reading this, please forgive me..

  4. Hillary Plus and Minus:
    (+) Plus Side
    1. She is a WOMAN
    2. Familiar NAME
    3. Former Senator
    4. Former Secretary of State
    5. Former 1st Lady
    6. Democrat
    7. Big Media loves her
    (-) Minus Side
    1. She is a WOMAN
    2. Infamous NAME
    3. Do Nothing Senator
    4. Horrible Secretary of State
    5. Wife in Name only of former President of dubious character
    6. Democrat with the legacy of Obama facing her
    7. She is OLD with a lot of political baggage
    8. She is OLD in her ideas
    9. She is OLD in her appearance
    10. She is OLD
    Neither the Republicans nor the Independents nor the Libertarians nor the Tea Party types will vote for her. Hardcore older Liberals will vote for her. Younger Democrats might think twice. I make the odds 7 to 10 (70%) that she doesn’t even get the Democrat nomination. You heard it here!!!

  5. Agree with all your list David, but you left out “Crook”. We still remember Whitewater after all these years.
    “Nixon in a pantsuit”

  6. Reading that list I was struck by the quote about Barack Obama from Sen. Claire McCaskill: “…This is a man who has incredible intellectual heft …”
    She was so right, his intellectual heft isn’t credible at all.

  7. I’m hoping that fauxcohauntas Elizabeth warren gets in the race and those two start going at it. Pass the popcorn. And Sno Caps!

  8. “I don’t want to make her sound like Nixon in a pantsuit.”
    No, it wouldn’t be fair to Nixon. The USA, unless that Other Party can get it’s act together, will replace a narcissist with a psychopath.
    Funny how Hillary’s chief Keeper of the List is a former intern under Bill, er.. not really UNDER, y’know what i mean.

  9. She will do Wall Street’s and The City’s bidding. Enough said.
    At this point, what difference will she make?

  10. and that read demonstrate what is wrong with politics and politicians today. They serve each other, not the electorate, who they are supposed to serve and who pay their fare. And one of Bill’s best friends happens to be Bush senior, and that bush knows how to dispose of NMEs real well, ask the Kennedys about that!!

  11. The repubs have to play that comment over and over, with sound, and without…Just the facial expression , no sound.What a potential monster she could be.

  12. Funny how they continue to recycle the same sewer water over and over. The whole system needs a complete flush, fresh filters installed and a fresh start.
