Just like Canada, Part 2

First call to the doctor, second call to a politician.
Your third call should be to the media.

After being contacted by CNNMoney Friday, an Independence executive reached out to Patterson and confirmed that she has had coverage since Jan. 1 and her primary care doctor designation is in order.

After CNNMoney reached out to the insurer Friday to check their status, the couple received a call from a Cigna supervisor, who gave them their ID number and emailed them a letter confirming coverage

The spokeswoman said a customer service representative would look into Watts’ case.

When health-care is political, deal with it as politicians deal with things.
On a related note, I wonder if this company is on the exchange.
Via, Instapundit

8 Replies to “Just like Canada, Part 2”

  1. Time to make friends in the governor’s office, the congressman’s office, the senator’s office, and a few other offices.
    By the time you get finished paying all the bribes, your old health insurance is going to be looking pretty cheap.
    Welcome to Mexico!

  2. RBG: That usually means you didn’t enter the Captcha code properly. I’ve also found that if you move your flashing cursor out of the Captcha box after you’ve already entered the Captcha code (say to correct a typo in your comment box post) and then hit Submit, that it doesn’t work either.

  3. Captcha also has a short attention span. If you take too long to form your message it times out. Hit preview and then type in the new captcha code. Usually works.
