Ariel Sharon, RIP

Caroline Glick;

Perhaps the most notable way in which Sharon’s life is a reflection of his country, at least outside of Israel, is that the blood libels published against him in the Western media are of a piece with the overall slander of Israel in the European and US mainstream media.

10 Replies to “Ariel Sharon, RIP”

  1. One of the things I’ve never understood… how could a warrior be a vision of ‘appeasement’? (Appeasement= dismantling of settlements)
    Is this 21st century compromise? I just don’t know.

  2. Glick is right about the libellers now having no need for restraint. CBC’s Sasha Petracic’s personal loathing was on full display last night, repeating the Sabra-Shatilla massacre libel. No hint of any reporting of statements by the Government of Canada, our official response. Most of the coverage was about Palestinian reaction.
    I loathe that evil little t*urd.

  3. What appeasement? Sharon made a military decision to abandon direct occupation of Gaza because there was no military advantage to continuing and a large ongoing cost in lives, more so than the present situation. The area could be contained by controlling all access to it, which Israel does to this day. The only error was in presuming that the PLO would keep Hamas suppressed.

  4. Click on the link in the second comment. It is well worth reading. Sharon was quite a warrior. Outside of formal battles, his kill rate of Palistinians (including children) to Israelis was about 14 to 1. He regularly had young men arrested and held without trial for long periods, which might have made Isreal safer.
    It looks a bit different from the other side. If you travel in Lebanon or can get into Palestinian territory you will understand the hatred and vile comments.

  5. I concur with cgh and L.
    Gaza has no strategic importance and it’s occupation was largely a nuisance.
    Samaria however is critical for air defence and the extremely narrow waist of Isreal would be extremely vulnerable to rocket/artillery fire from the heights.
    Yeah Lebanon makes early post war Vienna or wartime Iberia, even Mexico seem tame.

  6. Could someone please tell me what a ‘blood libel’ is, and how it differs from ordinary libel?
