Reader Tips

In tonight’s entertainment en route to the Tips, filmed live during a 2004 tribute to the late Gram Parsons, Keith Richards and friends take turns singing the Stones’ 1971 classic Wild Horses.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. They shoulda’ told ’em:

    An Oregon pimp has filed a $100 million lawsuit against Nike, claiming that the shoe manufacturer failed to warn consumers that the shoes could be used as a deadly weapon.

    The shoes were used as a deadly weapon, in this case, by him:

    Sirgiorgio Clardy was found guilty of second-degree assault early last year for using his Nike brand Jordan shoes to stomp the face of a man who was trying to leave a Portland hotel without paying one of Clardy’s prostitutes.

  2. Next we will be apologizing…
    Who is this “we” ? Any relation to “them”?
    I’m not apologizing for anything, why are you?
    All of this protesting is just meaningless background noise. Nothing is ever done because of it. Just ignore it. You’ll live longer.

  3. A little story heard from our Pastor today.
    A Mouse went to see the Wizard. When the Wizard asked the reason for his visit, he replied; “because I’m afraid”.
    What might you afraid of, asked the Wizard. “Why, I’m afraid of the cat” replied the Mouse.
    That’s easily fixed the wizard said, and he waved his wand and turned the Mouse into a Cat.
    The Cat/Mouse went away happily, but was soon back.
    “What do you want this time”; asked the Wizard. I’m afraid said the Cat. And of what; the wizard asked?
    “Well I’m afraid of the Dog”; said the Cat. Easily fixed said the Wizard and immediately turned the Cat into a Dog.
    But he was soon back. “And what is it this time”; asked the Wizard? Well, the Dog replied; “I’m afraid of the Tiger”.
    Oh well; the Wizard sighed and turned the Dog into a Tiger.
    But the Tiger was soon back. “What on earth is it this time”; asked the Wizard?
    “I’m afraid of Hunters”; replied the Tiger. Well the Wizard was a bit stunned for a minute.
    Then the Wizard declared; I’m going to turn you back into a Mouse, because you have the heart of a Mouse, and there is no use trying to make you anything else.
    A little story, likely originating in India, for your Lefty associates when the subject of self defense comes up.

  4. “Who is this “we” ? Any relation to “them”?”
    We is the taxpayer. Ever notice that every apology involves millions of $. It would be easy to ignore if these fools did not claim to represent the province and those of us that wish they would just shut up and go away.

  5. Good one, Peter. Ties together a lot of themes, from the politicization of science through to the hypocrisy of First Nations’ leadership through to the economic and social benefits available resulting form oil sands development through to the similarities and differences between Mr. Young and Mr. Harper.
    Undoubtedly, Mr. Young has been a success in his own right (I have never been a fan), but I think it’s ironic that, like Mr. Harper, he was born in Toronto and moved west, though not as voluntarily as Mr. Harper did. Both families appear to have moved to Toronto, originally, from less economically-advantaged areas of the country.
    Mr. Harper’s father seems to have been a low-key, quiet man, a CA and businessman, whereas Mr. Young’s father worked for the CBC, the Globe and Mail, etc. and seems to have been a bit combative in the course of his career. Mr. Harper grew up in a stable family environment, apparently, and one that valued education; it does not appear that Mr. Young’s early life aligns with the conditions of Mr. Harper’s early life. Mr. Young was born at the beginning of the baby boom and Mr. Harper at the end.
    As to their relative singing abilities, I’d say only this: both to one degree or another trade on them, apparently, to bolster their political credibility; one is a professional politician and an amateur singer; the other is an amateur politician and a professional (or so I’m told) singer. Gemini brothers? Who knows?

  6. Never did like him. Now a geriatric hippy idiot.
    Hey, doesn’t hippy stand for rich hypocrite.

  7. interesting. when I was in Holland for liberation day a few years back there was a push to include German veterans in the parade. The “compromise” was to let them march in the armistice day equivalent , but never the liberation day parade.

  8. Canada’s Dr. Tim Ball.
    “It’s The Circumpolar Vortex Not The Polar Vortex And Other PR Deceptions”
    “Recently Talk Show host Conan O’Brien played a compilation of TV news people all making essentially the same comment. They were using a phrase prepared by some central PR agency, something like their subscription to a news agency like Associated Press (AP).
    It’s orchestration of a message using artificial words or phrases to control and promote misinformation and deception. A good example was the use of the word “glitch” in reference to the abject failure of the Affordable Care Act web site. Sometimes the words are created, to marginalize and denigrate a group; “birther” is a person who questions the President Obama’s resume. Climate has two prime examples; Global Warming Skeptic and Climate Change Denier. They are forms of collective personal attacks, if that isn’t a contradiction.
    Manufactured terminology appeared in climate in conjunction with its use as a political vehicle.”
    “What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?”
    “Sometimes it’s the silliest statements that tell you the most interesting things. Take, for instance, this Financial Times report into Britain’s latest floods.
    Here are some quotes.
    Professor Corinne Le Quere, director for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia [said of the floods], “Even though we can’t blame the current weather in the UK on climate change, we expect heavy rains like this to occur as a result of climate change”.
    What exactly is Professor Le Quere trying to tell us here, with her eerie and echoing syntax? My inner psychotherapist translates it as: “Even though I mustn’t directly blame individual weather events on climate change, I am desperate to do exactly that, because it’s what I believe.” It therefore resembles a statement of faith. Right down to the repeated mantra: like a prayer.
    Here’s the next paragraph.”

  9. Lib Wynne Survey.
    Experts say, TO is a ‘disaster area’.
    1. Agree. Fwd to wynnelib.TO.Nyoung.
    “Rob Ford, Karen Stintz clash as council votes to ask province to declare Toronto a ‘disaster area’” (NP)

  10. The 1st 22 years of my life were spent living within 20 miles of Niagara Falls ending in ’74. I remember it being frozen a couple of times, and I believe the water flow was double of what is today. Also it’s not completely frozen as I see water flow.
    I’m also neither a sceptic or denier, but a heretic.
    Neil is yet another hi school drop out who knows nothing about science running at the mouth. I hope the citizens of Calgary demonstrate against him this weekend. There’s an interesting tweet out there with before & after shots of Ft. Mac
    Also is there someone from Ft Mac who can confirm or deny his claims about burning eyes. It’s probably from all the horsesh*t he’s spreading around.

  11. Years ago,when the times were simpler,there was a radio promotion event that involved blowing up thousands of DISCO records. It may have been in Detroit,Chicago,maybe even Philadephia, I don’t remember. It was the halftime show between a doubleheader.
    Back then it was simpler, and a lot less correct.
