13 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Too bad Canada has no RICO laws specifically directed at organized crime.
    RICO = Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.
    In the US, “The Mob” gets especially harsh prison sentences.

  2. Have been a participant in the process. At the time a series of experts were called in to meetings to provide necessary input.
    This was the process even though all significant competitors were providing the best information available in the market place to arrive at an equitable base for a standard.
    Necessary? Cheers;

  3. As if Canadian industry doesn’t face enough adversity in its uphill struggle to survive – now we have standards pandering. Time for a parliamentary inquest into this seedy influence peddling.

  4. How much money does CSA get from government and on the basis of it’s monopoly on issuing Canadian standards? Should they not be subject to Access to Information requests for details of all their meetings?

  5. I stack this type of evidence against often heard assertion that “Canada is the best country in the world”.
    Maybe by comparison to places that don’t even pretend favor and influence aren’t for sale. Like Pakistan or Mexico. But there’s so much corruption in this country swimming just under the surface, Canadians must be the dumbest stumps on the planet.

  6. The problem is that government goes along with the scam. Incandescent light bulbs??? Remember?

  7. This is what statism is all about. Big Biz & gov’t getting together to scam the sheeple. Brought to you by the best government money can buy!!

  8. If you don’t get the CSA approved mark. You can’t wear any safty products. Its a mob operation where you by law mandatory have to give them a tax for their label, or you lose your business.Another corruption racket.
    Just like the handicapped parking started as a good will measure, & is now run by Vehicle registration with 500 dollar fines for those without ageing parents.
    Now if you sit in a food court in a mall at a designated handicapped table you can get up to 150 dollar fine.
    What Started out as humane got taken over by a government agency & is now a money farm for fines.

  9. The kleptocracy functions as desired.
    The difference between Canada and any other corrupt society, is that in Canada the backshee is fixed.
    In a free enterprising corrupt society, bribes are negotiable.

  10. As an electrician I have just completed the new level of certification in the province of BC, called FSR B (Field Safety Representative). This certification required a workable knowledge of the CSA Electrical Code, as well as the Safety Requirements for the Province of BC.
    So having just completed and passed the exam, I have to say that the CSA electrical code is very poorly written and organized. Its purpose is obviously not to make the electrician’s job easier.
