Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Nanny Globe;

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was appointed Friday to be the U.N. special envoy for cities and climate change, a position that will give the billionaire businessman and philanthropist an international stage to press for action to combat global warming. […]
U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said Bloomberg will assist the U.N. chief in his consultations with mayors and other key parties “to raise political will and mobilize action among cities as part of his longer-term strategy to advance efforts on climate change.”

h/t peterj

19 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. I worked at Bloomberg,, where the ubiquitous cameras and authoritarian impulses were so apparent, then watched mayor Bloomberg use his money and power to ban the most benign of impulses.
    So what a perfect fit for the man, leveraging the mind-numbing conformity and coercion of the global warming hysteria ( I mean movement), to scold and regulate to his heart’s content.
    Fortunately, he’s basically invested in horse shoes just when the Model T hit the assembly line, and may enjoy his sunset years in irrelevant posturing.

  2. Raise political will? Aside from MAIG, which has been ineffective, where has Bloomberg shown the ability to move people? That’s being generous as I’m fairly certain the rest of the gun grabbing mayors didn’t exactly require him to convince them of anything. Sure, if you believe that supersized sodas are responsible for climate change then he might be your man but other than that…. transparent patronage.

  3. The man certainly has despotic reflexes – I’m quite certain that if he had his ideal political system in place, this type of bureaucratic oppressor would not think twice about committing you to a reeducation program/camp for peacefully enjoying things he ,personally, has no taste for – but he’ll settle for the power to “ban” your peaceful enjoyment of property and freedoms – for now – but you know he wants to change things so he and other despotic “progressives?” can act like soviet commissars with no fear of USSC oversight.
    – However even more depressing is that he is a monument to the post-constitutional US political system where even affluent insider bosses can buy a political office – particularly in the UN – and particularly if their politics advance authoritarian global governance, middle class austerity and the displacement of control of private property and public resources to unelected globalist bureaucrats.
    “ If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take. Their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under such tyranny” – T. Jefferson

  4. And when I retire, can I get a UN sinecure fighting the hoblgoblin threat? There have been no hobgoblin attacks in Calgary for the last 17 years, (sort of like global warming) which proves what a marvelous job I’ve been doing.

  5. Bloomberg = extreme left wing Joo and big Obumbles supporter
    and that be atheist for U Joe(K)

  6. Bloomberg used 185 million of his own money to win his last term as mayor of New York City. I knew there would be a payoff. The average literate person recognizes global warming for the wealth redistribution scheme it is; Bloomberg is playing the UN hand.

  7. Very well said.
    It is really hard to understand to what extent the dictatorial ideology of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler has infected not only our institutions, but also many presumed should be advocates of liberal democratic capitalism.

  8. The dictatorships of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler loom so large in recent history and were distinctive for their ideological component, but we should be mindful that they weren’t remarkable in all ways. They were three big names but the dictatorial temperament isn’t that uncommon in our species.

  9. Former NYC mayor Bloomberg is Jewish … numerous UN member states openly speak their hatred everything that is Jewish and/or Israeli. It will do Bloomberg’s bloated ego some good to encounter the sort of hatred housed in his much-beloved UN.
    Have at it, Mister Mayor; YOU’LL show ’em! … wear a cup and helmet to protect from flying shoes. Can’t wait to see this on You Tube.

  10. Another one.
    So when the evidence becomes conclusive, agenda 21 nitwits get rewarded for bankrupting communities, imposing ever more idiotic controls, by being appointed to the UN.
    Where they can continue their useless work.
    Perhaps we can gather them all together at UN headquarters, then allow one of their terrorist minions to have an accidental home goal.
    The UN building collapsing into the East river, would be cheered world wide.
    On the bright side, Canada can now stop funding theseUseless Nutjobs, Bloomberg can pay his own way as can all these “billionaire civil servants”.

  11. Yes,Canada is still a member of “this thing” and all our politicians of all stripes seem quite happy to remain so.
    I’ve followed breathlessly the performances of the mighty UN since the Suez Crisis,and still can’t name ONE occasion where the result was as intended at the start.
    Maybe under Prime Minister Trudeau we’ll finally be invited on to one of their blessed Councils.
    Maybe even have a Canadian appointed as Ban Ki-Moon’s successor! Wouldn’t that be prestigious! I bet the MSM would be positively delirious.
    I suggest Olivia Chow,Michael Ignatieff, or Elizabeth May for consideration.

  12. When you add another mental midget, you double down on stupidity.. Prince Charles & the Blooming fool both have the Alpha-Wave signature of a piece of lint!

  13. Recognizing the first “progressive of note” was President Wilson of the USA who introduced the Federal Income Tax and brought the U.S.A into W.W. One in 1917 one has to wonder what motivated this societal intervener.
    A few years back I visited the home he spent time in as a youth, his Father being transient as a Religious Minister. This home for Wilson was just a few blocks from the hospital where the Civil War wounded were being operated on. Basically amputation or in isolation where you managed to survive your respiratory infection or not.
    President Wilson was not a war activist, but apparently felt a need to be a factor on the world stage. Even though the actual contribution of the U.S. troops in W.W. One was not all that significant due to the late participation, the large number of fresh troops convinced the German generals to surrender before the fighting moved out of Belgium onto German territory.
    The actual ignorance of war on their own soil is a significant factor for the German people to accept a war stance leading up to W.W. Two. The fact his was the first trip of a U.S.A. President out of the country while in office. In addition it was for a five month absence. The now recognized financial clout of the U.S.A. allowed Wilson and to be the prime participant in establishing how the world would be during the end of Colonial Europe. The fact he had become a Progressive with both the money and the perceived power to completely change the world has damaged the power expectations of American leaders since.
    Mayor (retired) Bloomberg recognized he did have limitations of attaining a high political office. He is rich, but only Municipal buying rich, not State or Federal buying rich. To be as rich as this you have to have very rich masters and Bloomberg’s ego and/or personality either cannot accept this or is incapable of inculcating this event.
    So he is now buying a place on the World Stage with the most intractable of all bureaucratic entities possible; The United Nations. A body of self-interested job-enhancing suck-ups reporting to any of 1/. temporarily elected political leaders 2/. dictators 3/. violent dictators 4/. very poor elected political leaders 5/. very poor dictators.
    If Bloomberg looked far enough ahead to plan this he is either thinking he will have enough money to buy control, (he doesn’t) or he will start to support marijuana so he will be able to rise above it all. Cheers;

  14. He doesn’t give a flying fart about his official job. As a UN official, I believe he has tax-exempt status due to his diplomatic position. Can anyone investigate this?

  15. Actually 18b might be a better example. The original 1946 charter still stands today I doubt if world domination was the plan back then.

  16. Question for Bloomberg: Please show me the data set which tabulates the historical measurements of surface temperature. I need to see those data before the global warming debate even begins! The answer is there are NO organized thermometer data spanning more than 150 years. This time frame is a climate eye-blink. It’s nothing. Think about it. Since the advent of thermometers, data has been collected in a haphazard way. But backyard thermometers are not even remotely accurate enough to measure a global change in temperature of 1 degree Celsius per century. NO DATA = NO DEBATE.
